Municipal Stakeholder Committee Terms of Reference Edit as necessary and give each committee member a copy. Purpose The Municipal Stakeholder Committee (the Committee) shall participate in the development and implementation of School Travel Plan(s) at schools in <insert municipality> in an effort to increase the number of children using active modes of transportation to and from school. Structure 1. The Committee shall consist of at least one representative from each of the following critically important community stakeholder groups: Transportation engineering Planning Police and bylaw services—enforcement and safety education Public health/community health All relevant school boards Elected officials, e.g. councillors, mayor, school trustees The above stakeholders will be key to the success of School Travel Planning (STP). Additional members have critical value too, but may have limited time to commit. Interested organizations are welcome to join the group as well. For example: Participating schools, e.g. lead teacher, principal, parents (who are a necessity at the School Committee level) Local environmental groups Any other interested agency or organization, e.g. trails groups; the Parks, Recreation and Culture department. 2. Each meeting will be organized and chaired by the STP Facilitator. [If this steering committee is part of an existing committee, then use this sentence: <the STP Facilitator will provide the agenda for the STP component, and help facilitate the discussion and decision-making in cooperation with the existing committee chair.>] 3. Minutes will be taken by a designated minute-taker and distributed after each meeting. 4. The Committee shall meet on a regular basis. No less than 4 times the first year is recommended, to include: school selection, baseline data results discussion, Action Plan endorsement and to finalize each School Travel Plan. The members shall receive reasonable notice of meetings. 5. Each representative will be entitled to one vote and decisions will be made on majority vote. MUNICIPAL STAKEHOLDER COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 1 of 2 Duties 1. The Committee shall be a collaborative community steering committee and will develop strategies, programs and activities to promote healthy, safe, sustainable and environmentallyfriendly modes of transportation to and from schools. 2. The Committee shall assist in all five phases of the School Travel Planning process (set-up, data collection, action planning, implementation and ongoing monitoring) by providing expert advice and guidance, suggesting funding sources for needed infrastructure and other changes, and recommending policy changes to facilitate sustainable active travel needs for children and youth. 3. Members shall send a representative if they are not able to attend the meeting. Main Tasks Create school area map for baseline family survey that has a scale and/or concentric distance rings on it, possibly plot students’ residences on map, and create best routes to school maps. Conduct and/or help coordinate Traffic Counts around schools Provide relevant historical data, e.g. crash statistics, injury data, reports of suspicious strangers in neighbourhood, crime statistics, areas of concern, location of crossing guards, major arterial road statistics Provide school site plan, bus details, dot map of students’ residences and/or crossing guard details Enter and tabulate data from family surveys Participate in Walkabout Assist in development of Action Plan Communicate Action Plan items to relevant parties, e.g. municipal council, and ensure Action Plan items are included in master plans and budgets Who’s Responsible Geographic Information System (GIS) expert or mapping person. Could also be the school board/district. Municipal staff, e.g. traffic/transportation engineers, planners Municipal staff, e.g. traffic/transportation engineers, planners and/or police School board/district See if someone from Municipal Stakeholder Committee will do, if not include in School STP Committee responsibilities Every member of the committee Each stakeholder to provide advice on areas relevant to their expertise Each stakeholder responsible for areas relevant to their expertise MUNICIPAL STAKEHOLDER COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE 2 of 2