ABA Toolbox on Liquidity Scenario Worksheet Institution:XYZ Scenario Name: Payment System Disruption Date Completed:11/18/09 Completed By:Tom Farin Describe the Scenario: A local disaster or a system outage causes a disruption in the payment system, preventing XYZ from clearing incoming ACH deposit and loan payment transactions. Cause and Effect Sequence Cause: Local Natural Disaster or System Outage Horizon: Probability: Impact: Intraday None Low Effect: Unable to clear incoming deposit transactions and payments on loans Day-To-Day Low High Weeks High Horizon: Day-to-day Medium Term Long Term Describe Potential Effect On: Core Funding: None Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Potential draw down of non-core funding Asset-Based Liquidity: Reduction of incoming cash flows on loans Describe Potential Offsetting Actions In Areas of: Core Funding: Pricing and segmentation strategies used to raise additional Core Funding Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Tap into contingency lines if necessary Asset-Based Liquidity: None Event Triggers: List any indicators that could be monitored that would provide a leading indicator that this scenario is beginning to unfold. Payment system flags Attach Core Funding, Near-Core and Non-Core Funding, and Asset-Based Liquidity worksheets to this document. © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved. ABA Toolbox on Liquidity Scenario Worksheet Institution:XYZ Scenario Name:Market Dislocations Scenario Date Completed:11/18/09 Completed By:Tom Farin Describe the Scenario:This scenario is a short-term disruption caused by a market dislocation or widening credit default spreads in the securitization markets. The effect is that XYZ is forced to hold mortgages originated for sale in the secondary markets in its portfolio, causing unexpected asset growth. Either management action or return of market stability should prevent this event from cascading into other events. Cause and Effect Sequence Cause: Widening Credit Default spreads on mortgages Horizon: Probability: Impact: Intraday None Low Effect: Unexpected asset growth Day-To-Day Low High Weeks High Horizon: Days to weeks Medium Term Long Term Describe Potential Effect On: Core Funding: None Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Could cause an increase in the use of Non-Core Funding to fund the unexpected growth Asset-Based Liquidity: Could cause a reduction in asset-based liquidity to fund the growth Describe Potential Offsetting Actions In Areas of: Core Funding: Pricing and segmentation strategies used to raise additional Core Funding Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Additional contingent funding sources drawn on as limits reached in primary funding sources Asset-Based Liquidity: Sale of loans and securities that would normally be held. Lending curtailed Shrink wrapping of customer credit lines around current outstandings Event Triggers: List any indicators that could be monitored that would provide a leading indicator that this scenario is beginning to unfold. Widening credit default spreads Increasing delinquency levels News stories about financial health of counterparties Attach Core Funding, Near-Core and Non-Core Funding, and Asset-Based Liquidity worksheets to this document. © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved. ABA Toolbox on Liquidity Scenario Worksheet Institution:XYZ Scenario Name:Catastrophic Capital Compliance Event Date Completed:11/18/09 Completed By:Tom Farin Describe the Scenario:This cascading event scenario focuses on an economic downturn leading to asset quality problems resulting in XYZ falling below risk-based capital minimums. The liquidity crisis worsens throughout the scenario. Cause and Effect Sequence Cause: Economic Downturn & Lax Underwriting Asset-Quality Problem Loss of Well-Capitalized Status Adverse Press Effect: Asset Quality Problems Increased Line Utilization Market Dislocations Net Operating Losses Adverse Press PCA and CAMELS Downgrades Increased FHLB Haircuts Loss of Access to Brokered CDs Adverse Press PCA and CAMELS Downgrades Rating Agency Downgrades Limits on Deposit Offering Rates Loss of Large Depositors Loss of Core Funding Increased Line Utilization Inability to Raise New Deposit Funding Horizon: 6 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Horizon: Probability: Impact: Intraday None Low Day-To-Day Low High Weeks High Medium Term Long Term © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved. Describe Potential Effect On: Core Funding: Some erosion of Core Funding as press makes public aware of financial condition Limits on deposit rates Reduced success in raising new funding and renewing existing funding Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Loss of access to brokered CD markets and possibly CDARS Loss of or increased cost of FHLB advances and other potential forms of collateralized funding Asset-Based Liquidity: Market dislocations reduce value of securities and loans pledged as collateral Prepayments on mortgages and securities slow as customers feel effects of financial stress Customers increase line utilization to balance cash flow and as a result of concerns over "whether the money will be available when we need it." Describe Potential Offsetting Actions In Areas of: Core Funding: Pricing and segmentation strategies used to raise additional Core Funding Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Reciprocal deposits used to deliver insurance protection for large CD customers Asset-Based Liquidity: Sale of loans and securities that wold normally be held Lending curtailed Shrink-wrapping of customer credit lines around current outstandings Event Triggers: List any indicators that could be monitored that would provide a leading indicator that this scenario is beginning to unfold. Negative growth in GDP Increasing credit default spreads Increase in delinquencies Declines in property values Reduction of target Fed funds rate Attach Core Funding, Near-Core and Non-Core Funding, and Asset-Based Liquidity worksheets to this document. © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved. ABA Toolbox on Liquidity Scenario Worksheet Institution:XYZ Scenario Name:Recovery Scenario Date Completed:11/18/09 Completed By:Tom Farin Describe the Scenario: This cascading event scenario focuses on an economic recovery, leading to unexpected asset growth combined with an inability to grow core funding, which could lead to falling below well-capitalized minimums. While this scenario displays a cause and event sequence, event triggers and management actions can easily prevent this event from reaching later stages. Cause and Effect Sequence Cause: Economic Recovery Unexpected asset growth Capital grows more slowly than loans XYZ falls below well capitalized minimums Adverse Press Horizon: Probability: Impact: Intraday None Low Effect: Unexpected asset growth Inability to raise additional core funding Capital grows more slowly than loans Loan growth exceeds Core Funding growth XYZ falls below well-capitalized minimums Increased FHLB haircuts Loss of access to brokered CDs Loss of CDARS Adverse Press PCA and CAMELS downgrades Rating agency downgrades Limits on deposit offering rates Loss of large depositors Loss of Core Funding Increased line utilization Day-To-Day Low High Weeks High Horizon: 6 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Medium Term Long Term Describe Potential Effect On: Core Funding: Some erosion of Core Funding as press makes public aware of financial condition Limits on deposit rates Reduced success in raising new funding and renewing existing funding Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Loss of access to brokered CD markets and possibly CDARS Loss of or increased cost of FHLB advances and other potential forms of collateralized funding Asset-Based Liquidity: Market dislocations reduce value of securities and loans pledged as collateral Prepayments on mortgages and securities slow as customers feel effects of financial stress Customers increase line utilization to balance cash flow and as a result of concerns over "whether the money will be available when we need it." © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved. Describe Potential Offsetting Actions In Areas of: Core Funding: Pricing and segmentation strategies used to raise additional Core Funding CDARS used to deliver access to deposit insurance for large CD customers Near-Core and Non-Core Funding: Additional contingent funding sources drawn on as primary funding sources disappear or become restricted Asset-Based Liquidity: Sale of loans and securities that wold normally be held Lending curtailed Shrink-wrapping of customer credit lines around current outstandings Event Triggers: List any indicators that could be monitored that would provide a leading indicator that this scenario is beginning to unfold. Rapid increase in GDP Increase in loan applications Increase in loan pipeline Negative core deposit growth Increases in target fed funds rate Attach Core Funding, Near-Core and Non-Core Funding, and Asset-Based Liquidity worksheets to this document. © 2011 American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036. All rights reserved.