Preview: Session 5

Preview: Session 5 - Printmaking
First Grade: Reductive Monotype
Monotype printmaking method with a rainbow roll
Reductive ink method
Plexi-glass reductive print
In the first grade, we will introduce the art of printmaking and give the students a brief description of how a
printmaker goes about creating their work. Following, we will walk step-by-step through the process the
students will be using to create their prints. Finally, they will create their very own monotype print using
plexi-glass with an applied rainbow roll of ink. Using a reductive process, students will wipe and take away
ink using various tools to create an image.
Second Grade: Multi-Color Monotype
Plexi-glass monotype print
Three layers (Red, Yellow, Blue)
In the Second grade, we will begin with an introduction to the art of printmaking and give the students a brief
description of how a printmaker goes about creating their work. Following, we will walk the students through
the actual process of printmaking that they will be attempting in class. Students will work through three (color
specific) stations, with seven to ten students at each. Each station will have ten plexi-glass printing plates and
rolled out ink (red, yellow or blue). At each station, students will use a reductive ink process to remove ink
from their ink coated plexi-glass plate using the provided tools. They’ll create an abstract design on the plate
and then pull a print of it. Once all of the students have printed their first image, they’ll take their paper with
them and rotate to the next station. They will follow the same process as before and then carefully print their
second plate over their first print. Once students have moved through all three stations and have registered all
of their abstract plates, they will see how the layers of ink have overlapped to create a whole new range of
secondary colors.
Third Grade: Block Printing with Styrofoam Plate
Block printing method
Reductive foam plate method
Two color rainbow roll
In the third grade, we will introduce the art of printmaking and give the students a brief description of how a
printmaker goes about creating their work. Following, we will walk the students through the process of
printing that they will be doing in class (Styrofoam block printing). Each student will be given a Styrofoam
printing block (plate) and will use tools to scribe an image into their block, creating an indented drawing. Once
complete, they’ll roll ink onto it and create a print onto paper.
Fourth Grade: Styrofoam Monoprint Edition
Styrofoam printing block
3 edition monoprint
Two color rainbow roll
In the Fourth grade, we will begin by introducing the art of printmaking and give the students a brief
description of how a printmaker goes about creating their work. Following we will walk the students through
the process of printmaking that they will be using in class. Students will all be given a Styrofoam printing plate
that they’ll use tools to press an image into. Once students have finished their drawing, they will roll ink over
their plate as needed and print three editions of their block on three separate pieces of paper. Students will see
how each print is not exactly alike and begin to notice how the printing process can create many different
effects. Finally students will label and sign their three prints just like a professional printmaker would when
creating an edition.
Fifth grade: Styrofoam Block, Registered Print
Registered Styrofoam block printing
Two layered print
Two color registration
In the fifth grade, we will introduce the art of printmaking and give the students a brief description of how a
printmaker goes about creating their work. Following we will walk the students through the process of
printmaking that they will be using in class. They will each create their own Styrofoam block, just as the third
grade class did, but they will also have to register their block with another block provided by the instructor.
Students will choose between two linoleum blocks with two different backgrounds designs on them, one
“bubbles” and the other vertical lines with a heart. Depending on what block they chose to print as a
background, students will create an image on their Styrofoam block that will complement their background
choice. The background will be a color and their block will be printed in black.