1. Pure substances, solutions and heterogeneous mixtures- what are they and
give examples.
2. Names of elements and compounds. Diatomic gases.
3. Bohr-Rutherford models of atoms.
4. Chemical safety.
5. Evidence of chemical change.(reaction)
6. Physical and chemical changes- How are they different?
7. Metals versus non-metals- location on periodic table and properties.
8. Chemical families and chemical behaviour- name chemical families and
suggest which elements might belong to a specific chemical family.
9. Metals and non-metals- characteristics and location on the periodic table.
10. Formulae for compounds using position of elements on the periodic table and
combining capacities.
11. Producing and testing for oxygen gas, carbon dioxide gas, and hydrogen gas.
12. Subatomic particles. Isotopes and ions.
13. Determining the mass, number of protons, neutrons and electrons from a
symbol such as
14. Static and current electricity- similarities and differences.
15. Use of a static electric series to predict charges formed by friction.
16. Insulators and conductors.
17. Creation of static charges on atoms and materials by the movement of
electrons. Charging by contact.
18. Rules of electric attraction and repulsion.
19. Metric (SI) units for quantities such as electric potential, electric current,
resistance, and energy.
20. Drawing of detailed circuit diagrams.
21. Types of connections in circuits (series and parallel), open and closed circuits
22. Loads, sources, conductors, and controls. Symbols for circuit parts.
23. Connection of cells in series and parallel and voltage patterns.
24. Calculation of voltage, current or resistance using V= R I (Ohm’s Law)
25. Electrical safety and safety features of circuits- everyday things you can do to
safely use electricity.
26. Calculation of electrical energy cost ( cost = kWh x cost / kWh )
27. Renewable and non-renewable resources.
28. Energy efficiency calculations.
29. Energy conservation- methods that can be used at home, school or work.
30. Define each of the following terms and provide an example:
a) Population
j) consumer
b) BOD
k) carnivore
c) Producer
l) niche
d) Habitat
m) fecal coliform
e) Natality
n) biomagnification
f) Mortality
o) carbon cycle
g) Immigration
p) nitrogen cycle
h) Omnivore
q) trophic level
i) Extinction
r) decomposer
31. Write out the word and symbolic equations for photosynthesis.
32. Write out the word and symbolic equations for respiration
33. What is the main purpose of photosynthesis? Name two specific organisms that
use this process and a typical ecosystem in which they might be found.
34. What is the main purpose of cellular respiration. Name two specific organisms
that use this process and a typical ecosystem in which they might be found.
35. What is biotic potential? Suggest four factors that may affect biotic potential and
explain the effect of each factor.
36. Draw a complete diagram to show the major steps of the Carbon Cycle.
37. Describe three tests that you could perform to determine the quality of water.
38. What is carrying capacity? What three factors might affect carrying capacity?
What would happen to a population if it exceeds the carrying capacity?
39. Outline two predator-prey relationships.
40. Formation of the solar system. What is the name of our galaxy?
41. Constellations of stars and non-luminous objects.
42. Formation of the sun.
43. The Big Bang Theory of the formation of the universe.
44. Planets in our solar system. (types, names, locations)
45. The Earth’s rotation and sunrise and sunset.
46. Life cycle of stars of different types.
47. Space exploration- opportunities and difficulties.