infection control annual statement 2013-2014

Mickleover Medical Centre
This annual statement will be generated each year in October. It will summarise:
any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been
reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure).
Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken.
Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken.
Details of staff training.
Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.
Mickleover Medical Centre has one lead for Infection, Prevention and Control.
Cathryn Carter (RGN ) - Practice Nurse
Cathryn has worked at the practice since May 2012, and is our Infection, Prevention and
Control Lead. Our aim is to ensure Cathryn attends all appropriate infection control
meetings and shares this information with the team during routine clinical supervision
meetings. The minutes of these meetings will also be made available to the rest of the
practice team.
Significant Events
Between April 2011 and March 2012, there have been 10 occasions for which the
practice has considered a significant event review to be necessary, but none of these
have been related to issues around Infection, Prevention and Control.
An audit on Minor Surgery was undertaken for the period April 2012 – March 2013. 2
post op infections were reported following excision procedures. Both patients were
treated successfully with antibiotics, and there have been no further cause for concern
in either patient.
To ensure our patients are fully informed of our Infection Control audit outcomes, a
copy of this Annual Statement will be placed on our website and we will be notifying
patients of any seasonal outbreaks that they may need to be aware of via posters in the
surgery and on the website.
Risk Assessments
Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then
followed. Following extensive refurbishments during 2012/2013, a number of routine
risk assessments have been carried out since April 2013 with the following having been
1, Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene Posters are all updated
Compliant hand wash basins and splash backs have been installed
2. Environment
High level cleaning included in cleaning schedule
Compliant modesty curtains installed
Compliant window blinds installed
3. Waste
All consulting rooms now have disposable clinical waste boxes
Waste segregation posters in all clinical areas
4. Inoculation Injury Management
Updated signage in all clinical areas
5. Body Fluid Spillage / PPE
Dedicated blood and body fluid spillage kits available
Personal Protective Equipment made available to all staff
6. Decontamination
Practice to update guidance on decontamination of medical equipment and ensure
access to appropriate cleaning materials
Guidance update pending – further work required
7. Staff Training
Refresher training to be organised for all clinical and non-clinical staff.
All non clinical staff received training on Hand Hygiene techniques
8. Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
All IPC policies have been reviewed and updated, to include compliance and monitoring