Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation No Opportunity (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher comment must Young Adolescent candidates understand the candidates demonstrate their candidates understand and be included to Development (AMLE 1) importance of being knowledge of the concepts, accurately interpret the justify "no 1. demonstrates an concepts, principles, theories opportunity for understanding of young knowledgeable about young principles, theories and research about young and research about young this rating" adolescent development. adolescent development. ----Middle level teacher adolescent development. adolescent development. AMLE-2012.1 candidates understand the They apply this knowledge They use this knowledge to importance of creating and in their practice. deconstruct classroom events maintaining safe learning ----Middle level teacher and other experiences, environments that promote candidates create supportive analyze how this information the development of young learning environments that impacts student learning, and adolescents. promote the healthy modify their teaching to -----Middle level teacher development of diverse reflect this new candidates understand the populations of young understanding. Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) importance of using young adolescents. adolescent development ----Middle level teacher when selecting instructional candidates assess the diverse strategies and making developmental levels of their curricular decisions. students and use this ----Middle level teacher information when selecting candidates demonstrate instructional strategies and awareness about the ways making curricular decisions. young adolescent ----Middle level teacher development impacts school candidates articulate and organizations and middle apply their understanding of level programs and practices. the diversities of young adolescent development as they work successfully within middle level school organizations and engage in middle level programs and practices. Target 3 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher candidates create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of all young adolescents. They create dynamic environments that celebrate and incorporate the diversity found within student populations. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this information effectively when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. They reflect on their decisions and revise their practice to No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) enhance their teaching effectiveness and to increase student learning. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and apply their understanding of school organizations and the components of middle level programs and practices. They use this understanding to help ensure a successful schooling experience for all young adolescents (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They use reflection to improve their ability to be successful in middle level programs and practices in a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Young Adolescent Development (AMLE 1) 2. is successful in establishing mutually respectful and supportive relationships with young adolescents. AMLE2012.1 ----Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of being knowledgeable about young adolescent development. ----Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of creating and maintaining safe learning environments that promote the development of young adolescents. -----Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of using young adolescent development when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. Acceptable 2 (0 pt) -----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of the concepts, principles, theories and research about young adolescent development. They apply this knowledge in their practice. ----Middle level teacher candidates create supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of diverse populations of young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) variety of school organizational patterns. ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates understand and be included to accurately interpret the justify "no concepts, principles, theories opportunity for and research about young this rating" adolescent development. They use this knowledge to deconstruct classroom events and other experiences, analyze how this information impacts student learning, and modify their teaching to reflect this new understanding. ----Middle level teacher candidates create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that promote the healthy Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher information when selecting candidates demonstrate instructional strategies and awareness about the ways making curricular decisions. young adolescent ----Middle level teacher development impacts school candidates articulate and organizations and middle apply their understanding of level programs and practices. the diversities of young adolescent development as they work successfully within middle level school organizations and engage in middle level programs and practices. Target 3 (0 pt) development of all young adolescents. They create dynamic environments that celebrate and incorporate the diversity found within student populations. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this information effectively when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. They reflect on their decisions and revise their practice to enhance their teaching effectiveness and to increase student learning. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher Young Adolescent Development (AMLE 1) candidates understand the 3. is a positive role model importance of being Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) apply their understanding of school organizations and the components of middle level programs and practices. They use this understanding to help ensure a successful schooling experience for all young adolescents (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They use reflection to improve their ability to be successful in middle level programs and practices in a variety of school organizational patterns. -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates demonstrate their candidates understand and be included to knowledge of the concepts, accurately interpret the justify "no Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation and mentor for young adolescents. AMLE2012.1 Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) knowledgeable about young adolescent development. ----Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of creating and maintaining safe learning environments that promote the development of young adolescents. -----Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of using young adolescent development when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate awareness about the ways young adolescent development impacts school principles, theories and research about young adolescent development. They apply this knowledge in their practice. ----Middle level teacher candidates create supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of diverse populations of young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this information when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and No Opportunity (0 pt) concepts, principles, theories opportunity for and research about young this rating" adolescent development. They use this knowledge to deconstruct classroom events and other experiences, analyze how this information impacts student learning, and modify their teaching to reflect this new understanding. ----Middle level teacher candidates create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of all young adolescents. They create dynamic environments that celebrate and incorporate the diversity found within Target 3 (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) organizations and middle apply their understanding of level programs and practices. the diversities of young adolescent development as they work successfully within middle level school organizations and engage in middle level programs and practices. Target 3 (0 pt) student populations. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this information effectively when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. They reflect on their decisions and revise their practice to enhance their teaching effectiveness and to increase student learning. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and apply their understanding of school organizations and the components of middle level programs and practices. They use this understanding No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Young Adolescent Development (AMLE 1) 4. establishes and maintains high, realistic, developmentally appropriate expectations for learning and behavior. AMLE-2012.1 Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) to help ensure a successful schooling experience for all young adolescents (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They use reflection to improve their ability to be successful in middle level programs and practices in a variety of school organizational patterns. ----Middle level teacher -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates understand the candidates demonstrate their candidates understand and be included to importance of being knowledge of the concepts, accurately interpret the justify "no knowledgeable about young principles, theories and concepts, principles, theories opportunity for adolescent development. research about young and research about young this rating" ----Middle level teacher adolescent development. adolescent development. candidates understand the They apply this knowledge They use this knowledge to importance of creating and in their practice. deconstruct classroom events Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) maintaining safe learning ----Middle level teacher environments that promote candidates create supportive the development of young learning environments that adolescents. promote the healthy -----Middle level teacher development of diverse candidates understand the populations of young importance of using young adolescents. adolescent development ----Middle level teacher when selecting instructional candidates assess the diverse strategies and making developmental levels of their curricular decisions. students and use this ----Middle level teacher information when selecting candidates demonstrate instructional strategies and awareness about the ways making curricular decisions. young adolescent ----Middle level teacher development impacts school candidates articulate and organizations and middle apply their understanding of level programs and practices. the diversities of young adolescent development as they work successfully within middle level school Target 3 (0 pt) and other experiences, analyze how this information impacts student learning, and modify their teaching to reflect this new understanding. ----Middle level teacher candidates create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of all young adolescents. They create dynamic environments that celebrate and incorporate the diversity found within student populations. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) organizations and engage in information effectively when middle level programs and selecting instructional practices. strategies and making curricular decisions. They reflect on their decisions and revise their practice to enhance their teaching effectiveness and to increase student learning. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and apply their understanding of school organizations and the components of middle level programs and practices. They use this understanding to help ensure a successful schooling experience for all young adolescents (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They use reflection to improve their ability to be successful in middle level programs and practices in a variety of school organizational patterns. ----Middle level teacher -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher comment must Young Adolescent candidates demonstrate their candidates understand and be included to Development (AMLE 1) candidates understand the knowledge of the concepts, accurately interpret the justify "no 5. creates and maintains importance of being concepts, principles, theories opportunity for supportive learning that knowledgeable about young principles, theories and research about young and research about young this rating" promotes the healthy adolescent development. adolescent development. adolescent development. development of young ----Middle level teacher They apply this knowledge They use this knowledge to adolescents. AMLE- candidates understand the importance of creating and in their practice. deconstruct classroom events 2012.1 maintaining safe learning ----Middle level teacher and other experiences, environments that promote candidates create supportive analyze how this information the development of young learning environments that impacts student learning, and adolescents. promote the healthy modify their teaching to -----Middle level teacher development of diverse reflect this new Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) candidates understand the populations of young importance of using young adolescents. adolescent development ----Middle level teacher when selecting instructional candidates assess the diverse strategies and making developmental levels of their curricular decisions. students and use this ----Middle level teacher information when selecting candidates demonstrate instructional strategies and awareness about the ways making curricular decisions. young adolescent ----Middle level teacher development impacts school candidates articulate and organizations and middle apply their understanding of level programs and practices. the diversities of young adolescent development as they work successfully within middle level school organizations and engage in middle level programs and practices. Target 3 (0 pt) understanding. ----Middle level teacher candidates create and maintain safe and supportive learning environments that promote the healthy development of all young adolescents. They create dynamic environments that celebrate and incorporate the diversity found within student populations. ----Middle level teacher candidates assess the diverse developmental levels of their students and use this information effectively when selecting instructional strategies and making curricular decisions. They reflect on their decisions and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) revise their practice to enhance their teaching effectiveness and to increase student learning. ----Middle level teacher candidates articulate and apply their understanding of school organizations and the components of middle level programs and practices. They use this understanding to help ensure a successful schooling experience for all young adolescents (e.g., race, ethnicity, culture, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition). They use reflection to improve their ability to be successful in middle level No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) programs and practices in a variety of school organizational patterns. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Grades candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate Curriculum (AMLE 2) 1. candidates demonstrate limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject creates a supportive learning environment for the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They students AMLE-2012.2 do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) middle level curriculum should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. for student learning. They use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. students. They purposely select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) candidates demonstrate a commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Grades candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate Curriculum (AMLE 2). 2. candidates demonstrate limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject recognizes and the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in understands diverse the subjects they teach. They developmental levels of do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their students (1.000, 14%) ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the AMLE-2012.2 candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Grades candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate Curriculum (AMLE 2) 3. candidates demonstrate uses diverse instructional limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject strategies for diverse the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They levels of students (1.000, do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their 14%) AMLE-2012.2 ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Content Knowledge candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate (AMLE 2a) 1. demonstrates adequate limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject knowledge of his/her the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They content area. AMLE- do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their 2012.2.A ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Content Knowledge candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate (AMLE 2a) 2. uses content knowledge in his limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject or her teaching. (1.000, the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They 14%) AMLE-2012.2.A do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Content Knowledge candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate (AMLE 2a) 3. limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject demonstrates understanding of the the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They importance of integrated, do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their interdisciplinary content. candidates demonstrate their understanding of the (1.000, 14%) AMLE- ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject 2012.2.A importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Content Knowledge candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate (AMLE 2a) 4. recognizes candidates demonstrate limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject the value of staying current in his or her the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in the subjects they teach. They content area. (1.000, do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their 14%) AMLE-2012.2.A ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Content Knowledge (AMLE 2a) 5. integrates technology into content area instruction (1.000, 14%) AMLE-2012.2.A Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate candidates demonstrate limited content knowledge in depth and breadth of subject depth and breadth of subject the subjects they teach. They matter content knowledge in matter content knowledge in do not pursue the acquisition the subjects they teach. the subjects they teach. They of additional knowledge. ----Middle level teacher demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their understanding of the candidates recognize the ability to use content specific complexities of the subject importance of using content teaching and assessment area disciplines, value specific teaching and strategies and integrate continued learning, and seek assessment strategies. information literacy skills the knowledge needed to ----Middle level teacher and technologies into the improve the effectiveness of candidates are aware of state, subjects they teach. their teaching for all young national, and common core ----Middle level teacher adolescents. standards for student candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher learning. knowledge of state, national, candidates demonstrate their ----Middle level teacher and common core middle ability to analyze content candidates recognize that level curriculum standards and assess the needs of their middle level curriculum for student learning. They students. They purposely No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) should be relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge. use this knowledge in their teaching. ----Middle level teacher candidates develop and utilize middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge and teach in ways that enable young adolescents to make connections among subject areas, their interests, and experiences. select and integrate teaching and assessment strategies that include information literacy skills and state-ofthe-art technologies for all students. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge of state, national, and common core middle level curriculum standards for student learning. They deconstruct the standards to better understand their intent and their effects on all young adolescents. They align instructional goals and student assessments with these standards. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate a No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) commitment to and advocacy for middle level curriculum that is relevant, challenging, integrative, and exploratory. They select, design, evaluate, and modify curriculum in ways that capitalize on the diverse learning needs of all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate an understanding of the interdisciplinary and integrated nature of knowledge. They provide credible evidence that all their students make authentic and meaningful connections among subject areas, and No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their interests and experiences. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Grades candidates recognize the candidates demonstrate an candidates advocate for and Philosophy and understanding of the provide leadership in the Organization (AMLE 3) importance of the philosophical and historical knowledge base underlying authentic implementation of 1. demonstrates an the philosophical and middle school programs and understanding of the foundations of developmentally responsive historical foundations of practices, understanding that philosophical foundations of middle level education. middle level programs and developmentally responsive these may occur in a variety schools. ----Middle level middle level education. They of organizational patterns AMLE-2012.3 teacher candidates can understand that the that enroll young adolescents describe developmentally implementation of successful (e.g., grade 6-8, K-8, 7-12). responsive practices. programs, practices, and ---Middle level teacher schools can occur in a candidates articulate the variety of organizational rationale for patterns that enroll young developmentally responsive adolescents (e.g., grade 6-8, and socially equitable K-8, 7-12). They apply this practices, and they use this knowledge in their practice.- knowledge to foster healthy ---Middle level teacher adolescent development candidates articulate the within their practice. They No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) rationale for assess the effectiveness of developmentally responsive middle level components and socially equitable within the school context practices, and they use this and share that knowledge knowledge within the when appropriate. context of the school setting. ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Grades candidates recognize the candidates demonstrate an candidates advocate for and Philosophy and understanding of the provide leadership in the Organization (AMLE 3) importance of the philosophical and historical knowledge base underlying authentic implementation of 2. demonstrates an the philosophical and middle school programs and understanding of the foundations of developmentally responsive historical foundations of practices, understanding that rationale and middle level programs and developmentally responsive these may occur in a variety characteristic schools. ----Middle level middle level education. They of organizational patterns components of teacher candidates can understand that the that enroll young adolescents developmentally implementation of successful (e.g., grade 6-8, K-8, 7-12). responsive middle level describe developmentally programs, practices, and ---Middle level teacher schools. AMLE-2012.3 responsive practices. schools can occur in a candidates articulate the variety of organizational rationale for patterns that enroll young developmentally responsive adolescents (e.g., grade 6-8, and socially equitable No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) K-8, 7-12). They apply this knowledge in their practice.---Middle level teacher candidates articulate the rationale for developmentally responsive and socially equitable practices, and they use this knowledge within the context of the school setting. Middle level teacher AMLE 3b: Diversity Middle level teacher candidates articulate the (AMLE 3) 1. is aware of candidates can describe developmentally responsive rationale for and takes into practices. developmentally responsive consideration the and socially equitable diversity of populations, practices, and they use this including different knowledge within the learning styles, sociocontext of the school setting. economic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation AMLE-2012.3 Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) practices, and they use this knowledge to foster healthy adolescent development within their practice. They assess the effectiveness of middle level components within the school context and share that knowledge when appropriate. Middle level teacher candidates articulate the rationale for developmentally responsive and socially equitable practices, and they use this knowledge to foster healthy adolescent development within their practice. They assess the effectiveness of middle level components comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) within the school context and share that knowledge when appropriate. Middle level teacher Middle level teacher AMLE 3b: Diversity Middle level teacher candidates articulate the candidates articulate the (AMLE 3) 2. provides candidates can describe rationale for opportunities for students developmentally responsive rationale for developmentally responsive developmentally responsive with different rates of practices. and socially equitable and socially equitable learning (including practices, and they use this practices, and they use this special needs students knowledge within the knowledge to foster healthy and English language context of the school setting. adolescent development learners) AMLE-2012.3 within their practice. They assess the effectiveness of middle level components within the school context and share that knowledge when appropriate. Middle level teacher Middle level teacher AMLE 3b: Diversity Middle level teacher candidates articulate the candidates articulate the (AMLE 3) 3. understands candidates can describe developmentally responsive rationale for rationale for appropriate developmentally responsive developmentally responsive developmental levels of practices. No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) and socially equitable practices, and they use this knowledge to foster healthy adolescent development within their practice. They assess the effectiveness of middle level components within the school context and share that knowledge when appropriate. Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Assessment (AMLE 4) 1. Middle level teacher candidates recognize the candidates understand the candidates collaborate with demonstrates an understanding of the importance of formative and multiple roles of assessment students and colleagues to summative assessment in and use this knowledge to select and create a wide essential role of effective instruction. create formative and variety of formative and assessment and its summative tools. They use summative assessments. application to the assessment data to inform They analyze the data to instructional process. their instruction (e.g., adjust evaluate their practice and AMLE-2012.4 pace, differentiate for inform their instruction (e.g., individuals, create adjust pace, differentiate for meaningful learning individuals, create instruction for diverse types of learners AMLE2012.3 and socially equitable practices, and they use this knowledge within the context of the school setting. Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) experiences, and implement meaningful learning effective lessons). experiences, and implement effective lessons). Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Assessment (AMLE 4) 2. Middle level teacher candidates understand the candidates collaborate with participates in assessing candidates recognize the student performance. importance of formative and multiple roles of assessment students and colleagues to summative assessment in and use this knowledge to select and create a wide AMLE-2012.4 effective instruction. create formative and variety of formative and summative tools. They use summative assessments. assessment data to inform They analyze the data to their instruction (e.g., adjust evaluate their practice and pace, differentiate for inform their instruction (e.g., individuals, create adjust pace, differentiate for meaningful learning individuals, create experiences, and implement meaningful learning effective lessons). experiences, and implement effective lessons). Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Assessment (AMLE 4) 3. Middle level teacher candidates recognize the candidates understand the candidates collaborate with links classroom assessment to state and importance of formative and multiple roles of assessment students and colleagues to and use this knowledge to select and create a wide No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) national accountability summative assessment in systems. AMLE-2012.4 effective instruction. Acceptable 2 (0 pt) create formative and summative tools. They use assessment data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). Target 3 (0 pt) variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Assessment (AMLE 4) 4. Middle level teacher candidates understand the candidates collaborate with uses assessment results to candidates recognize the monitor and improve importance of formative and multiple roles of assessment students and colleagues to and use this knowledge to select and create a wide teaching. (1.000, 14%) summative assessment in effective instruction. create formative and variety of formative and AMLE-2012.4 summative tools. They use summative assessments. assessment data to inform They analyze the data to their instruction (e.g., adjust evaluate their practice and pace, differentiate for inform their instruction (e.g., individuals, create adjust pace, differentiate for meaningful learning individuals, create No Opportunity (0 pt) opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) experiences, and implement meaningful learning effective lessons). experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Level Instruction -----Middle level teacher (AMLE 4) 1. is proficient candidates can articulate a candidates demonstrate their candidates demonstrate their variety of content specific knowledge of content ability to increase student at using a variety of teaching and assessment specific teaching and motivation for learning by effective teaching strategies. ----Middle level assessment strategies by establishing productive strategies. AMLE-2012.4 teacher candidates using them successfully in learning environments for all understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle young adolescents (e.g., one creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that is equitable, inclusive, that are developmentally create challenging, culturally and caring; that employs responsive and that engage sensitive, and research- based young adolescents.---developmentally responsive methodologies; fosters Middle level teacher learning experiences that trusting relationships; sets candidates recognize the encourage exploration, rigorous academic importance of formative and creativity, and information expectations; and includes summative assessment in literacy skills (e.g., critical the skilled use of effective instruction. ---thinking, problem solving, technology). ----In Middle level teacher evaluation of information collaboration with students, candidates understand the gained). ----Middle level colleagues, and other No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) importance of motivating young adolescents. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of establishing a productive learning environment. teacher candidates understand the multiple roles of assessment and use this knowledge to create formative and summative tools. They use assessment data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of selfanalysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Level Instruction -----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate a (AMLE 4) 2. variety of content specific demonstrates and Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates demonstrate their candidates demonstrate their be included to knowledge of content ability to increase student justify "no Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) understanding of the principles of effective instruction. AMLE2012.4 Acceptable 2 (0 pt) teaching and assessment specific teaching and strategies. ----Middle level assessment strategies by teacher candidates using them successfully in understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that are developmentally create challenging, culturally responsive and that engage sensitive, and young adolescents.---developmentally responsive Middle level teacher learning experiences that candidates recognize the encourage exploration, importance of formative and creativity, and information summative assessment in literacy skills (e.g., critical effective instruction. ---thinking, problem solving, Middle level teacher evaluation of information candidates understand the gained). ----Middle level importance of motivating teacher candidates young adolescents. ---understand the multiple roles Middle level teacher of assessment and use this candidates understand the knowledge to create importance of establishing a formative and summative tools. They use assessment Target 3 (0 pt) motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----In collaboration with students, colleagues, and other stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that No Opportunity (0 pt) opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) productive learning environment. Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of selfanalysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Level Instruction (AMLE 4) 3. seeks assistance from master teacher when planning for instruction. AMLE2012.4 Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate a candidates demonstrate their candidates demonstrate their variety of content specific knowledge of content ability to increase student teaching and assessment specific teaching and motivation for learning by strategies. ----Middle level assessment strategies by establishing productive teacher candidates using them successfully in learning environments for all understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle young adolescents (e.g., one creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that is equitable, inclusive, that are developmentally create challenging, culturally and caring; that employs No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) responsive and that engage young adolescents.---Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of formative and summative assessment in effective instruction. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of motivating young adolescents. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of establishing a productive learning environment. sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates understand the multiple roles of assessment and use this knowledge to create formative and summative tools. They use assessment data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----In collaboration with students, colleagues, and other stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of self- No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). Target 3 (0 pt) analysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher Middle Level Instruction -----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate a candidates demonstrate their candidates demonstrate their (AMLE 4). 4. delivers variety of content specific knowledge of content ability to increase student developmentally teaching and assessment specific teaching and motivation for learning by responsive lessons. strategies. ----Middle level assessment strategies by establishing productive AMLE-2012.4 teacher candidates using them successfully in learning environments for all understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle young adolescents (e.g., one creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that is equitable, inclusive, that are developmentally create challenging, culturally and caring; that employs responsive and that engage sensitive, and research- based young adolescents.---developmentally responsive methodologies; fosters Middle level teacher learning experiences that trusting relationships; sets candidates recognize the encourage exploration, rigorous academic importance of formative and creativity, and information expectations; and includes summative assessment in literacy skills (e.g., critical the skilled use of No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) effective instruction. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of motivating young adolescents. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the importance of establishing a productive learning environment. thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates understand the multiple roles of assessment and use this knowledge to create formative and summative tools. They use assessment data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive technology). ----In collaboration with students, colleagues, and other stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of selfanalysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Level Instruction (AMLE 4). 5. maintains a positive learning environment. AMLE2012.4 Acceptable 2 (0 pt) -----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate a candidates demonstrate their variety of content specific knowledge of content teaching and assessment specific teaching and strategies. ----Middle level assessment strategies by teacher candidates using them successfully in understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that are developmentally create challenging, culturally responsive and that engage sensitive, and young adolescents.---developmentally responsive Middle level teacher learning experiences that candidates recognize the encourage exploration, importance of formative and creativity, and information summative assessment in literacy skills (e.g., critical effective instruction. ---thinking, problem solving, Middle level teacher evaluation of information candidates understand the gained). ----Middle level importance of motivating teacher candidates young adolescents. ---understand the multiple roles Middle level teacher of assessment and use this No Opportunity (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates demonstrate their be included to ability to increase student justify "no motivation for learning by opportunity for establishing productive this rating" learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----In collaboration with students, colleagues, and other stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally Target 3 (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) candidates understand the importance of establishing a productive learning environment. knowledge to create formative and summative tools. They use assessment data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of selfanalysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Level Instruction (AMLE 4) 6. employs effective classroom management strategies. AMLE-2012.4 -----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate a variety of content specific teaching and assessment strategies. ----Middle level teacher candidates Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----Middle level teacher ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their candidates demonstrate their knowledge of content ability to increase student specific teaching and motivation for learning by assessment strategies by establishing productive using them successfully in learning environments for all No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) understand the importance of their teaching. ----Middle creating learning experiences level teacher candidates that are developmentally create challenging, culturally responsive and that engage sensitive, and young adolescents.---developmentally responsive Middle level teacher learning experiences that candidates recognize the encourage exploration, importance of formative and creativity, and information summative assessment in literacy skills (e.g., critical effective instruction. ---thinking, problem solving, Middle level teacher evaluation of information candidates understand the gained). ----Middle level importance of motivating teacher candidates young adolescents. ---understand the multiple roles Middle level teacher of assessment and use this candidates understand the knowledge to create importance of establishing a formative and summative productive learning tools. They use assessment environment. data to inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, Target 3 (0 pt) young adolescents (e.g., one that is equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----In collaboration with students, colleagues, and other stakeholders, middle level teacher candidates create challenging, culturally sensitive, and developmentally responsive learning experiences that encourage exploration, creativity, and information literacy skills (e.g., critical No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to motivate young adolescents. They facilitate student learning through developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., technology, manipulative materials, information literacy skills, contemporary media). ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate their ability to increase student motivation for learning by establishing productive learning environments for all young adolescents (e.g., one that is thinking, problem solving, evaluation of information gained). ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with students and colleagues to select and create a wide variety of formative and summative assessments. They analyze the data to evaluate their practice and inform their instruction (e.g., adjust pace, differentiate for individuals, create meaningful learning experiences, and implement effective lessons). ----Middle level teacher candidates facilitate student learning through a wide variety of developmentally responsive materials and resources (e.g., No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). Target 3 (0 pt) technological resources and contemporary media). They employ a process of selfanalysis and collaboration with students and colleagues to determine the impact of their instruction on student motivation and learning, and they adjust their teaching accordingly. ----Middle level teacher candidates collaborate with colleagues, family members, and others to increase motivation to learn among all young adolescents. They emphasize intrinsic and extrinsic student motivation by establishing productive learning environments for all students (e.g., one that is No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Grades Professional Roles (AMLE 5) 1. establishes and maintains respectful professional relationships with students and colleagues. AMLE-2012.5 ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the basic components of middle level education, including the importance of collaborative processes such as teaming. -----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of advocating for young adolescents and middle level education. ----Middle level teacher Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate the components of middle level education and understand the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They equitable, inclusive, and caring; that employs research- based methodologies; fosters trusting relationships; sets rigorous academic expectations; and includes the skilled use of technology). ----Middle level teacher candidates understand collaborative theories and processes and the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) candidates recognize the participate as members of importance of working with student support systems. ---family and community Middle level teacher members. ----Middle level candidates advocate for teacher candidates can young adolescents and articulate the importance of middle level education (e.g., ethical behavior and school personnel and family professional competence. ---- members). ----Middle level Middle level teacher teacher candidates can candidates recognize the articulate the knowledge importance of professional base related to working development opportunities. collaboratively with family and community members. They communicate with parents and community members to improve education for all young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate appropriate ethical behaviors and Target 3 (0 pt) initiate opportunities to collaborate with other professionals in ways that support and strengthen teaming practices and collaborative processes. ---Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate knowledge of advocacy theories and skills. They advocate for young adolescents and middle level education in a variety of settings (e.g., school, community, youth-serving organizations, legislative bodies, policy makers). ---Middle level teacher candidates value family diversity and cultural backgrounds and capitalize No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) professional competence. on those assets in their They recognize the impact of teaching. They initiate their behaviors on young collaboration with parents adolescents. ----Middle level and community members to teacher candidates engage in improve education and to professional development promote the well-being of all opportunities that extend young adolescents. ---their knowledge and skills. Middle level teacher candidates understand the impact they have on young adolescents and colleagues. They take responsibility for modeling appropriate ethical behaviors and high levels of professional competence. ---Middle level teacher candidates self-assess their professional development needs and take initiatives to seek out and participate in No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Grades Professional Roles (AMLE 5) 2. understands the roles and relationships of other helping professionals that serve young adolescents. AMLE-2012.5 ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the basic components of middle level education, including the importance of collaborative processes such as teaming. -----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of advocating for young adolescents and middle level education. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of working with family and community members. ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the importance of ethical behavior and Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate the components of middle level education and understand the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They participate as members of student support systems. ---Middle level teacher candidates advocate for young adolescents and middle level education (e.g., school personnel and family opportunities that address them. ----Middle level teacher candidates understand collaborative theories and processes and the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They initiate opportunities to collaborate with other professionals in ways that support and strengthen teaming practices and collaborative processes. ---Middle level teacher No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) professional competence. ---- members). ----Middle level candidates demonstrate Middle level teacher teacher candidates can knowledge of advocacy candidates recognize the articulate the knowledge theories and skills. They importance of professional base related to working advocate for young development opportunities. collaboratively with family adolescents and middle level and community members. education in a variety of They communicate with settings (e.g., school, parents and community community, youth-serving members to improve organizations, legislative education for all young bodies, policy makers). ---adolescents. ----Middle level Middle level teacher teacher candidates candidates value family demonstrate appropriate diversity and cultural ethical behaviors and backgrounds and capitalize professional competence. on those assets in their They recognize the impact of teaching. They initiate their behaviors on young collaboration with parents adolescents. ----Middle level and community members to teacher candidates engage in improve education and to professional development promote the well-being of all young adolescents. ---- No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) opportunities that extend their knowledge and skills. Middle Grades Professional Roles (AMLE 5) 3. works effectively with other teachers and professional personnel. AMLE-2012.5 ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the basic components of middle level education, including the importance of collaborative processes such ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate the components of middle level education and understand the interdependent relationships among all professionals who Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) Middle level teacher candidates understand the impact they have on young adolescents and colleagues. They take responsibility for modeling appropriate ethical behaviors and high levels of professional competence. ---Middle level teacher candidates self-assess their professional development needs and take initiatives to seek out and participate in opportunities that address them. ----Middle level teacher comment must candidates understand be included to collaborative theories and justify "no processes and the opportunity for interdependent relationships this rating" among all professionals who Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) as teaming. -----Middle level serve young adolescents teacher candidates recognize (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, the importance of advocating school counselors, social for young adolescents and service workers, homemiddle level education. ----- school coordinators, and Middle level teacher community agencies). They candidates recognize the participate as members of importance of working with student support systems. ---family and community Middle level teacher members. ----Middle level candidates advocate for teacher candidates can young adolescents and articulate the importance of middle level education (e.g., ethical behavior and school personnel and family professional competence. ---- members). ----Middle level Middle level teacher teacher candidates can candidates recognize the articulate the knowledge importance of professional base related to working development opportunities. collaboratively with family and community members. They communicate with parents and community Target 3 (0 pt) serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They initiate opportunities to collaborate with other professionals in ways that support and strengthen teaming practices and collaborative processes. ---Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate knowledge of advocacy theories and skills. They advocate for young adolescents and middle level education in a variety of settings (e.g., school, community, youth-serving No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) members to improve organizations, legislative education for all young bodies, policy makers). ---adolescents. ----Middle level Middle level teacher teacher candidates candidates value family demonstrate appropriate diversity and cultural ethical behaviors and backgrounds and capitalize professional competence. on those assets in their They recognize the impact of teaching. They initiate their behaviors on young collaboration with parents adolescents. ----Middle level and community members to teacher candidates engage in improve education and to professional development promote the well-being of all opportunities that extend young adolescents. ---their knowledge and skills. Middle level teacher candidates understand the impact they have on young adolescents and colleagues. They take responsibility for modeling appropriate ethical behaviors and high levels of professional competence. ---- No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Middle Grades Professional Roles (AMLE 5) 4. participates in ongoing professional development (conferences, inservice, other professional development activities) AMLE-2012.5 ----Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the basic components of middle level education, including the importance of collaborative processes such as teaming. -----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of advocating for young adolescents and middle level education. ----Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of working with Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) ----Middle level teacher candidates demonstrate the components of middle level education and understand the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They participate as members of student support systems. ---- Middle level teacher candidates self-assess their professional development needs and take initiatives to seek out and participate in opportunities that address them. ----Middle level teacher candidates understand collaborative theories and processes and the interdependent relationships among all professionals who serve young adolescents (e.g., interdisciplinary teams, school counselors, social service workers, homeschool coordinators, and community agencies). They initiate opportunities to collaborate with other No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) family and community Middle level teacher professionals in ways that members. ----Middle level candidates advocate for support and strengthen teacher candidates can young adolescents and teaming practices and articulate the importance of middle level education (e.g., collaborative processes. ---ethical behavior and school personnel and family Middle level teacher professional competence. ---- members). ----Middle level candidates demonstrate Middle level teacher teacher candidates can knowledge of advocacy candidates recognize the articulate the knowledge theories and skills. They importance of professional base related to working advocate for young development opportunities. collaboratively with family adolescents and middle level and community members. education in a variety of They communicate with settings (e.g., school, parents and community community, youth-serving members to improve organizations, legislative education for all young bodies, policy makers). ---adolescents. ----Middle level Middle level teacher teacher candidates candidates value family demonstrate appropriate diversity and cultural ethical behaviors and backgrounds and capitalize professional competence. on those assets in their They recognize the impact of teaching. They initiate No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) their behaviors on young adolescents. ----Middle level teacher candidates engage in professional development opportunities that extend their knowledge and skills. collaboration with parents and community members to improve education and to promote the well-being of all young adolescents. ---Middle level teacher candidates understand the impact they have on young adolescents and colleagues. They take responsibility for modeling appropriate ethical behaviors and high levels of professional competence. ---Middle level teacher candidates self-assess their professional development needs and take initiatives to seek out and participate in opportunities that address them. No Opportunity (0 pt) Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of working with family and community members. Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the knowledge base related to working collaboratively with family and community members. They communicate with parents and community members to improve education for all young adolescents. Target 3 (0 pt) Middle level teacher candidates value family diversity and cultural backgrounds and capitalize on those assets in their teaching. They initiate collaboration with parents and community members to improve education and to promote the well-being of all young adolescents. Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Family and Community Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the candidates value family Involvement (AMLE 5c) candidates recognize the importance of working with knowledge base related to diversity and cultural 2. demonstrates an family and community working collaboratively with backgrounds and capitalize understanding that family and community on those assets in their information can and members. members. They teaching. They initiate should be shared with communicate with parents collaboration with parents other teachers, family and community members to and community members to members, and other improve education for all improve education and to agencies and what should young adolescents. remain private Family and Community Involvement (AMLE 5c) 1. demonstrates an understanding that family background and home environment can affect student learning and performance. AMLE-2012.5.C No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) confidential. AMLE2012.5.C Family and Community Middle level teacher Involvement (AMLE 5c) candidates recognize the 3. demonstrates respect importance of working with for young adolescents and family and community their families. AMLE- members. 2012.5.C Family and Community Involvement (AMLE 5c) 4. is committed to assisting young adolescents and their families. AMLE-2012.5.C Middle level teacher candidates recognize the importance of working with family and community members. Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the knowledge base related to working collaboratively with family and community members. They communicate with parents and community members to improve education for all young adolescents. Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the knowledge base related to working collaboratively with family and community members. They communicate with parents and community members to Target 3 (0 pt) promote the well-being of all young adolescents. Middle level teacher candidates value family diversity and cultural backgrounds and capitalize on those assets in their teaching. They initiate collaboration with parents and community members to improve education and to promote the well-being of all young adolescents. Middle level teacher candidates value family diversity and cultural backgrounds and capitalize on those assets in their teaching. They initiate collaboration with parents and community members to No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) improve education and to promote the well-being of all young adolescents. Middle level teacher Middle level teacher Family and Community Middle level teacher candidates can articulate the candidates value family Involvement (AMLE 5c) candidates recognize the diversity and cultural 5. seeks opportunities and importance of working with knowledge base related to working collaboratively with backgrounds and capitalize participates in youth family and community members. family and community on those assets in their related community members. They teaching. They initiate activities. AMLEcommunicate with parents collaboration with parents 2012.5.C and community members to and community members to improve education for all improve education and to young adolescents. promote the well-being of all young adolescents. Professional Behavior (AMLE 5 & program) 1. is dependable, rarely absent, and arrives to work on time. AMLE2012.5 No Opportunity (0 pt) improve education for all young adolescents. comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) Professional Behavior (AMLE 5 & program) 2. demonstrates appropriate and professional oral and written language. AMLE2012.5 Professional Behavior (AMLE 5 & program) 3. is reliable and responsible. AMLE2012.5 Professional Behavior (AMLE 5 & program) 4. behaves in a professional manner. AMLE-2012.5 Professional Behavior (AMLE 5 & program) 5. dresses professionally and follows the dress Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt) comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" comment must be included to justify "no opportunity for this rating" Teacher Candidate: Classroom Teacher: Supervisor: Date: School: Grade/Subject: AMLE Assessment 4 Student Teaching Supplemental Final Evaluation Unacceptable 1 (0 pt) code of the school. AMLE-2012.5 Acceptable 2 (0 pt) Target 3 (0 pt) No Opportunity (0 pt)