Music Curriculum Document: Grade 7 Ongoing Student Learning Expectations Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.7.1 Dotted quarter note Sing a varied repertoire alone and with Eighth note others Eighth rest Tempi Steady beat Lento Patten of a dotted quarter note Presto followed by an eighth note or Major tonality eighth rest Minor tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., grave, Dynamic level vivace) Pianissimo Major and minor tonalities Mezzo piano Various Dynamic levels Mezzo forte 2 , or cut time, meter Forte 2 Fortissimo More complex forms and Crescendo harmonies (e.g., theme and Decrescendo variations, three-part lines) 2/2 meter Cut time Harmony Theme Three-part line M.1.7.3 Vocal exploration Refine correct techniques Found sound Body percussion Vocal exploration Posture Found sounds Breathing Body percussion Phrasing Classroom instruments Articulation Posture-vocal and instrumental Breathing Phrasing Articulation M.1.7.4 Conductor Interpret and respond to a conductor Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary M.1.7.5 Read Pattern of a dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note or eighth rest Variety of tempi (e.g., grave, vivace) Major and minor tonalities Various Dynamic levels 2 , or cut time, meter 2 More complex forms and harmonies (e.g., theme and variations, three-part lines) M.1.7.6 Identify notes written on the lines, spaces of the grand staff Dotted quarter note Eighth note Eighth rest Tempi Grave Vivace Major tonality Minor tonality Dynamic level 2/2 meter Cut time Harmony Theme Three-part line M.1.7.7 Apply knowledge of symbols and terms in reading music Additional key signatures Grand staff Symbol Term Key signature Grand staff Note Line Space Grand staff Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.7.4 Choreography Physical education connections Respond to music through movement (e.g., create choreography to songs for performance) Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.7.1 Genre Identify musical sounds ensemble Electronic Non-traditional Genres (e.g., women’s ensemble, men’s ensemble) M.3.7.3 Demonstrate appropriate etiquette as a performer and an observer Etiquette Performer Observer Strand: Music Content Standard 4: Connections Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of connections between music and other disciplines. Student Learning Expectation M.4.7.1 Investigate music from various cultures, historical periods, and/or events (e.g., singing, listening, researching) M.4.7.2 Identify connections Between music and the other fine arts Between music and disciplines outside the arts Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.7.2 Dotted quarter note Play a varied repertoire alone and Eighth note with other Eighth rest Tempi Pattern of a dotted quarter note Grave followed by an eighth note or Vivace eighth rest Major tonality Variety of tempi (e.g., grave, Minor tonality vivace) Dynamic level Major and minor tonalities 2/2 meter Various Dynamic levels Cut time 2 , or cut time, meter Harmony 2 Theme More complex forms and Three-part line harmonies (e.g., theme and variations, three-part lines) Strand: Music Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.7.2 Form Analyze various musical forms Assessment Student Learning Expectation Essential Vocabulary Instructional Strategy/ Resources Strand: Music Content Standard 1: Skills and Techniques Students shall demonstrate and apply the essential skills and techniques to produce music. M.1.7.8 Dotted Eighth note Notate Sixteenth note Pattern of a dotted eighth note Sixteenth rest followed by a sixteenth note or Time signature 2 -2 time signature sixteenth rest 2 , or cut time, time signature 2 Strand: Music Content Standard 4: Connections Students shall demonstrate and apply knowledge of connections between music and other disciplines. M.4.7.3 Career opportunity Research career opportunities in Performance music (e.g., business, education, Music therapy performance, music therapy, technology) Strand: Music Content Standard 2: Creative Expression Students shall demonstrate creative expression through music. M.2.7.1 Improvise Improvise using a variety of sound sources (e.g., computer, electronic sounds) M.2.7.2 Compose Compose an original melodic line with Melodic line accompaniment Accompaniment M.2.7.3 Arrange Arrange unfamiliar songs using Musical expression musical expression Content Standard 3: Critical Analysis Students shall listen to, analyze, describe, and evaluate a variety of music. M.3.7.4 Evaluate Evaluate performances and Performance compositions using a studentComposition generated rubric Assessment Rubric