nutrition test

Board Review DH227, Lisa Mayo, RDH, BSDH
Which of the following is NOT a concern for feeding a cancer patient?
a. Altered taste perception
b. Decreased energy requirement
c. Irritated oral tissues
d. Nausea and vomiting treatment
e. Decreased apatite
2. Cancer patients who have had radiation treatments to the abdomen may have the added
complication of not being able to digest foods. Patients who can no longer digest their food can
be fed by nasogastric tube.
a. Both statements are TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE
c. The first statement is TRUE, the second statement is FALSE
d. The first statement is FALSE, the second statement is TRUE
3. Which of the following vitamins is essential for the metabolism of amino acids?
a. B1
b. B2
c. B6
d. Thiamin
4. Vegetarian diets provide adequate amounts of
a. Fats
b. Protein
c. Carbohydrates
d. None of the above
5. Which of the following vitamins interferes with the actions of vitamin K?
a. C
b. E
c. D
d. B1
6. Which of the following vitamins prevents cheilosis and glossitis?
a. Riboflavin
b. Niacin
c. Thiamin
d. Cyanocobalamin
7. A deficiency of vitamin B12 is
a. Scurvy
b. Pellegra
c. Pernicious anemia
d. Megaloblastic anemia
8. Cyanocobalamin is synthesized by the:
a. Liver
b. Intestional bacteria
c. Gall bladder
d. Thyroid
9. Which of the following vitamins is associated with blood clotting?
a. D
b. A
c. E
d. K
10. Lipids provide:
a. Essential amino acids
b. Essential fatty acids
c. Vitamin C
d. Sodium
11. Tryptophan is a precursor to which of the following vitamins?
a. Niacin
b. Thiamin
c. D
d. C
12. The vitamin essential for the absorption of calcium is:
a. E
b. A
c. D
d. B3
13. During nutritional counseling, it is important to
a. Allow the patient to make up his/her own plan
b. Tell the patient what diet plan to follow
c. Include the dentist in diet planning
d. Include the patient in diet planning
14. For each deficiency listed below, select the correct vitamin from the list provided.
1. Night blindness
a. Folate
2. Rickets
b. Niacin
3. Beri Beri
c. A
4. Scurvy
d. C
5. Pellegra
e. Thiamin
6. Spina Bifida
f. D
15. Which of the following vitamins prevents both cheilosis and glossitits?
a. Niacin
b. Thiamin
c. Ribroflavin
d. Cyanocobalamin
16. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes:
a. Scurvy
b. Pellegra
c. Pernecious anemia
d. Megablastic anemia
17. Which of the following vitamins is associated with blood clotting?
a. D
b. A
c. E
d. K
18. Lipids provide:
a. Sodium
b. Vitamin C
c. Essential fatty acids
d. Essential amino acids
19. From the following list, select the 5 items associated with calcium.
a. Deficiency is pernicious anemia
b. Forms bones and teeth
c. Deficiency is rickets
d. Source includes soy
e. Deficiency is osteomalacia
f. Aids in blood coagulation
g. Source includes carrots
20. The vitamin essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus is:
a. E
b. A
c. D
d. B3
21. All the following are characteristics of an anorexic EXCEPT one.
a. Lanugo
b. Aversion to food
c. Excessive exercise
d. Increased heart rate
22. Which of the following vitamins promotes the synthesis of collagen?
a. D
b. A
c. C
d. K
23. All the following are symptoms of hypoglycemia EXCEPT one.
a. Sweating
b. Shakiness
c. Palpitations
d. Lowered heart rate
24. Diabetes is a disease affecting which of the following processes?
a. Fat intolerance
b. PRO metabolism
c. Fructose intolerance
d. Carbohydrate metabolism
25. Glucose is also known as:
a. Maltose
b. Cellulose
c. Glycogen
d. Blood sugar
26. The main function of carbohydrates is to:
a. Regulate metabolism
b. Provide energy to the body
c. Maintain, repair, build body tissues
d. Aid in maintaining the body’s temperature
27. Starch, glycogen, cellulose are examples of:
a. Glucose
b. Dietary fiber
c. Disaccharides
d. Polysaccharides
e. Monosaccharides
28. Good examples of complete PRO include:
a. Meat, fruit, fish
b. Meat, eggs, cheese
c. Meat, fruit, vegetables
d. Grains, fruit, vegetables
29. Lactose is a:
a. Nutritive sweetener and is cariogenic
b. Nonnutritive sweetener and is cariogenic
c. Nutritive sweetener and is noncariogenic
d. Nonnutritive sweetener and is noncariogenic
30. Sucrose is hydrolyzed into:
a. Glucose and fructose
b. Glucose and galactose
c. Two molecules of glucose
d. Two molecules of fructose
31. Aspartame should NOT be used by individuals with:
a. Diabetes
b. Marasmus
c. Phenylketonnuria
d. High blood pressure
32. All of the following are signs/symptoms of diabetes mellitus EXCEPT one.
a. Ketonemia
b. Acetone breath
c. Hyperglycemia
d. Decreased appetite
33. Which vitamin is MOST likely to be deficient in a vegan diet?
a. Thiamin
b. Riboflavin
c. Cobalamin
d. Vitamin B2
34. Which vitamins is NOT component of vitamin B complex?
a. Thiamin
b. Folic acid
c. Ascorbic acid
d. Pantothenic acid
35. The BEST source of vitamin C is found in which of the following food groups?
a. Meat
b. Grain
c. Dairy
d. Vegetable and fruit
36. A person who consumes the recommended amounts of milk and milk products will have an
adequate intake of:
a. Iron
b. Thiamine
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin B2
37. The BEST type of professional topical fluoride to apply to patients practicing bulimia is:
a. Sodium
b. Stannous
c. APF
d. Monoflurophosphate
38. Implications of bulimia include all the following EXCEPT one.
a. Low heart rate
b. Spores in the mouth
c. Perimolysis
d. Decalcification of the teeth
39. Which of the following vitamins can interfere with the actions of vitamin K?
a. B1
b. C
c. D
d. E
40. Tryptophan is a precursors for which of the following vitamins?
a. C
b. D
c. Niacin
d. Thiamin
41. Good sources of vitamin B1 include:
a. Animal foods only
b. Turkey, legumes, yogurt
c. Pork, enriched grains, nuts
d. Fruits, vegetables, fortified foods
42. Carbohydrates may be clinically defined as
a. Polyhydroxyl aldehydes
b. Polyhydroxyl ketones
c. Compounds with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen as a ratio of 1:2:1
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
43. Which of the following is an example of a monosaccharide?
a. Sucrose
b. Galactose
c. Lactose
d. Maltose
44. Which of the following complex carbohydrates (CHO) CANNOT be digested by humans?
a. Starch
b. Glycogen
c. amylose
d. Cellulose
45. Which of the following is (are) an important site(s) for CHO digestion?
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. A and B
e. B and C
46. Which of the following are potential sources of glucose via the gluconeogenic pathway?
a. Glycogen
b. Fatty acids
c. Pyruvic acid
d. Ketogenic amino acids
47. In the absence of oxygen, glucose if catabolized to
a. Lactic acid
b. Acetyl CoA
c. Carbon dioxide
d. A and B
e. B and C
48. In a healthy individual, if the amount of glucose in the blood exceeds the body’s immediate
energy needs
a. Glucose will be stored as glycogen in liver and muscle
b. Glucose will be converted to fat and stored in adipose tissue
c. Excess glucose will be exerted in the urine
d. A and B
e. B and C
49. Which of the following hormones lowers blood sugar?
a. Tyroxine
b. Growth hormones
c. Epinephrine
d. Insulin
e. Glucagon
50. Of the dietary fibers, which plays a role in lowering blood cholesterol?
a. Oat bran
b. Wheat bran
c. Guar gums
d. Cellulose
51. Which of the following is an INACCURATE statement about fiber in the diet?
a. Bulky diets, high in fiber, for persons with a limited intake may cause a nutrient
b. Large doses of purified fiber may inhibit absorption of Fe
c. Phytic acid, found in some high fiber foods, can inhibit the absorption of Fe
d. The recommended fiber intake for adults is 70-90g/day
52. Which of the following are important post-eruptive effects of the CHO on teeth?
a. CHO are an energy source for S.mutans
b. The end product of glycolysis for acidogenic bacteria is lactic acid
c. S.mutans synthesizes polysaccharides from sucrose with have a strong affinity for
d. A, B, C
e. B, C
53. An example of nonnutritive sweetener is
a. Xylitol
b. Sorbitol
c. Aspartame
d. Acesulfame-K
e. Mannitol
54. Which ONE of the following characteristics of sugar intake is the MOST important factor in
determining carcinogenicity?
a. Form of a simple sugar – liquid or retentive
b. Frequency of intake of simple sugar
c. Timing of intake of simple sugar – alone or with a meal
d. Total intake of simple sugars
55. The recommended amount of complex CHO in the diet is?
a. Less then 10%
b. 15%
c. 30%
d. Greater then 48%
56. If a person is lactose intolerant
a. He or she was born without the lactase enzyme
b. He or she may be able to drink milk if he or she adds a commercial lactase enzyme to it
c. He or she may be able to eat fermented dairy products
d. A and B
e. B and C
57. Which of the following is NOT a dietary recommendation for a diabetic?
a. Eat a low complex CHO diet
b. Limit fat intake to 30% of Kcal
c. regulate CHO and meal spacing during the day
d. Coordinate food intake, exercise, and medication
e. Limit simple sugars
58. Vegans are at risk for developing deficiencies in which of the following nutrients?
a. CHO
b. vit B12
c. Protein
d. Vit A
e. Vit C
59. Which of the following measures of Protein quality take into account both its digestibility and
its ability to support growth?
a. CS
b. PER
c. BV
60. Nitrogen balance is
a. Positive when output is greater than intake
b. Negative during childhood
c. Positive when recovering from surgery
d. Negative during pregnancy
e. Positive when there is a net loss of protein
61. Which of the following is an important component of protein digestion in the stomach?
a. Hydrochloric acid
b. Bicarbonate
c. Trypsin
d. chymotrypsin
e. Dipeptidase
62. The important nucleic acids that carry the genetic message for protein synthesis to the
cytoplasm are
a. DNA
b. cDNA
c. mRNA
d. rRNA
e. tRNA
63. The protein requirement for the average adult male who weights 70kg is
a. 210g
b. 140g
c. 70g
d. 56g
e. 35g
64. Saturated fatty acids
a. May contain one or more double bonds
b. Are liquids at room temperature
c. Usually come from plant sources
d. May contain some trans bonds in hydrogenated from unsaturated fatty acids
e. Have a low melting point
65. Of the following lipoproteins, which can be elevated by exercise?
b. HDL
c. LDL
d. Chylomicrons
66. Which of the following statements is true about cholesterol?
a. Intake in the average diet is 200mg/day
b. Synthesis by the body is 200mg/day
c. Levels in the blood are increased by increased % of total fat in the diet
67. Which of the following organs is(are) important for the digestion of fat?
a. Pancreas
b. Stomach
c. Gall bladder
d. Intestinal mucosa
e. All of the above
68. The body can synthesize triglycerides from
a. Dietary fat
b. Dietary protein
c. Dietary CHO
d. A and C
e. A, B, C
69. If a patient ate 180g of ice cream that was 33% fat, how many kilocalories came from fat?
a. 60 kcal
b. 180 kcal
c. 540 kcal
d. Not enough information given to calculate
70. Which of the following statements is true about essential fatty acids?
a. Are linoleic and linolenic in humans
b. Should compose about 20% of total kcal
c. A and B
d. A and C
71. Which of the following disorders DO NOT interfere with digestion and absorption of dietary
a. Gallbladder disease
b. Pancreatitis
c. Cystic fibrosis
d. Gastric ulcers
72. Characteristics of fat-soluble vitamins include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
b. Must be emulsified before they can be absorbed from the diet
c. Deficiency symptoms are slow to develop
d. Unstable to light, heat. Oxygen
e. Toxic with chronic excessive intake
73. Which of the following is a general function of water soluble vitamins?
a. Function as coenzymes for energy metabolism
b. Are important for vision
c. Are important for regulating Ca levels in the body
d. Are important for normal blood clotting
e. Function to maintain epithelial cells and mucosal lining
74. A phossy jaw may be related to tan excess in the intake of which of the following?
a. Phosphorus
b. Potassium
c. Magnesium
d. Chloride
75. Which of the following statements is true about water?
a. Is a nonessential nutrient because it provides zero calories
b. Makes up 97% total body weight
c. Is contained in intracellular, intravascular, and intercellular spaces
d. Is regulated by calcium concentrations
e. Is required in an amount equal to 3 ml/cal
76. Gathering information about a patients food intake by using a nutritional screening
questionnaire has all the following advantages EXCEPT:
a. It relies on patients memory
b. It can be done while a patient is waiting in the oral healthcare setting
c. Required about 15-20min
d. It allows for an evaluation of sugar consumption
e. It allows for evaluation of food group consumption
77. Which of the following statements is true about the basal metabolic rate?
a. Should be measured with a person sleeps
b. Is influenced by climate and altitude
c. Includes the energy necessary for normal muscle activity
d. Includes the specific dynamic energy (SDE)
e. Should be measured at an environmental temperature of 98.6 degrees
78. Which of the following is recommended for a healthy weight-loss diet?
a. Less than 60mg/day CHO
b. More than 60mg/day fiber
c. Less than 600kcal/day
d. Less than 6g/day/fat
e. None of the above
79. Increasing activity level in an attempt to help weight loss has all the following benefits EXCEPT:
a. Activity increases energy expenditure
b. Activity decreases BMR
c. Activity stimulates circulation
d. Activity improves muscle tone
80. Which of the following statements is false about anorexia nervosa?
a. A state of PRO-energy malnutrition
b. More prevalent in females then males
c. Treated with psychiatric and/or psychological counseling
d. More prevalent than bulimia
e. Often seen in individuals descried as perfectionists
81. Which of the following can be described as a cause of a primary nutrient deficiency?
a. Lactose deficiency
b. Drug-nutrient interaction
c. Partial obstruction of the GI tract
d. Overcooking vegetables
e. Nutient-nutirent interaction
82. Acid production potential of a diet can be assessed
a. If the number of dietary sugar exposures per day is unknown
b. If the form (liquid or solid) of the dietary sugar exposures per day is known
c. If one assumes that solid sugars have approximately double the acid production
potential of liquids
d. A and B
e. A, B and C
83. In the “triad” of dental disease, the host factor includes
a. Reduced food intake
b. Increased nutrient loss
c. Altered metabolism
d. A and B
e. A, B and C
84. Causes of malnutrition in HIV-infected patients include
a. Reduced food intake
b. Increased nutrient loss
c. Altered metabolism
d. A and B
e. A, B and C
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B