Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 Teachers’ Name: McBride, L. Grade Level: 7 Date Mon A (1-4) Bell Ringer This is the activity that students will be expected to do before class begins. TEKS/STUDENT EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES What will students know and be able to do? How will you let them know the goals? Write in student friendly language. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (ANAG) Accessing Prior Knowledge, New Information, Apply Knowledge, Generalization ASSESSMENT How will students show you that they know and can do using a variety of formative assessments? ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES MATERIALS (What different teaching strategies are used to teach all students including GT, 504,LEP, and Special Ed?) LABOR DAY NO CLASSESS SIN Setup Tues B (5-8) Week of: 1-5 September 2014 Subject: Texas History SPEAK YOUR MIND!!! Homework Assignment (20) I can define the terms bias and perspective. I can analyze historical evidence and information and draw conclusions based on the information presented. Big Idea: Historians look at the world with their own bias/perspective, as we all do! Introduction to Historical Evidence (5): Personal Historical Evidence Questions Think-Pair-Share Artifact/Photo Analysis New Information (15): Q & A Defining Terms (Pump Up the Vocab)—bias, My Perspective perspective, historian, Writing historical records Assignment Guided Practice (10): Vacation Collage Guiding Questions and Response Activity One Sentence Response Guiding Questions (Bloom’s) Homework Assignment: Making History Based on Historical Evidence— using personal activities to build a historical record Pump Up the Vocabulary Student Interactive Notebook Vocabulary Terms/Vacation Collage Guiding Questions Notebook paper SMART Board /Document Camera/ Computer Essential Question: Why is historical evidence often Independent Practice (25): My Historical Record Activity Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 imprecise? Vocabulary MiniQuiz Wed A (1-4) SPEAK YOUR MIND!!! Homework: Finding Reliable Sources (Topic: Texas History) (15) I can use computer software, databases, media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to locate information about Texas history. I can distinguish between and interpret (use) primary sources and secondary sources to learn about Texas history. I can use the ESPN categorization strategy to learn about events in Texas history. Big Idea: The interpretation of historical record/evidence is enriched by the analysis of both primary and Assessment of Mastery (10): In pairs, generate a one sentence response to the Essential Question using all of the following words— historians, bias, perspectives, past Introduction to Locating, Differentiating, and Interpreting Sources (Day 1—10): Learning Targets PreAssessment Pump Up the Vocab Independent Practice (25): Is This Website Learning Targets Self-Assessment Let’s Talk Pump Up the Vocab Primary/Secondary Source Analysis Successful SS Strategies and Resources (SIN) Ranking Websites New Information (25): Determining Defining Terms (Pump Reliability Up the Vocab)— primary sources, Post-Assessment secondary sources, historical records, artifact, validity, reliability; review of Primary vs. Secondary Sources (SIN R1) Guided Practice (10): Locating Primary Sources Activity: Ranking Websites Pump Up the Vocab Locating, Differentiating, and Interpreting Sources handout Is This Website Reliable? Activity SMARTBoard Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 secondary sources. Reliable? Activity Guiding Questions: How is the examination of historical record/evidence enhanced by the analysis of both primary and secondary sources? Assessment of Mastery (10): Response to Guiding Questions What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? How can the historical record be both huge and limited? Thurs B (5-8) REPEAT OF PREVIOUS DAY SIN Update Fri A (1-4) I can use computer software, databases, HW media and news Discussion/Pickup services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to locate information (15) about Texas history. I can distinguish between and interpret (use) primary sources and secondary sources Introduction to Locating, Differentiating, and Interpreting Sources (Day 2—10): Review Learning Targets Pump Up the Vocab Pump Up the Vocab Learning Targets Self-Assessment Let’s Talk Pump Up the Vocab APPARTS New Information (25): completion Review Lesson Terms (Pump Up the OPTICS Vocab)—primary completion sources, secondary Primary/Secondary Source Analysis Successful SS Strategies and Resources (SIN) Primary Sources SMARTBoard Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 to learn about Texas history. I can use the ESPN categorization strategy to learn about events in Texas history. Big Idea: The interpretation of historical record/evidence is enriched by the analysis of both primary and secondary sources. Guiding Questions: How is the examination of historical record/evidence enhanced by the analysis of both primary and secondary sources? What is the difference between primary and secondary sources? How can the historical record be both huge and limited? sources, historical records, artifact, validity, reliability; Analysis Strategies— SOAPS, APPARTS, OPTICS (SIN R1) Guided Practice (10): Analyzing Primary Sources Independent Practice (25): APPARTS/OPTICS Activity Assessment of Mastery (10): Learning Targets PostAssessment Post-Assessment