Production of Sauerkraut © by Nimmervoll Michaela Higher secondary school for chemical ingeneering Wels/ Austria The EU-Comenius Life-long-learning-program is financially granted by the European Commission. Production of Sauerkraut cabbage on the field cut up the cabbage and lade it on a truck transport the cabbage to the factory unlade cabbage in a sumps truck cabbage sumps put cabbage on conveyor belt take cabbage to the 1st production turn remove the outer cabbage leaves take away the stick cut the cabbage finly lade the cabbage on the conveyor belt again give zests to the cabbage salt the cabbage transport the cabbage to the silo cover the cabbage up with a clean tilt due to the own wight of cabbage sauerkraut liquid is being produced 6 weeks storage take out the sauerkraut packing the sauerkraut vend the sauerkraut