HDFT Calderdale Framework Facilitators/ACP Steering Group - Project Lead Sharon Burrows Name: Educational Supervisor: Safety and Governance Ref ACP SG02 Infection Control and Hygiene Assessment process and achievement of competency Outcome: Demonstrates continuously high standard of practice in infection control techniques. Year 1 Educational supervisor Self assessment level Date: Complies with local requirements for learning related to infection control. Complies with local requirements for immunisation against communicable disease. Level: Signature: Print Name: Indicators SG02a Demonstrates correct techniques for hand hygiene and consistently uses hand hygiene between patient contacts in clinical settings. SG02b Challenges others who are not observing best practice in infection control. SG02c Uses personal protective equipment (gloves, masks, eye protection etc.) appropriately. SG02d Follows aseptic technique. SG02e Adheres to policy regarding the disposal of sharps and clinical waste. SG02f Involves the infection control team at an appropriate early stage. SG02g Takes appropriate microbiological specimens in a timely fashion. SG02h Is alert to sequences of bacteriological findings from different patients suggesting cross infection. SG02i Demonstrates the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to reduce the risk of cross-infection and healthcare-associated infections. SG02j Describes the negative impact of hospital acquired infection on a disease course e.g. delayed discharge, increased morbidity and mortality. SG02k Understands the risks of infectious diseases for those with chronic disease who are in institutional care. SG02l Describes the concept of outbreak management within healthcare settings e.g. diarrhoea on a ward. X-ref Evidence