CHILD OUTCOMES SUMMARY FORM Date of Summary Rating: Child Name: Entry 6-month Review Annual Evaluation Annual Evaluation 2 Exit Enrolled less than 6 mo. No time 2 rating ______ / _____ / _______ Month Day Year ________Carley_________________ TKIDS Case ID: ______________________ Date of Birth: _____ / _____ / _____ Month Eligibility Type: Day MD DD ____28 M___ Age in Months Year AT (circle one) Persons involved in deciding the summary ratings: Name Role Family Information on child functioning (check all that apply): __X__ Received in team meeting __X__ Incorporated into assessment(s) __X__ Collected separately ____ Not included Source(s) of Supporting Information Date Evaluation _____________________ RBI _____________________ Observation _____________________ Notes _____________________ Other: Parent & Teacher Report_____________________ © 2005 SRI International. Version: 04-20-06. Permission is granted to reproduce this form for state and local program use. Identify as “Developed by the Early Childhood Outcomes Center with support from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education.” Please contact if you wish to use or adapt the form. TX version 06/03/09 1 1. POSITIVE SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SKILLS (INCLUDING SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS) To answer the questions below, think about the child’s functioning in these and closely related areas (as indicated by assessments and based on observations from individuals in close contact with the child). Relating with adults Relating with other children Following rules related to groups or interacting with others (if older than 18 months) 1a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate behaviors and skills, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Circle one number) Not Yet 1 Emerging 2 3 Somewhat 4 5 Completely 6 7 Supporting Evidence for Question 1a. Age-appropriate functioning period of time with mom, sharing well. (fam) (notices and labels prominent feelings of others); notices and responds to feelings of other children in classroom. (fam & provider) construct dollhouse, sharing toys and working toward common goal for an extended time. (fam) mom and said goodbye, but didn‘t get upset when mother left. (obs) him and picked up another one. (obs) teacher left room, looked for her, was pleased when she returned. (obs) Initiated activity with teacher by bringing book to her to read. Engaged with teacher as she read by pointing to objects spontaneously and on request, sometimes labeling them if she knew the word. (obs) . Uses eye contact well with teachers. (provider) Concerns? No Yes___Not yet able to self-regulate tantrums or use a sign/symbol system to communicate with others in ways other than tantrums. (fam, provider)_(describe) Immediate foundational skills/ Functioning that is not age-appropriate door with hug. (fam) her. Tries to keep it up but doesn‘t last long. (fam) like something. (fam) brought her pretend food, she smiled and said ”yum” and pretended to eat it. Didn’t ask for more from child or join child in kitchen area to extend play. (obs) other children putting away toys. Lined up after teacher came and individually prompted her again. (less responsive to verbal than nonverbal prompts to participate in classroom routine) (obs) TX version 06/03/09 2 teachers. (provider) ptive and expressive lang below average (expressive 20 months; receptive 20 months) Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational Doesn‘t try to play with other children, doesn‘t talk much which makes it hard. (fam) yed alone. Chose to sit near others, but did not invite them to play (mostly parallel play). (obs) Example of peer request to buy ice cream. Carley followed child, said ―”ice cream”, but didn‘t answer which kind or pretend to get money out. (provider) 1b. (If Question 1a has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to positive social-emotional skills (including positive social relationships) since the last outcomes summary? (Circle one number) Yes No 1 2 Describe: (Child previously scored a 4) For this exercise, trainee will not be able to specifically document which skills are new. However, because Carley scored a 4 last year, and is still scoring a 4, she must have gained new skills. 2. ACQUIRING AND USING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS To answer the questions below, think about the child’s functioning in these and closely related areas (as indicated by assessments and based on observations from individuals in close contact with the child). Thinking, reasoning, remembering and problem-solving Understanding symbols Understanding the physical and social worlds 2a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate behaviors and skills, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Circle one number) Not Yet 1 Emerging 2 3 Somewhat 4 5 Completely 6 7 Supporting Evidence for Question 1a. Age-appropriate functioning appropriate rooms and uses blocks to add on space/other rooms with additional functions (garage) (fam) figuring things out—new toys and games. Can do interlocking puzzles, likes to look at books (fam) toys and games, including easily manipulating smaller toys. (Problem solving different toys and games) (obs) and could then repeat it. (Problem solving different toys and games) (obs) TX version 06/03/09 3 beads first followed by yellow ones (obs) -piece puzzle by herself (obs) them to figure out how to use some of the toys to solve a problem she was having (obs) Concerns? No Yes_____________________________________________________(describe) Immediate foundational skills/ Functioning that is not age-appropriate her ear, nodding, and saying hello but did not carry on a pretend conversation or try to engage another child in a play conversation using the phones (limited symbolic play with realistic toys by herself) and then line up,” she imitated other children putting away toys, but she did not line up until a teacher came over and prompted her again. (Understands and follows one step verbal directions, but not two step reminders of rules/directions) (obs) tell her how to do something, but she just doesn‘t seem to understand. It‘s easier when all the children are doing something because then she‘ll just watch them and try to follow along. But sometimes she gets real frustrated and throws a tantrum.” (provider) convey meaning (fam, obs) slowly with interest, but not yet pretending to read or telling the story from pictures Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational mom asks her to do something; won‘t follow directions; throws tantrum if mom keeps at her to do something (fam) —e.g. when mother says it‘s time for bed she knows it‘s time to put her pajamas on (fam) -word sentences, often in repetition of what she was just asked or what was said to her. 2b. (If Question 2a has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since the last outcomes summary? (Circle one number) Yes No 1 2 Describe: (previously scored a 3) Trainee will not be able to identify which skills are new. However, because Carley previously scored a 3 and is now scoring 4, she must have gained new skills. 3. TAKING APPROPRIATE ACTION TO MEET NEEDS To answer the questions below, think about the child’s functioning in these and closely related areas (as indicated by assessments and based on observations from individuals in close contact with the child). Taking care of basic needs (e.g., showing hunger, dressing, feeding, toileting, etc.) Contributing to own health and safety (e.g., follow rules, assists with hand washing, avoids inedible objects (if older than 24 months) Getting from place to place (mobility) and using tools (e.g., forks, pencils, strings attached to objects) TX version 06/03/09 4 3a. To what extent does this child show age-appropriate behaviors and skills, across a variety of settings and situations, on this outcome? (Circle one number) Not Yet Emerging 1 2 3 Somewhat 4 5 Completely 6 7 Supporting Evidence for Question 1a. Age-appropriate functioning drinks out of a cup with little spilling or mess (fam, provider) months (formal assessment) toys (obs) and avoids running into others (assessment) Can throw and catch a ball. Can ride a trike Can build with blocks and work puzzles Concerns? No Yes________Limited awareness of danger_____________(describe) Immediate foundational skills/ Functioning that is not age-appropriate dressed and help to put on coat (fam) about when she is about to go and goes to another area of the classroom by herself to do this.” (fam & provider) r help when wants or needs something (like when she‘s hungry), but seems like she should be doing more on her own (fam) communicate her need or she took a teacher by the hand to show her what she wanted. (fam, obs, & provider) (pushing the soap dispenser, doing handover-hand to get all the soap off, and helping with drying because she wouldn‘t completely dry her hands all the way by herself, etc.) (provider) -being. Allows adult to attend to personal needs and uses self help skills to meet needs with help from adults Functioning that is not yet age appropriate or immediate foundational ger when crossing the street (fam) Carley‘s limited awareness of danger. For example, in the gym or on the playground she might climb too high or otherwise not be safe on the equipment. “She doesn‘t understand that she could fall and get hurt.” (provider) 3b. (If Question 3a has been answered previously): Has the child shown any new skills or behaviors related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since the last outcomes summary? (Circle one number) Yes No 1 2 TX version 06/03/09 Describe: (previously scored 3) 5