TinCan Profile Editor (V2 - experimental) Provided by the Knowledge Media Institute of the University Koblenz-Landau Contact: Ingo Dahn, dahn@uni-koblenz.de Profile Name: ADL Experience API Core Profile Profile URI: http://adlnet.gov/expapi Author: Ingo Dahn Contact: dahn@uni-koblenz.de Verb Vocabulary Verb: experienced Propert Value y Type id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/experienced name experienced – to partake in an activity descript ion A catch-all verb describing that a viewing, listening, reading, etc. took place within some form of activity. Examples include: reading a book, going to a baseball game, listening to music, etc. { " en-US display " de } objectT activity ypes result ": " experienced ": " nahm teil completion context Verb: attended Propert Value y id Strin g Strin g http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/attended " " Strin g Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] Type Strin g Propert Value y Type name attended – to formally experience an activity, likely one with multiple participants descript ion A verb used to formally make the claim that an activity was experienced. Comparative with actors whom did not attend. Examples include: attending a Math class, attending a wedding, or attending a soccer match. { " en-US display " de } objectT activity ypes result ": " attended ": " besuchte " " completion Verb: completed Propert Value y Strin g Strin g name completed – to finish an activity in its entirety descript ion Used to indicate that something has been finished in its entirety. Things that are attempted but not completed should be assumed to be incomplete. Typically activities that are attempted should be able to be completed. Examples include: a math examination, fixing a flat tire, or the goal of riding a bicycle with no hands (objectType statement). result completionsuccessscore context Verb: passed Obje ct Type http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed { display " en-US } objectT activitystatement ypes Strin g Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] context id Strin g ": " completed " Strin g Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] Propert Value y Type id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/passed name passed – to perform within in an activity to a satisfactory level descript ion display Indicates if satisfaction of necessary requirements within the activity were met, an example would be a score exceeding a threshold/minimum score. Typically when an activity is passed, it is because it has been attempted. If completion is tracked on the activity, passing that activity should usually complete it as well. Examples include: a foreign language quiz, landing an airplane, or a {certification. " en-US " de } ": " passed ": " bestand " " objectT activity ypes result completionsuccessscore Verb: failed Propert Value y name descript ion display failed – to perform within in an activity to an unsatisfactory level Indicates if satisfaction of necessary requirements within the activity were not met, an example would be a score not meeting a threshold/minimum score. Typically when an activity is failed, it is because it has been attempted. It is usually the case that a failed activity would need at least a second attempt to remove the failure. Examples include: a foreign language quiz, landing an airplane, or a {certification. objectT activity ypes result context completionsuccessscore Obje ct Type http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/failed " en-US " de } Strin g Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] context id Strin g Strin g ": " failed ": " bestand nicht " " Strin g Strin g Strin g Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] Verb: answered Propert Value y Type Strin g Strin g id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered name answered – responded to a question descript ion A catch-all verb used to assert an actor’s manipulation of an object, physical or digital, in some context. Should be paired with a result corresponding to an input related to the type of the object. Could contain the resulting output of manipulation of the object. An example could be “interacted with lever with result pull and result “started the conveyor belt”” { " en-US ": " answered display " de ": " beantwortete } objectT actorstatementquestioninteraction ypes result " " context Verb: interacted Propert Value y Type id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/interacted name interacted – manipulated a control or interaction within an activity descript ion A catch-all verb used to assert an actor’s manipulation of an object, physical or digital, in some context. Should be paired with a result corresponding to an input related to the type of the object. Could contain the resulting output of manipulation of the object. An example could be “interacted with lever with result pull and result “started the conveyor belt”” result extensions Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] completionsuccessscore { " en-US display " de } objectT activity ypes Strin g ": " interacted ": " ineragierte mit " " Strin g Strin g Strin g Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Propert Value y Type context Obje ct[] Verb: imported Propert Value y Type id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/imported name imported – copying of a resource making it available within another context descript ion The act of moving an object into another location or system. The activity or statement is the corresponding object, which will typically have a URI or statement identifier. Unless marked as “failed”, imports are assumed to be successful. { " en-US display " de } objectT activitystatement ypes result ": " imported ": " importierte " " success Verb: created Propert Value y Obje ct Type id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/created name created – creation of a new resource Strin g Strin g The act of generating a new resource or resources within an activity. Unless marked as “failed”, the action of creation is assumed to be successful. { display " en-US " de Strin g Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] context descript ion Strin g Strin g ": " created ": " schuf " " Strin g Obje ct Propert Value y } objectT activity ypes result Type Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] success context Verb: shared Propert Value y id name descript ion Strin g Strin shared – the authorization of an object to have access and permissions to an object owned by another actor g http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/shared Generic term indicating the intent to exchange an item of interest or the explicit changing of privacy. Could have a resulting permission object saying the level of access (read, write, owner, contributor, etc.) granted to the actor. { display " en-US } objectT actoractivity ypes result Type ": " shared " extensions context Verb: voided Propert Value y id http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/voided name voided descript ion A special LRS-reserved verb. Used by the LRS to declare that an activity statement is to be voided from record. Strin g Obje ct Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] Type Strin g Strin g Strin g Propert Value y { display " en-US } objectT statement ypes Type ": " voided Obje ct " Strin g[] Obje ct[] Obje ct[] result context Profile Object Types course performance cmi.interaction , module , simulation , question , meeting , assessment , objective , media , interaction , link , , , Activity Vocabulary Property name description type typeDescript ion verbVocabul ary result context Description {" en-US ": " Sample Course } { " en-US ": This is a course on sampling samples. " } http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/module Type " Objec t Objec t String A module typically represents a large amount of content intended to have String multiple lessons or topics, but is typically smaller than a course. [] String http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs [] completionsuccessscore