Assistive Technology Referral Packet SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Please fill out the following items completely and all that pertain to your student on Pg. 1-5. Student Information Student Name: Date of Birth: School Name: School Address: School Phone: Parent(s) phone: Grade: Briefly describe the reason that this student has been referred for an Assistive Technology Assessment: (What is the student not doing now that you would like to see him/her doing using technology? Contact Information: Contact person for assessment appointment: (i.e., teacher, RSP, OT, etc) Name: Phone: Title: Teacher: (Special Education, Resource Specialist, Regular Education Teacher) Name: Title: Phone: Support Personnel: (Speech, Inclusion, OT, or Aide) Name: Title: Phone: __________________________________________________________________________ Timeline (60 days): Assessment Plan signed by parent(s) _ Referral received by COE _ (date) (date) IEP needs to be held by: It is imperative that the referral be received in a timely manner in order that the assessment may be completed within 60 days from the date that the assessment plan has been signed by the parent(s). Student Services Division 65 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 573-4010 Fax (650) 573-4056 1 Assistive Technology Referral Packet SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Eligibility Criteria: How has this student been found eligible for special education services? Low Incidence: Yes No If yes, check one: Other eligibility: Speech & Lang Intellectual Disability VI HI OI Other Health Impaired Autism Traumatic Brain Injury Emotional Disturbance Other Specific Learning Disability __________________________________________________________________________ Hearing/Vision Information: Date of last Audiology exam: Hearing loss identified: right ear: Mild Moderate Severe Profound left ear: Mild Moderate Severe Profound Date of last vision report: Report indicates: __________________________________________________________________________ Related Services: Please note minutes per week for each service Speech Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Vision Services __________________________________________________________________________ Medical Considerations: Check all that apply history of seizures multiple health problems fatigues easily wheelchair degenerative medical condition frequent ear infections frequent pain frequent upper respiratory infections medication for seizure control __________________________________________________________________________ Current Academic Level: Reading Reading Comprehension Reading Fluency Writing Writing Fluency Spelling Please provide writing samples for this student if it is an area of concern. Math Student Services Division 65 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 573-4010 Fax (650) 573-4056 2 Assistive Technology Referral Packet SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Wheelchair: Please indicate how much of the day student is in a wheelchair: Complete for wheelchair students: All Part uses a standard chair and desk uses an adapted chair or adjustable table uses wheelchair tray there are concerns regarding seating there are concerns regarding head control __________________________________________________________________________ Fine Motor: As it related to writing, computer use or device access: Please elaborate for each area checked: Range of motion is limited Abnormal reflexes or muscle tone Accuracy (for example, can student target and hit keys on a keyboard) Suffers fatigue; throughout the day or at a particular time(s) of the day __________________________________________________________________________ Computer Use: Standard keyboard and/or mouse Keyboarding : Touch Type Hunt and peck Adaptive Software: for example; Co:Writer, Inspiration) Give examples: Adaptive Keyboard and/or mouse (for example: IntellikKeys, Big Keys, TrackBall) Computers available in class or on campus: Platform: PC, please indicate version of Windows: W98, W2000, WXP, other: Apple, please indicate op. system: pre-OS9, OS9, OSX, other: Number of computers available: Number of printers available: How frequently does the student use the computer? What type of use? daily several times per week to access commercial software titles (fun) to type papers, journals, reports Are there any concerns related to computer input that you can identify? Student Services Division 65 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 573-4010 Fax (650) 573-4056 3 Assistive Technology Referral Packet SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Adaptations and Modifications: Check all that apply Adaptations: pencil grip paper with raised lines splint or pencil holder special pencil/marker computer with spell check word prediction software enlarged text books on tape tests read to student grid paper for math writing templates more time for assignments more time for tests digitalized text materials use of graphics to illustrate note taker scan and read program talking word processor other (explain) Modifications: reduced amount to read reduced number of math problems lowered reading level lowered math level Franklin Speller calculator adapted math software alternative means of demonstrating knowledge dictating journals multi-media presentation ILO reports reduced assignments or homework other (list) Please list student strengths, needs, parental concerns: Strengths: Needs: Parental Concerns regarding progress on student’s goals: Student Services Division 65 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 573-4010 Fax (650) 573-4056 4 Assistive Technology Referral Packet SAN MATEO COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Communication Please complete only if concerns are concerning student’s communication skills. Current levels: Receptive Language (Age Equivalent): Expressive language (Age Equivalent): Communication/social interaction skills: Check all that apply to student’s communication skills. turns towards speaker interacts with peers is aware of listener’s attention initiates interactions asks questions responds to communication interaction requests clarification from communication partner repairs communication breakdowns requires frequent verbal prompts to initiate requires frequent verbal prompts to stay on topic requires frequent physical prompts requires visual cues for complete sentences communicates with one-word or abbreviated speech uses an augmentative (additional) communication system in addition to speech uses an augmentative (additional) communication device in addition to speech uses an augmentative (replacement) communication system instead of speech uses an augmentative (replacement) communication device instead of speech Please identify the communication system components or communication device this student uses: Please identify below which nonverbal means of communication this student currently uses: eye-gaze, eye-movement body position, orientation, changes gestures facial expressions reliable YES/NO pointing 2-3 word utterances sign language sign language approximations communication board: object based photo-based icon based word based communication device/system Please identify device: Number of icons student can scan and size (i.e., 1”, 2”, 3”, 4”) Student Services Division 65 Tower Road San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 573-4010 Fax (650) 573-4056 5