january agenda topic - Crescent Valley High School


Crescent Valley High School Site Council

January 21, 2015

Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Introductions:

In attendance: Ryan Kanter, Cherie Stroud, Arian Kulp, Ian Black, Hannah Gilbert,

Carol Beamer, Mary Johnson, Robbie Cox, Pat McCarty, Katie Kearns, Keith

Moses, Greg Nicol, Cami Roberts, Mike Unsworth (for Tracy). Missing: Kodi

Fagan, Tracy McAlister

Public Input, if any – NONE

Review & OK of December minutes – Approved as written.


NEW CLASS Proposals for Site Council Review & Discussion:


This course is designed to help students develop attitudes and behaviors which promote healthy lifestyles and positive self-image through the application and evaluation of knowledge and skills relating to diet, nutrition, and personal fitness.

Students will use a learning log and fitness plan to work towards achieving their realistic ideal body composition and healthy fitness level. The course will integrate various movements (walking, using

Thera- Band, Hand Weights, and other cardiovascular endurance activities) with health concepts to build a foundation of healthy lifestyle choices and habits to last a lifetime. The use of pedometer, heart rate monitor, health and fitness apps will be used to set personal goals.

A passing grade in this course should provide the foundation needed to progress and advance the student to a higher level, and maintenance of physical fitness. This class should be used as a stepping stone to a Cardio Fit and/or an Introduction to weight training course.

 The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain an active life:

Movement, physical fitness, and nutrition.

 The student acquires the knowledge and skill necessary to maintain a healthy life, recognize patterns of growth and development, reduce health risks, and live safely.

 The student analyzes and evaluates the impact of real life influences on health.




Keith proposed adding a distinct Intermediate and Advanced class for Jewelry and Glass Arts. Classes will likely still be composed of students at both levels, but it’s proposed to have distinct class expectations/titles. This will support some colleges’ advanced Fine Arts requirements (like UC schools) and also requirements for CTE paths. The longer-term goal is to create a portfolio.


Cherie Stroud on behalf of Kevin Freedman – FILM-MAKING2:


It was proposed to add a Film-making2 course. Classes will likely still be composed of students at both levels, but it’s proposed to have distinct class expectations/titles. A pre-requisite will be Film-making 1, and this on path to potentially create another CTE path. документ1


Cherie Stroud on behalf of English Dept – CREATIVE WRITING:


Stemming from student requests and teacher interest, it was proposed to add a Creative Writing course that would focus on the artistic side of creative writing. This class would be an English elective credit open to Junior and Seniors, and it would not be a replacement for required English courses. It’s not clear yet how universities will perceive course.



This proposed course would serve students best with Autism spectrum. This class work on social communication and thinking , writing skills, transition work and integrate speech therapy. Expect 9-12 students in each class, and the students would need an IEP and permission to take the class.

Proposal for LRC class addition

Class Name: Social Communication

Prerequisite: Special Education Individual Education Plan AND Approval of Case


CVHS Credit: 1 credit (yearlong) P/NP

OUS Credit: None

The focus in this class is on specially designed instruction in social thinking and communication skills. Students will also receive other specially designed instruction mandated by individual

IEP’s, as well as academic/social support.

Rationale for Adding Class.

CV LRC currently serves 27 students on the autism spectrum.

The state has adopted a new model for delivering instruction to students with communication goals, specifically students on the autism spectrum. The current model relies on the district speech/language therapist pulling students in for individual or small group work. Grouping is determined by assigned

LRC periods, which does not allow grouping by skill level.

The state has mandated that speech/language therapists now use a consultation model rather than direct instruction. The current LRC staff is charged with taking on the responsibility of delivering instruction. In order to best utilize our resources, we would like to add a dedicated LRC period for students on the spectrum.

This class would allow staff to support students, addressing their unique needs in communication, writing, problem solving, and transition. Instruction in communication will be provided by LRC staff with support and consultation from the district autism and speech/language consultants. Grouping students together will allow for better time and instructional management.

Potential Topics for February meeting:

Wellness Update (Robbie Cox)

RTI Update (Trinity & Mary)

Adjourned at 4:30 документ1
