Pupil Premium - The Canterbury Centre

The Canterbury Centre
Pupil Premium Statement
Pupil Premium is additional funding which is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of
pupils who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the last six years (known
as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Its aim is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap
between them and their peers.
The Pupil Premium also provides funding for children who have been looked after continuously for
more than six months and the children of service personnel. From April 2014 the amount per pupil
has been £935. Children of service personnel receive a lower amount of £300. Children who are in
the care of the local authority receive £1900.
Pupil Premium Allocation
The Canterbury Centre will receive an estimated £5610 in pupil premium for the year 2014/15.
Support Provision
The funding will be used on a bespoke basis to ensure that eligible students receive the targeted
support they require to raise achievement. This support includes:
 Funding of alternative provisions/work placements for those whom full time Canterbury
Centre attendance is not appropriate
 Extra support (including 1:1 tutoring where appropriate) in literacy and numeracy for
targeted pupils
 The employment of an outreach worker to help improve engagement and attendance
 Residential /outward bound school visits
 Assistance with uniform, equipment and transport costs
 Funding for school merits system
Monitoring and evaluation
Each academic year the pupil premium expenditure is evaluated and the outcomes are documented
and presented to the management committee for scrutiny. In the academic year 2013/14, the
Canterbury Centre received £4500 and this was allocated as follows:
Pupil Premium Spending and Outcomes 2013/14
1:1 support for both
attainment and
Part time college
placements in
vocational subjects
Morning Club
2 pupils benefited from the 1:1 support at home
(including one LAC). Improving engagement, GCSE
grades and attendance (from 18% to 60% for one of
the pupils)
2 Yr 11 pupils attended college placements for basic
skills and both are now attending and enjoying college
full time
All pupils benefitted from a safe, healthy and positive
start to the day
Funding towards
Mixed martial arts
Equipment for
GCSE enterprise
Equipment for post16 options
Rewards for merit
Support in
accessing extracurricular activities
Support with
integration into the
Canterbury Centre
9 pupils took the opportunity to be involved in a
residential, outdoor activity trip. Improved fitness,
social and communication skills and independence
All pupils took part in MMA to improve physical fitness,
confidence and personal safety. One pupil joined a
local MMA club following these sessions.
3 pupils completed a full day of beauty treatments for
staff and fellow pupils. This raised funds for a charity
of their choice as well as the purchase of a dvd player
for a local old people’s home. The activities improved
pupils’ confidence and social interaction
1 pupil benefitted from all equipment necessary for Art
GCSE and continued into full time post-16 hair and
beauty course
17 pupils received a reward for their achievements
during the academic year
1 pupil was enabled to take part in a weekly cookery
course – he is now attending a related college course
full time.
4 pupils took part in after school golf – increasing their
social time and improving confidence.
2 pupils took part in after school cookery sessions (for
1 pupil, this was to count towards DoE)
1 pupil integrated well into the centre after having
issues around using public transport resolved by school
providing taxi transport until LA transport was
Total spend:
Total Pupil Premium received for year 2013/14:
Shortfall of:
This shortfall was covered by accessing some monies from the Slater fund and by requesting pupil
premium from the named mainstream schools of our PP eligible pupils, to supplement our own PP