Sun Safety Policy - Bisley Pre

Sun Safety Policy
Bisley Pre-School are aware of the dangers of exposing young children and adults to
direct sunlight and therefore aim to keep all children and adults safe when playing
outdoors. We ensure our outdoor environment provides suitable shaded areas.
Too much exposure to sunlight is harmful and can damage the skin. Some of this
damage is short-term (temporary), such as sunburn. However, allowing your skin to burn
can lead to future problems, such as skin cancer due to long-term skin damage.
We ensure that children and staff are protected from sunburn and skin damage caused
by harmful ultra violet radiation from the sun and believe that by encouraging sun safe
behaviour and teaching children about the risks of sunlight we can prevent them from
over exposure to the sun.
During sunny weather shaded areas are provided. On days when we are exposed to
extremely hot weather we will use the shaded areas of the garden as much as possible.
Parent/carers are asked to apply a sun cream to exposed areas of skin prior to the
session and to provide a sun hat, clearly labelled with their child’s name.
In the case whereby children are staying for the extended day the Pre-School will
provide a sun screen with an SPF of 30 which will be re-applied during the
session as appropriate. If in the case of allergies you would prefer your child to
use another brand of sun cream you must advise us and ensure you provide this
daily. You should ensure that all sun cream is within the use by date stated on
the bottle and should clearly label the sun cream and hand it to a member of staff
upon arrival into the session.
Sun cream provided by the Pre-School will be regularly checked by staff to ensure
that it is within the use by date on the bottle as most have a shelf-life of 1-2 years.
Permission will be sought from parents/carers upon entry for Bisley Pre-School
staff to apply sun cream to each child.
Staff will apply or support your child to apply sun cream to exposed skin twenty
minutes prior to accessing the outside play area.
On days when we are exposed to extremely hot weather we will use the shaded
areas of the garden as much as possible.
Sun safety is discussed regularly with the children through planned experiences.
Staff are encouraged to act as good role models when practising sun safety.
This Sun Safety Policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee.
Changes can only be made with full agreement of the Committee and the
Pre-School Management Team.
Updated: 15.09.2014