Reserve energy and water
Burning fossil fuels to heat our homes or produce electricty releases carbon emissions,
which cause climate change. The energy you use at home is likely to be your biggest
contribution to climate change. 80 per cent of it goes on heating and hot water, so this is a
good place to look for savings.
Turning your thermostat down by one degree could reduce carbon emissions and cut your
fuel bills by up to 10 per cent. When buying products that use energy anything from light
bulbs to fridge-freezers help tackle climate change by looking for the Energy Saving
Recommended label or European energy label rating of A or higher. The European
energy label also tells you how much water appliances use, so you can choose a more
efficient model.
More than half the heat lost in your home escapes through the walls and roof. Cavity wall
insulation costs about £450, can take a couple of hours to install, and could save you
money on fuel bills, as well as reducing your carbon footprint.
Low flush volume toilets, water efficient showerheads and aerating heads on washbasin
taps help to reduce your water use significantly. Also, fixing dripping taps You can also
collect rainwater in water butts and use it for watering your garden instead of a hose.
Composting food waste reduces climate change effects.
Getting around
Personal travel acounts for around a quarter of all the damage individuals do to the
environment, including climate change effects.
Choose an efficient car
Individual car travel is responsible for the majority of climate change impacts from
travel. If you are buying a new car, look for the fuel efficiency label to choose a more
efficient model. This will cut your carbon emissions and save you money on fuel and
Vehicle Tax.
Try to reduce your car use. Walking, cycling, or taking the bus or train will help reduce
local air polution and the climate change effects of getting around.
Consider the need for a flight and the alternatives to taking a plane. If you do fly, you can
offset your CO2. You could consider options for reducing your travel, for example taking
fewer, longer breaks if possible instead of several short ones. Maybe you can find what
you want closer to home, by taking a holiday in the UK or travelling to nearby countries
by rail or sea.
Producing, transportting and consuming food is responsible for nearly a fifth of our
climate change effects. Some foods have a much bigger impact on the envirnment than
others. Look for the labels to help you choose food that has been produced with the aim
of reducing the negative impact on wildlife and the environment. Buy fresh and in season
Buying food and drink when locally in season, and unprocessed or lightly processed
food, is likely to mean that less energy has been used in its production. Providing it has
been produced and stored under similar conditions, choosing food that has travelled a
shorter distance will help to reduce congestion and transport emissions that contribute to
climate change.
Reduce your food waste
Food that goes in the bin - if this ends up in landfill it produces methane, a greenhuse gas
judged to be more than 20 times as powerful as carbon dioxide in causing climate change.
Throwing less food away produces less methane and reduces other harmful
environmental impacts from producing, packaging and transporting food.
Recycling and cutting waste
Reducing, reusing and recycling waste saves on the raw materials and energy which are
needed to make new paper, metal, glass and other items. Saving energy helps tackle
climate change. Avoiding waste in the first place, by re-using and repairing items, is the
most efficient way to reduce waste. For example, buy items that can be re-used rather
than disposables, and pass things on when you have finished with them.
Recycle more
Nearly two thirds of all household rubbish can be recycled. Most councils run doorstep
recycling collections for paper, glass and plastics, often more. But local civic amenity
sites often accept many other things from wood and shoes, to textiles and TVs.
Get composting
Composting food waste reduces climate change effects. Many local councils offer
subsidised compost bins or home collection for kitchen and garden waste.
Greener Shopping
Re-use your plastic bags or bags for life
Choose energy efficient products
Take a bag
Look for
Buy recycled Look for recycled products: paper,
kitchen roll, toilet roll etc
Consider these points for a greener living.