Climate Action Revenue Incentive Plan (CARIP) Public Report Climate Action Revenue Incentive (CARIP) Public Report for YEAR 2012 District of Chetwynd Peace River RD Reported by W. J. (Bill) Caldwell Director of Financial Administration 250-401-4100 Table of Contents General Information Community -Wide Actions o 1.1 - Measure o 1.2 - Plan o 1.3 - Reduce Supportive Direct o 1.4 - Community Wide Innovation Corporate Actions o 2.1 - Measure o 2.2 - Reduce Supportive Direct o 2.3 - Corporate Innovations Carbon Neutral Progress Reporting General Information District of Chetwynd Name of Local Government Member of Regional District (RD) Peace River RD Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) in region Yes Population 2633 Community-Wide Actions for 2012 1.1 Measure Community-Wide Measurement Actions Question Have you been using the Community Energy and Emissions Inventory (CEEI) to measure progress? What else have you been using instead of/in addition to CEEI? Answer Additional Information No No 1.2 Plan Community-Wide Targets Question Do your OCP(s) have targets, policies and actions to reduce GHG emissions, as per the requirements under the Local Governments Act (LGA)? If yes, please identify the targets set. If no or in progress, please comment. Answer Additional Information Yes General Policies Council polices are as follows a) Implement the principles of sustainable development and smart growth through informed and educated decisions about alternative technologies for infrastructure (e.g. bio swales, solar energy, geothermal heating and cooling). b) Development of natural solutions that support ecological responsibility using features such as community gardens, landscaped boulevards and native tree planting. c) Strive to improve water conservation throughout the District. d) Work collaboratively with Peace River Regional District to dispose of solid waste and identify solutions to curb landfill demand. e) Encourage landscaping techniques that reduce the need for irrigation when designing and maintaining parks, natural areas and environmentally sensitive areas. f) Leverage support from the federal and provincial governments for “green” initiatives. Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Policies Councils policies are as follows: a) Support and implement the District of Chetwynd Corporate and Community Energy Plans, once completed to better understand how the community can be more energy efficient and to identify Chetwynd’s alternative energy potential. b) Work towards achieving the following greenhouse gas targets on both a corporate and community wide basis: A 1% reduction below the 2007 level of emissions by 2011, and c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) An additional 1% reduction below the 2007 level of emissions each year after 2010 up to 2020. In total, a 10% reduction below the 2007 level of emissions by 2020. Lead by example by developing an action plan for implementing and monitoring sustainable municipal operations that outlines how the District will achieve its targets for energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction. Support programs that will educate individuals on the benefits of energy efficiency. Encourage land use planning and site designs that promote energy efficiency (e.g. solar orientation, compact developments and sites orientated around active transportation). Encourage the development of alternative energy supplies such as solar, wind or geothermal energy, landfill gas recovery and waste heat recovery from municipal and industrial activities where feasible. Promote strong trail/greenway connections throughout the District to reduce vehicle dependency and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of the District’s Parks, Trails and Green space Plan. Support the creation of a separate anti-idling bylaw to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Utilize green spaces and natural vegetation to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Reduce the carbon footprint of Chetwynd where possible, through local “made in Chetwynd” solutions. Embrace and encourage the three R’s – reduce, reuse, and recycle – to help curb landfill demand and lower methane emission from waste decomposition. Consider developing a composting program to help reduce methane emissions from solid waste decompositions. Question If you are a Regional District, does your RGS have targets, policies and actions to reduce GHG emissions, as per the requirements under the Local Governments Act (LGA)? If yes, please identify the targets set. If no or in progress, please comment. Answer Additional Information N/A N/A 1.3 Reduce Supportive Community-Wide Actions Action Type Broad Planning (e.g. creation/revision of OCPs, CEPs, transportation plans) Actions Taken this Year Revised OCP Residential / Commercial Mixed Development. Right-In Right-Out study at the Recreation Centre to make the traffic flow more efficient and reduce idling time. Proposed Actions for Next Year None Action Type Building and Lighting (e.g. developed green building policy, increased density in the downtown) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Zoning Amendment Multiple Family Residential – High Density / Commercial None Action Type Energy Generation (e.g. signed on to provincial 'solar ready' regulation, explored options for bioheating for buildings) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Not yet None Action Type Green Space (e.g. developed urban forestry policy, adopted park acquisition policy) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Chetwynd Community Forest Harvesting Study. None Action Type Transportation (e.g. developed sustainable transportation plan, completed bicycle master plan) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Waste (e.g. introduced composting and recycling education programs) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Yes – In partnership with Peace River RD and NEAT Same as 2012 Action Type Water/Sewer (e.g. participated in water smart initiatives, implemented Water Action Plan, introduced rebates on low flush toilets) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Yes – in partnership with NEAT low flow toilet rebate & rain barrel rebate program Same as 2012 Action Type Other Actions Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Wood Burning Appliance / Clean Air Bylaw Same as 2012 Direct Community-Wide Actions Action Type Buildings (e.g. implement use of sustainability checklists and development permit guidelines for new buildings) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Energy Generation (e.g. implement district energy, geothermal, solar) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Transportation (e.g. implement bike lanes, pedestrian paths, upgrade transit service and infrastructure, improve roads, parking fees etc.) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Yes – Pedestrian Paths Rodeo Grounds roads study Action Type Waste (e.g. introduce composting and recycling programs ) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Composting and Recycling Programs already in place Same as 2012 Action Type Water/Sewer (e.g. implement water conservation and reduction initiatives) Actions Taken Water conservation Education Program in partnership with NEAT this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Same as 2012 Action Type Green Space (e.g. plant trees, conserve forest etc.) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Restored Cedar Park damaged in the2011 flooding Restore Trail System damaged in the 2011 flooding Action Type Other Actions Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None Develop a Community Garden 1.4 Community Wide Innovation Question Is there any activity that you have been engaged in over the past year(s) that you are particularly proud of and would like to share with other local governments? Please describe and add links to additional information where possible. Answer None Corporate Actions for 2012 2.1 Measure Corporate Measurement Actions Question What steps has your local government taken toward completing its corporate emissions inventory (e.g. corporate assets identified related to energy and fuel data and calculated GHG emissions from energy use)? Answer Completed in 2010 Question What tool are you using to measure, track and report on your corporate emissions (e.g. SMARTtool, other tools including excel spreadsheets)? Answer Excel 2.2 Reduce Supportive Corporate Actions Action Type Broad Planning (e.g. developed corporate climate action plan) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Building and Lighting (e.g. developed energy reduction plan for all corporate buildings) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None Researching energy reduction and Geo-thermal (Green) options for the New Municipal office. Action Type Energy Generation (e.g. undertook feasibility study of green energy generation for civic buildings) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Transportation (e.g. created anti-idling policy for city vehicles, bike to work week promotion) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Continued education and distribution of Stop Idling brochures. Railway overpass study to reduce idling at train crossings Action Type Waste(e.g. completed waste audit of City Hall) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Water/Sewer (e.g. completed study of sewer and water energy use) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None Completion of Sewer Effluent study. Completion of the Water Master Plan study Action Type Other Actions Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Direct Corporate Actions Action Type Building and Lighting (e.g. energy efficiency retrofits to municipal buildings ) Actions Taken this Year Upgraded lighting at Public Works shop and Water Treatment Plant. New Overhead doors at Public Works Shop. Arena & Pool re-roof Arena, Elevator Shaft, Maintenance Roof & Lobby. Facility expansion has energy efficient lighting. DDC controls for the mechanical equipment. HRV units in all dressing rooms. Domestic hot water condensing boiler. Lighting upgrades to T-8 fixtures. Some exterior upgrades to LED. Removal of Pool mechanical gas fired air handling unit and boiler, and installation of heat recovery system including two new air handling units, two new condensing boilers and heat pumps. The system provides climate control and reclaims waste heat. The system is DDC controlled. Proposed Actions for Next Year Construction of an New more efficient Municipal Hall Action Type Energy Generation (e.g. implemented heat recovery systems, solar) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None Action Type Fleet (e.g. anti-idling policies for fleet vehicles, purchasing of hybrid) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Purchase of two new Fuel Efficient pickup trucks for Public works. Purchase of a newer excavator and the sale of older less efficient equipment – two pickup trucks, one loader and one car. Action Type Waste (e.g. introduction of composting and recycling programs and education) Actions Taken this Year Already in place Proposed Actions for Next Year Same as 2012 Action Type Water/Sewer (e.g. initiated water conservation and reduction initiatives) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year Water Conservation / Reduction initiatives already in place Same as 2012 Action Type Green Space (e.g. planting of trees ) Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None Purchase of land for a New Park to add more green space Action Type Other Actions Actions Taken this Year Proposed Actions for Next Year None None 2.3 Corporate Innovations Question Is there any activity that you have been engaged in over the past year(s) that you are particularly proud of and would like to share with other local governments? Please describe and add links to additional information where possible. Answer None Carbon Neutral Progress Reporting Tonnes CO2e Annual corporate emissions using SMARTTool or equivalent inventory tool Emissions from services delivered directly by the local government 1103.35 Emissions from contracted services 0 0 Less: GHG reductions being claimed for this reporting year from Option 1 - GHG reduction project Energy Efficient Building Retrofits and Fuel Switching N/A Solar Thermal N/A Household Organic Waste Composting N/A Low Emissions Vehicles N/A 0 Less: GHG reductions being claimed for this reporting year from Option 2 - GHG reduction projects Please list all Option 2 Projects Implemented (insert title of the projects(s) as per project plan template. If you have more than two Option 2 projects you can add more lines at the bottom of this sheet) N/A Less: Offsets purchased for this reporting year (Option 3). Please identify your offset provider in the offset provider information section below. 1103.35 Balance of corporate emissions for this reporting year. (If the corporate emissions balance is zero, your local government is carbon neutral for this reporting year) Making Progress on Your Carbon Neutral Commitment Question Balance of corporate emissions for this reporting year. (If the corporate emissions balance is zero, your local government is carbon neutral for this reporting year) Answer Offset Provider We have already purchased Or, will purchase by June 1, 2013 N/A N/A N/A N/A