Essential Application of Number Skills at Level 2 Controlled Task

Essential Application of Number Skills at Level 2
Controlled Task Assessment Criteria DRAFT
Task: Planning a holiday (SAM)
N2.1 Understand Numerical Data
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 planning and describing how to tackle the task
selecting and comparing relevant information
 explaining choice of methods when relevant
 reading, understanding and interpreting
information from tables, charts, graphs or
diagrams (N2.1.2a)
 collecting and recording data from accurate
observations using primary data (N2.1.2c)
 comparing temperature (N2.1.2f)
maximum 9 marks
N2.2 Carry Out Calculations
Mark scheme
1 mark: Candidate produces plan with a clear structure showing logical
steps, e.g. list, spider chart, table, flow diagram
2 marks: candidate produces a detailed and relevant plan for all aspects of
the task
1 mark: candidate produces a detailed and relevant plan with one aspect
omitted, e.g. one step or relevant calculation missing.
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of selecting and comparing relevant
information e.g. price of holiday at two destinations
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of explaining choice of methods when
2 marks: candidate shows evidence of reading, understanding and
interpreting correct information from at least two of tables, charts, graphs or
diagrams e.g. holiday prices and temperature bar charts
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of reading, understanding and
interpreting correct information from one of tables, charts, graphs or
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of collecting and recording using primary
data e.g. uses correct conversion factor
1 mark: candidates shows evidence of reading the charts accurately,
e.g. comparing temperature
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 carrying out at least one calculation without
using a calculator (N2.2b)
Mark scheme
1 mark: candidate shows evidence of correct calculation without using a
 understanding and using relevant formulae
1 mark: candidate uses correct substitution in the formula
i.e. 3×57.5+54.99 (=227.49)
 calculating efficiently using whole numbers,
fractions, decimals and percentages (N2.2m)
1 mark: correct answer for cost of car hire
i.e. (£)227.49
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to calculate a percentage discount
i.e. 0.93 × ‘227.49 (=211.5657)
 comparing sets of data of a suitable size,
selecting and using the mean / median /
mode as appropriate (N2.2j)
1 mark: correct answer for discounted cost of car hire, in correct money
i.e. £211.56 or £211.57
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to calculate a mean
e.g. (14+13+11+11+11+8+16+15)÷8(=12.375)
1 mark: correct answer for at least three mean calculations
 using range to describe the spread within
sets of data (N2.2k)
High °C
Low °C
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to calculate a range
e.g. 16 – 8 (=8)
 calculating with sums of money and converting
between currencies (N2.2e)
1 mark: correct answer for at least three range calculations
High °C
Low °C
1 mark: candidate uses correct process to convert between currencies e.g.
600 × 1.37 (= 822)
1 mark: correct answer for their conversions, in correct money notation, i.e.
€822(.00) and Egyptian Pound 6252
using different ways of checking methods
and calculations (N2.2n)
maximum 12 marks
1 mark: candidate uses a valid checking method for at least one of their
e.g. reverse calculation or alternate method
N2.3 Interpret and Present Results and Findings
The candidate has shown evidence of:
 identifying and describing appropriate ways to
present findings to different audiences
including numerical, graphical and written
formats (N2.3.1b)
 presenting findings effectively (N2.3.1c)
Mark scheme
1 mark: candidate produces an efficient table with at least two columns and
three rows
1 mark: candidate uses suitable row and column labels with units,
i.e. Rome, Cairo, Accommodation, Flights, Car Hire, Total
1 mark: candidate populates each cell with correct data
 Constructing complex tables, charts, graphs 1 mark: candidate uses suitable title and axis labels
and diagrams with labels, titles, scales, axes
and keys appropriate to purpose and audience 1 mark: candidate uses appropriate linear scale
1 mark: candidate plots correctly (half a square tolerance)
1 mark: candidate makes at least one appropriate comment comparing
 explaining methods used, highlighting main temperatures in the two cities,
points of findings and explaining how / or if they e.g. The mean high temperature in Cairo is almost twice the mean high
temperature in Rome.
meet the purpose (N2.3.2c)
1 mark: candidate makes at least one appropriate comment comparing the
total costs in the two cities,
e.g. The total cost of accommodation, flight and car hire in Rome is £957.99
while the total cost for Cairo is £1327.99
1 mark: candidate makes at least one appropriate comment explaining the
reasons why they have chosen their method to present the information,
e.g. I presented my finding in a bar chart because it shows visually that the
total cost for Egypt is much more than Italy.
maximum 9 marks
Pass Mark: Candidate must gain at least
6 marks out of 9 on N2.1 and
9 marks out of 12 on N2.2 and
6 marks out of 9 on N2.3