2016 Quota Reporting Codes - Massachusetts Accessible

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American Printing House for the Blind Federal Quota Reporting Codes
APH only accepts these codes when reporting student information. The use of other letters
or words can result in the student not being accepted for funding allocations.
Federal Quota reporting MUST accurately reflect the student records on file at the School.
Students of School Age - Academic grades, write in which grade ~ Example 1 or 9 or 12, etc
IP - Infants: Children of preschool age served by infant programs
PS - Preschool Students: Children of preschool age served by preschool programs.
KG - Kindergarten Students: Children enrolled in kindergarten classes.
AN - Academic Non-graded: Students who are working to acquire skills necessary for placement in a grade.
FC - Functional Curriculum Students: Students in grades 01-12 working toward a graduation certificate
or non-traditional diploma
TR - Transition Students: Students of school age, as determined by state law, in secondary instructional
programs designed to supplement the traditional academic curriculum. Could include students in
post-graduate programs at less than college level
OR- Other Registrant: Students of school age, as determined by state law, who do not fall into any of the above
placements (e.g., students enrolled in classes for nonacademic students)
MDB~ Meet the Definition of Blindness - central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with correcting
glasses or a peripheral field so contracted that the widest diameter of such field subtends an angular distance no
greater than 20 degrees
FDB~ Function at the Definition of Blindness - which is visual performance reduced by brain injury or dysfunction
when visual function meets the definition of blindness as determined by an eye care specialist (ophthalmologist or
optometrist) or other medical doctor such as a neurologist.
V - Visual Readers: Primarily using print.
B - Braille Readers: Primarily using braille.
A - Auditory Readers: Primarily using a reader or auditory materials.
PRE - Pre-readers: Working toward a readiness level. (replaces the P code used in the past)
N - Nonreaders: Showing no reading potential; and who do not fall into any of the above categories.
V – Visual Readers
B – Braille Readers
A - Auditory Readers
NA – Not Applicable