English Language Arts*Grade 8 Syllabus

English Language Arts—Grade 8 Syllabus
Ms. Bachman
Requirements and Expectations:
I. Needed materials
A. Textbooks: Literature Texas: Language and Literacy; Elements of
Literature and a new language text that is scheduled to arrive in October
(kept in the classroom)
B. Read for Life book from the library (you bring)
C. Wide-lined notebook paper and writing utensils (you bring)
D. Spiral notebook (kept in the classroom.)
E. English folder for returned work and info to keep (kept in the classroom)
F. Paperback—when one is assigned to you (you bring)
Work to expect
A. We will use lots of different literature to analyze across genres, literary
texts and informational texts. We may read some of the following titles in
conjunction with eighth grade social studies: Witch of Blackbird Pond, I
Am Regina, Light in the Forest, Johnny Tremain, My Brother Sam Is
Dead, Night, Across Five Aprils and The River Between Us.
B. We will cover as much of the literature in the textbook as possible.
C. We will watch movies and videos that accompany some of the literature
that we read (Charly and The Diary of Anne Frank in particularly) and
movies that teach literary elements (The Village and The Wizard of Oz) as
well as videos that teach grammar and writing. All of the videos and
movies that we watch in English class are owned by our school libraries.
C. We will have grammar and usage lessons in conjunction with the literature
that we study.
D. We will write compositions OFTEN! Some will be writing contests;
others will be essays and journal entries.
E. We will do word studies as we read and write.
F. You will be required to memorize one poem or speech per six weeks.
Some of the required titles may be “The Road Not Taken,” “The Midnight
Ride of Paul Revere,” “High Flight” and The Gettysburg Address. These
will count as test grades.
G. You are required to read 300 pages in our Read for Life program each six
weeks. You may read additional books for extra credit. The books you
read must be at least 100 pages in length.
Late, incomplete or incorrect assignments
Part of your grade will be based on following directions and completing
assignments on time. You will lose points if you do not comply. Absences will
require makeup work to be done in a timely fashion. The handbook addresses
rules on absences.
Plagiarism and cheating
A. Copying of any sort—from another student’s work, from the Internet, or
from literature—will result in a zero. An alternate assignment will be done
for a grade no higher than 70%. (Copying of this sort is often called
B. Cheating on an RfL test will result in a zero. An additional book of
similar length must be read for a grade no higher than a 70.
C. I will also write an office referral for those infractions.
Expected behaviors
A. Respect
B. Integrity
C. Preparation
D. Work ethic
E. Personal responsibility for actions
Discipline Plan
A. Verbal warning
B. Consequence based on offense
C. Parental contact
D. Office referral
VII. Grading Scale
I will try to post grades at three weeks, five weeks and again at six weeks online.
A. Tests and quizzes: 40%
B. Essays, AP-style timed writings and writing contest entries: 20%
C. Daily work and homework: 20%
D. Read for Life tests: 20%
VIII. University Interscholastic League Competition
A. I coach these events:
1. Ready Writing
2. Spelling
3. Oral Reading
4. Editorial Writing
5. Modern Oratory
B. Tryouts and initial coaching in these events are activities that fit well into
the English Language Arts TEKS.
Dear Parents:
Eighth Grade English Language Arts will consist of studies of language,
composition, literature and media. There will not be a separate reading class in the eighth
grade this year, so we will seek to cover all the English Language Arts TEKS in English
class. We will be looking ahead to the State of Texas Assessment of Academic
Readiness Tests—this year in reading and future years in areas that cover language,
composition, literature and media. The STAAR Test for Reading will be March 28.
Please sign and return the last page to show you’ve gone over this information
with your child. You may keep the outline and letter for your personal reference during
the year. If you have questions or concerns now or during the course of the year, please
call me at the junior high at 720-7920 ext. 4015 or email me at
martha.bachman@henrietta-isd.net. My conference time is from 10:40 to 11:25 every
Thanks for your support. I’m looking forward to a great year!
Martha Bachman
I have received and read Ms. Bachman’s syllabus for English Language Arts, Grade 8.
Parent signature
Parent’s email address and/or cell phone number (optional)
Student signature
English class section