The Deforestation Model will be an AgentSheets model that models the situation in the following story:
Deforestation leads to a large loss of trees and other plants. These trees are used to build houses for the growing human population; as trees decrease the number of houses increase.
Trees are also used as a source of warmth to feed fire. In return, this leads to a decrease of oxygen in the atmosphere while burning of the forest for wood and human respiration add to the increasing of carbon dioxide. When oxygen level cannot supply for all the organisms, some of the organisms die off. If the trees continue to be cut down or used as firewood, eventually there will be an insignificant lack of oxygen and may lead to the decrease of animal (including human) population.
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○ The Agents are trees, houses, animals, Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide and humans.
■ Trees- green
■ Houses – brown
■ Cut down trees- red
■ Humans-blue
■ Animals- white
■ Carbon Dioxide – white
■ Oxygen – Baby Blue
○ The humans cut down the trees and the trees disappear. The houses also grow because as the number of trees decrease, the houses increase. The animals move around randomly and decrease when a large amount of trees decrease. It takes two trees to build one house. When three trees are cut
down, one oxygen agent disappears. When two houses are built, one carbon dioxide agent appears. Carbon dioxide and Oxygen agents move around randomly at the top of the model.
○ When the workers (human depiction) walk over a tree, they cut the tree down. It takes two trees to build one house. After the workers cut down two trees, they return to the town and build a house. They continue this process until there are either no trees left or they die from lack of oxygen.
○ Steps of behaviors.
■ The workers decrease the animal and tree population by cutting trees.
■ The Houses the workers build increases the number of animals and increases the human population
Based on your answers to these questions, fill in the italics below to create an outline that describes the agents in the story.
An AgentSheets model showing the interactions of agents which exhibit the following behaviors:
Grows very slowly
Gets cut down when a work is standing over a tree
Convert CO2 to O2
Cuts down two trees
Returns to town after they have cut down two trees and build one house.
Walk randomly around town
Increase in number as number of houses increase.
Increases human population
Decreases Oxygen and increases carbon dioxide levels.
A graph showing the Oxygen levels.
Users should be able to change the properties of the simulation to alter the species’ behaviors.
Your project is due by Jun 21, 2013
Agent 1: Behavior 1 a.
Humans enter forest b.
Humans cut down trees c.
Humans build houses d.
Trees grow back slowly e.
Animal population decreases. f.
Number of houses and humans increases.
The goal of this activity is to understand how an environment changes due to deforestation using agentsheets.