Coil Pot Project

Coil Vase
Ceramics 1
Vocabulary :
Coils- forming clay into longlengths of even thickness. Then adding then to the top of each other.
Hollowing- process of removing clay from inside of a piece till it is a thickness that can be fired.
Scoring – Indentations made in clay with a tool. A step used to cement two pieces together.
Slip- Clay diluted with water to a creamy consistency, used to bind two pieces of clay together.
Instructional Strategies/Activities:
Make A Base Flatten clay with rolling pin - ½" (1.3 cm) thick
Create Clay Coil - roll out from small balled up clay until ½" thick with moistened hands.
Joining Clay- Rough edge of base and coil with scoring tool. Apply slip with brush to base.
Gently press coil to base.
Continue to Add Coils- Place next coil on top of first. Use same joining method.
Shaping the Walls-The pot's shape may be curved outward or inward depending on
placement of coils.
Try various changes like braiding coils, or twisting into shapes. Add other think to it if
Student is able to:
Describe the coil pot building process and apply this understanding to an actual coil pot.
Demonstrate good craftsmanship through the final appearance and construction of pot
Create personal symbols and unified design with decorating technique.
10 pts – Clean up and care of materials
10pts – Participation
20 pts – Planning of structure
20 pts – Use of methods
20pts – symbolism and motifs
20pts –Craftsmanship