PARENT VOICE NOTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2014 6.30PM IN AF9 Present: B Lowe, C McVeigh, V Purdy, P Mickley, K Stoodley, P Wood, H George, L George, K Eastwod Apologies: L Caygill, K Binks, C Clegg, T Smeaton In attendance: A Jackson, G Dutton 1. Minutes Accepted 2. Matters arising None 3. Parent Forum P Mickley attended the meeting she gave an explanation and the objectives of the forum as a discussion group consisting of staff/students/parents and the community. The chair of governors also attends. It was suggested that some of the meeting may run later in the day to allow better attendance. It is hoped that 3 parents from this group could attend the meetings – no further parents were available to attend the meeting on the 15 December 2.30pm – T Smeaton to be e-mailed the date as she did express an interest at the last meeting. 4. Finance A balance of £921.25 in the account 2 x £10 charges for the account will be pulled back into the account. A Jackson/V Purdy had a meeting with the Co-operative Bank with a view to opening a charity account with no charges. Parent Voice gave their authority to go ahead with the new bank account. A past bid of £100 donated to the outside sixth form library area remains unused as Vinci would not allow furniture on this area. Can this money to transferred to the sixth form social area refurbishment? Permission was given for this money to be transferred. It is hoped a bid for the sixth form area refurbishment can be ready for the January meeting. 5. Parental Portal A Jackson gave a presentation on the new parental portal – one change from the old VLE system is that both students and parents share the same password. Parents can now see the students e-mail account. The new system is still a work in progress but parents were encouraged to give feedback. Could we have e-mail alerts for letters The subject information looks really positive. Could a short video be put on the web-site on how to use the portal Lateness/missing lessons were very informative. The problems with the old system was that once data had been imputed it was impossible to correct if the need occurred. This is one of the reasons we looked at changing the system. 6. AOB Could we have the Fashion Show Posters ready for the next meeting? Could the disabled parking bays be dual purpose (visitor parking) as there seems to be lack of visitor parking. We are continuing looking at parking sixth form students now have parking permits to park alongside the Muga pitch. The front of the school does allow parking for vulnerable students’ parents/taxi’s. Date of next meeting Tuesday 13 January 6.30pm in AF9 PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A CHANGE OF DATE