Outstanding President 2016

Circle K International
Ray C. Barnes
Outstanding Club
School Name:
Club President Name:
Please submit a typewritten entry. All activities referred to in this entry must be performed and
completed between 2/6/15 and 2/12/16. When selecting the events to write about, chose the events that
were the most meaningful and impactful to this year as a Circle K member.
1. List and describe 3 SERVICE PROJECTS you attended as a club member. (25 points)
For each project, please include the name of the event, a description, the date, and the number of hours
performed. Explain why these service projects were meaningful to you, and how they pertain to the objects
of Circle K International. In addition, describe which service project was your favorite and why?
Total service events attended:
Total service events available:
% of events you attended:
2. List and describe 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES you performed as the club president. (10 points)
For each activity, please include the name of the event, a description, the date, and the number of hours
performed. Explain why these activities were important for the success of your club and how these activities
improved your club this year.
Total number of administrative hours completed:
3. List and describe 1 FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIY you attended as a club member. (10 points)
For each activity, please include the name of the event, a description, the date, and the number of hours
performed. Explain the purpose of the fundraiser and why you chose to participate in this event. Did you
attend a unique fundraiser; if so, what was it and why was it different than other projects you have
Total fundraising events attended:
Total fundraising events available:
% of events you attended:
4. List and describe 3 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES you attended as a club member. (15 points)
For each activity, please include the name of the event, a description, the date, and the number of hours
performed. Explain how these social activities helped to make your club more inclusive within the school
Total social activities events:
Total social activities events:
% of events you attended:
5. Club President (50 points)
Total regular club meetings held
Total regular club meetings attended
% of regular meetings attended
Total board meetings club held
Total of board meetings attended
% of board meetings attended
Please describe any absences and describe how you ensured there was sufficient information for someone
else to run the meeting.
Did you hold a membership drive during your term?
Net change in membership from the previous year
Have you attended a meeting or event of your sponsoring Kiwanis club?
Have you attended a Key Club meeting or event this year?
Did you attend the 2015 Florida District Convention?
Did you attend the 2015 International Convention?
Did you attend the 2015 Florida District LTC?
Do you plan to attend the 2016 Florida District Convention?
Please provide answers to the following:
what methods were used in order to inform its members of past and present events
how the club educated its members during your term of office
how your club promoted itself on campus
how your club promoted itself within the Kiwanis Family
7. Letters of Recommendation (10 points each, max 20 points)
1. Faculty Advisor, Kiwanis Advisor, or Kiwanis Club President.
2. Circle K Officer or Member of your home club.
3. Other which demonstrates your leadership ability.
8. Other (this information will be used in the event of a tie)
 Number of hours of work per week:
 Number of credits per term; Fall:
 Grade Point Average:
 List other clubs/organizations you have been involved with during your term and list any
positions/offices held:
I certify that all the information included in this award entry is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Points Breakdown
Service – 25 points
Administrative – 10 points
Fundraising – 10 points
Social – 15 points
Club President – 50 points
Letters of Recommendation – 20 points
At least 60% of service events attended – 10 points
At least 50% of fundraising events attended – 5 points
At least 50% of social events attended – 5 points
Maximum Points - 150