Art’s Cool! WINTER, 2015 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LAKERIDGE PTA Winter, 2015…. 10 weeks 2:00 – 3:30 Wednesday… Jan. 14, 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25, Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25 FORMS IN CLAY….. WINTER IMAGES….Grades 3,4,5 Create clay sculptures based on museum exhibitions, art history and your imagination! From pinch pots, slabs and coil to bold creations. Sketch your ideas and build confidence…then let the clay speak to your hands and mind!!!!!! Learn to hand build creatures, structures, and imaginary things with clay. From basic forms to finished art, students will study global art to stimulate their own work. Decorative patterns and glaze techniques will be demonstrated to enhance the dimensional forms. Instructor: Donna Porter Tuition: $150 Class Code 0012 Location: Gym Class size: 15 SNOW, SNOWFLAKES, POLAR BEARS, SNOWMEN SNOW GEESE……Grades K, 1, 2 Create the world of the unknown through your imagination. Using clay methods of pinch, slab and coil, students will create the images of winter. The elements of shape and form along with the principle of balance will be emphasized. Clay methods of pinch, coil and slab will be explored. Glaze techniques will be added for decorative color. Instructor: Larry Metcalf Tuition: $150 Class Code: 0113 Location: Gym Class Size: 15 Registration Deadline: Winter Session- January 10, 2015 To Register at Lakeridge Mail the completed and signed registration form to Art’s Cool ! 10800 Glen Acres Drive South, Seattle, WA 98168 with a check made out to Art’s Cool! Registration is secured when the registration form and full payment is received. For further information contact or call (206) 938 2064 for additional registration forms Classes are filled on a first come first served basis. Refund Policy: Up to one full week prior to the beginning of class, full refund minus $15 processing fee, week prior to class through first class, 50% refund plus $15 processing fee. No refund after first class. Class _____________________________Class Code: __________ Tuition: _________ Class _____________________________ Class Code: __________Tuition: _________ Student ______________________________________________Grade: ___________ Lakeridge Classroom Teacher: _________________________Classroom # _________ Parent: ___________________________________________ Phone: ______________ Cell: __________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: 1. Name _________________________________________Relationship Phone number _____________________________________ Please check one option: I will pick my child up at the end of each class. My child has permission to walk home. My child has permission to ride or go home with ______________________ My child has permission to go to on-site childcare Art’s Cool! Staff may take photographs of instructors and students for use in publicity. I understand that the proper use of art materials will be taught by Art’s Cool! Instructors, and that students may experience reactions to the materials for which you will hold Art’s Cool! harmless understanding that there is some hazard to the use of these materials. Signature______________________________________________Date ____________ Please make a copy for your files and information