Mapping of Skills to Objectives year 1 Student assessment form One of the changes with the student assessment document is that skills are observed and graded, so in order to pass many of the outcomes a skill has to be seen and passed as one part of that evidence. Two of the outcomes are very specific about which skill set has to be achieved. These are the Domain 2 number 1 and Domain 3 number 5. All the others say “must complete accompanying skill set to achieve” and this is generic as some outcomes really match up to parts of several skills sets. Some examples to help understand how outcomes and skills sets fit together and what evidence might be presented to the mentor A variety of evidence might be presented for outcomes and these might include the observed skill but would also include some preparatory work to show how the skill was prepared for. When a specific skill set is asked for Domain 3 outcome 5 5.Demonstrates skills of measurement used within nursing practice accurately and safely *Must complete accompanying skills set for calculation, medication administration and assessment measures to achieve The skills set is Domain 2 Skills set is about administration of medicines. Expectations would include knowledge about what drugs do what, dosage and how they work, knowledge about safety issues checking names and drug charts, and ensuring the drug is administered. Skill of picking out and administering the drug in a safe and hygienic manner Might be about getting patient to take them Might be an issue about correct procedures e.g. crushing tablets. Discussions go on before skill then skill is carried out Evidence could include:- (please see bottom of each page of outcomes) Calculation test in UWE Uni Certificate Talk about the procedure of doing a drug round. Include professional responsibilities and infection control issues. Narrative Presentation of evidence such as NMC code, some info about I/C. Narrative You might ask you some questions about drugs commonly used on the unit. Q+A Watch while the student participates in the drug round Practice Observation Ask the student to do some real life calculations Practice Observation You won’t necessarily ask for all these types of evidence but we would like you to use a full range of evidence if possible The student would fill out the summary sheet for each relevant section of a skill. When no specific skill set is outlined Domain 2 no 8 8.Demonstrates the ability to participate in the implementation of planned care through undertaking nursing activities within the limits of own competence and safety of practice. *Must complete accompanying skills set to achieve Some of this outcome could be met by bathing a patient This would involve a number of different skills including Domain 2 - care delivery Care & compassion Domain 2: care delivery Communication skills Domain 3 - care management Manual handling Domain 3: care management infection prevention & control If the student meets 4 skills then they need to fill in 4 summary sheets to be signed by the mentor The mapping that has been done focuses around the types of activities that students might be undertaking. The emphasis is on not seeing skills in isolation but linked together. These are only examples so please encourage the students to think widely about the activities they could include. Please look at the attached Mapping document for some more examples. This includes all of the outcomes that have skills attached.