
Informative Research Product Organizer
Research Topic: blood donor recruitment
Focusing Statement:
How to enhance blood donor recruitment.
Essential Background Information for Introduction:
“Every three seconds, somebody in the United States—a victim of a car accident, a person with a blood
disorder, a patient in surgery—needs a blood transfusion.”
Potential Hook/Grabber (Story, anecdote, quote about your issue):
Topic 1:
Personal contact
Personal contact with donor is very important.
Presentation/ meeting is essential to
Be warm to the donors
Personal contact with the potential donor and the motivator is the
most effective because it makes the experience more meaningful and
A motivator should have a sit down discussion with the members of
the organization to give them a brief history, relay important
information and to stress the importance of donating followed by a
question and answer session.
Evidence /Quotes:
To keep the blood coming after someone has donated, it is wise to
stress that the staff be kind to the donors and treat them warmly to
ensure their return.
Topic 2:
The need for blood
Blood is needed every day all the time. People are
constantly getting injured or in surgery and need
blood transfusions.
“Every three seconds, somebody in the United States—a victim
of a car accident, a person with a blood disorder, a patient in
surgery—needs a blood transfusion.”
Blood needs to be donated all the time because new
A study was shown that patients who received blood during their
blood is needed every day. Old blood can have
adverse effects, new blood is the safest.
cardiac surgery that was more than 2 weeks old were found to have
kidney failure, need a ventilator to breathe for more than 3 days,
develop a blood disorder called sepsis, or die within a year of
One pint of blood can help more than one person.
Evidence /Quotes:
“A single donation can help up to five patients. The need for blood
always exceeds the available supply, so you can be sure that your
blood donation is vital.”
Topic 3:Why not donate
There is no reason not to donate if you have healthy
blood. We have a lot to spare.
The body holds up to six quarts. At a donation you only give one pint.
There are two pints in a quart. It only takes about four to six weeks to
regenerate the blood lost in donation. Someone in an accident who loses
six pints aka half their blood supply is not going to make it 12-18 weeks
later after they’ve produced six pints of blood. They will die before that.
It is barely painful. There is only a little bit of
discomfort. There is no reason not. All it really is a
prick in the arm and 15 minutes of laying down.
After donating, you feel really good about yourself.
You know that you have just helped save
someone’s life.
Evidence /Quotes:
“I love donating blood. The thought of being able to help save three
people’s lives every time I go makes me feel like a better person.”
-Rino from Red Cross website
During the donation process the donator is questioned on their
health history, his vitals are checked, his blood is taking,
labeled and stored in ice coolers.
Topic 4:
Money incentives
Paid donors often with hold some of their health
history to be able to donate. Many of these paid
donors are infected by numerous diseases that they
are now passing along to their receivers.
“Studies by Allen et al., Allen, and Kunin first showed the risk of icetric
hepatitis of unknown viral specific was nearly six times greater with the
use of paid-donor blood than with that of voluntarily donated blood.”T.
A study performed in Italy asked people if they
would be more inclined to donate blood if given a
cash reward or a voucher. Being given cash conflicts
with the intrinsic motivation of donating blood.
Many people say no to the cash money but said yes
to the voucher. This reflects on the normative view
point of many. That it would be wrong to receive
money in return for donating blood. You should just
“The findings of this study, however, indicate that donors are not averse
to any form of reward for their prosocial actions, but, specifically, a
substantial fraction declare reluctance to receive cash. This is consistent
with rewards in kind indentifying a relationship as gift-giving as opposed
to a pure market interaction, and it is also consistent with the idea of
“self-concept maintenance” according to which individuals might regard
themselves as less “greedy” if they do not receive cash for their
participation in activity although they may still enjoy some other, less
want to do it.
socially taboo reward.” Nicola Lacetera
Evidence /Quotes:
Topic 5:
Non-monetary incentives
In regards to the study in Italy it was shown that
donors are more inclined to accept non-monetary
rewards because it is less selfish. Many feel that
people should donate blood because of intrinsic
motivation not because of a possible reward.
“…some studies have documented that material incentives that are “steps
removed” from direct cash, such as lottery tickets, in-kind or symbolic
rewards, and the possibility of taking a paid leave of absence have a
positive impact on blood donations.” Nicola Lacetera
Items that are not monetary such as coupons and tshirts are more effective than monetary incentives
because it helps eliminate the idea of being
“greedy” since they donor is not getting any
monetary gain from the donation.
“Some organizations such as the American Red Cross do make use of a
variety of items (T-shirts, mugs, coupons, etc) to reward donors, and
recent research has found these incentives to be quite effective at
increasing donations” Nicola Lacetera
Evidence /Quotes: