CRLA Application - 5 year



ITPC Tutor Training Program Certification Application Packet for:



Stage: Re-Certification ” (5 years)

Welcome . Read through this entire “Application Packet” BEFORE you start to complete the application(s).

This appl. is your request to have your current level(s) of ITPC certification continued for the next 5 years.

Note: If you want to add a new level(s), also submit a “1 st Stage : New” program appl. for the new level(s).

Each of this application ’s nine (9) sections itemizes the specific “Certification Requirements” for each level, for your convenience (also found on our web page:


Please provide a brief explanation of how your program complies with the requirement for that level, and include y our supporting documents/files verifying the program’s compliance with each requirement indicated.

Application Training Criteria :

[Every application submitted requires complete explanations, verifying documentation, and appropriate fees.]

 Each program that has identical tutor training procedures for each center at your campus may apply on the same application packet, listing the tutor training program(s) requesting certification.

 Each program that has its own, unique training procedure for each center at your campus requires a totally separate and complete application packet.

Possible scenarios include: Your campus has two tutor training programs you want certified, the “Math Center”, and the “Writing Center.” Both centers train tutors at Levels 1 & 2.

Scenario 1: Both centers conduct identical tutor training procedure at your campus.

Therefore, you complete a single application packet listing both centers under the “Program Name”.

Scenario 2: Each center conducts its own, unique tutor training for that center.

Therefore, you complete a separate, complete application packet, with fees, for each program.

$ Non-refundable Fee for application(s) for the SAME PROGRAM, submitted together (effective 7/1/09) :

(Fees can be combined if you’re now also submitting another appl. to add a new level(s) to your current certification.)

If submitting an online application is a problem, contact Rick Sheets at:


(Always verify current fees on our website.)

Online * Paper Application(s) for the same program, submitted at the same time, for various levels:

$150 $250

$250 $350

$350 $450 any individual level (submitted separately on a single appl) (i.e.: L1 only, L2 only, L3 only) any two levels (submitted together on single appl or on separate appls) any three levels (submitted together on single appl or separate appls)

(i.e.: L1 & 2)

(i.e.: L1, 2, & 3)

[*Paper Appl. Note: You must submit 3 paper copies of your complete application packet.

The added $100 fee is to offset the increased mailing/handling/scanning costs.)

$ CRLAITPC’s Two Payment Options A & B : (CRLA’s Federal ID # is 95-3177158).

A) Discover, MasterCard, or Visa charge cards are currently being accepted by CRLA.

Call Rick Sheets at 623-240-0572 to use a charge card.

B) Check (Institutional or Personal) – made payable to: “CRLA / Tutor Program Certification” .

If mailing your payment:

1. Print a copy of p.3 “*Program’s Details” (questions #1-5) for each application being submitted

2. Staple your payment to the “*Program’s Details” printed copy.

3. Mail the Coversheet(s) & your attached payment to:

CRLA-ITPC, c/o Rick Sheets, ITPC Coordinator

12422 West Aurora Drive, Sun City West, AZ USA 85375-1924



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

Communications Options: From You to ITPC : Please use these options as indicated to prevent problems.

 Online : ITPC uses three different email addresses. Each for a specific purpose indicated below.

[ Note : Name your email “Subject:” field using this format. Providing “*Program Details” expedites replies.]

Country,StateAbbrev,InstName,Campus,City,PrgrmNameLevels,N(new)/RR(renew)/RC(recert),part 1 (pt1,pt2,…)

Sample : USA, ZZ, Sample U., Zville Campus, Zville, Learning Assistance Center – L123, RC, pt 1

 Submit Application Packets to ONLY:

[ format “Subject:” field as requested above.]

 General Questions ONLY to:

[address CANNOT receive applications ]

 Answers to Specific Program Inquiries from the ITPC Coordinator to:


 U.S. Mail : CRLA-ITPC, c/o Rick Sheets, ITPC Coordinator, 12422 W. Aurora Dr, Sun City West, AZ 85385

[Note: 3 paper appl copies required, + added $100 fee.]

 Voice : 623.240.0572

, usually available 10 am – 4 pm. (AZ is always on Mt. Standard Time).

[Uses: pay appl. fees with credit card or respond to questions from Rick Sheets, ITPC Coordinator.]

Communications From ITPC to You:

The ITPC Coordinator receives 40-50 email inquiries a day, in addition to applications.

 Email queries are researched and answered by the ITPC Coordinator, aided by his assistant.

Please allow 3-4 weeks for a reply to your

email inquiries.

 Applications are assigned to reviewers in the order they are received.

Your colleagues review them as volunteers, in addition to their college or university duties.

Please allow 6 months for your application to complete the “Recert” program appl. review process.

Application Status Emails We Send to You: (generally using email templates)

 notice that your application was received or that your application / documentation is missing;

 notice that your fee payment was received or that your payment is missing;

 invoices for payments made via a charge card or personal check or if an invoice is requested; and

 notice that your paid application packet has been assigned to a reviewer(s).

Notification of Certification : Once your program is certified, ITPC will email you these items:

 an official notification letter stating your program details, certified levels, and the dates valid; and

 an ITPC Certificate, emailed as a .pdf attachment, listing your institution name, campus location, program name, levels certified, & the certification start & end dates for this certification period; and

 links to CRLA-ITPC Tutor Award Certificate template(s) for your program’s certified levels, which you may use, and adapt to include your institution’s information/logos/signatures/colors.

Suggestion for Your Own Annual Reports : Including this program application information in your own annual institutional reports can be a triple benefit to you and your program:

1) certification helps to bolster confidence in your program among your colleagues and your students;

2) it illustrates that your program is vital component in student learning, and can stimulate funding; and,

3) it preserves the data you have meticulously gathered here, which can greatly facilitate documenting your future re-application packets when you need to re-apply for continued certification.

[ NOTE : Archiving your appl. & documentation creates a valuable resource for future re-applications.]

3 rd Stage Applications are Needed for the Same Level(s) Every 5 yrs After This Certification ’s Approval :

Future appl. needed for your same Level(s) is the: “3 rd Stage: Re-certification ” Application Packet (5 yrs).

Submit application packet at least 6 months prior to your certification ’s ending date.

Every 5 yrs, submit another “3 rd Stage: Re-certification ” Application Packet (5 yrs). NOTE : Both the

“1 st Stage New ” and the “3 rd Stage Recertification” application packets follow the same basic pattern, each seeking essentially the same requirements and documentation used in your initial application.

This is where those archived files and documents will be a great value to you.

Re-apply EARLY! “3 rd Stage ReCertification” Application Timelines : 5yr Recertification = 6 months ahead.

Thank you for your interest in CRLA’s ITPC Program. We look forward to working with you & your team.

Respectfully. Rick Sheets, Ed.D. (ITPC Coordinator) and the ITPC Team.



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010


Program’s Details:



Stage: Re-Certification ITPC Program Application Packet

1. Training Program and Institution Details for Certification:

Institution Name: Texas Tech University

Program Name: Marsha Sharp Center for Student-Athletes Tutor Program

Program’s Webpage URL Address Link:

Program’s Complete Mailing Address: Marsha Sharp Center, 7 th & Boston, Box 42181

City, State/Provence, Zip/Postal Code: Lubbock, TX 79409-2181

Name(s) of the Primary & Other Contact Person(s) & their Position Title(s):

Application Agreement: As the primary “Contact” for the program submitting this application, you and your program agree to continue to follow the guidelines that you have submitted in this application packet.

(Please list only permanent employee(s) to facilitate future email communication - no grad. assistants, temps, etc.)

1) _ Dr. _ Mr. x Ms. : Denise Hood, Unit Coordinator

2) _ Dr. x Mr. _ Ms. : Herb Hopkinson, Tutor Coordinator

3) _ Dr. _ Mr. _ Ms. :

Email Address(s):


Voice Phone # : (806) 742-0150

Fax Phone # : (806) 742-0575

2. Optional questions used only for statistics & demographic research by other CRLA members:

Primary Contact is a CRLA Member: __ Yes __ No

(Personal or Institutional CRLA membership is not required for participation in the ITPC program)

Type of Institution: _ 1 yr _ 2 yr Fr-Sph _ 3-4 yr Jr-Sr _ 4 yr Fr-Sr _ Bus _ Other

Funding Source: _ Public _ Private _ Business _ Other (specify): ___________________

3. Certification Level(s) requested using this application:

(Mark an “X” for each level requested.)

(Fees can be combined if you are also applying now to add this level(s) to your current certification) x Level 1 / Certified Tutor (5 year re-certification)

_ Level 2 / Advanced Certified Tutor (5 year re-certification)

_ Level 3 / Master Certified Tutor (5 year re-certification)


Non-refundable Fee for application(s) for the SAME PROGRAM, submitted together (effective 7/1/09):

(Fees can be combined if you’re now also submitting another appl. to add a new level(s) to your current certification.)

If submitting an online application is a problem, contact Rick Sheets at:


Fee schedule for online and paper applications is also listed on the “Instructions” pages of this application.

(Always verify current fees on our website.)

5. Email Application Packet file to ONLY :

(only email address that can receive large files)

[ Note : Name your email “Subject:” field using this format. Providing “ *Program Details” expedite processing.]

Country,StateAbbrev,InstName,Campus,City,PrgrmNameLevels,N(new)/RR(renew)/RC(recert),part 1 (pt1,pt2,…)

Sample : USA, ZZ, Sample U., Zville Campus, Zville, Learning Assistance Center – L123, RC, pt 1



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

6. Overview Components of the Tutor Training Program Applying for Certification

Within a few pages, provide a brief program overview summarizing how your tutor training program fulfills the requirements for each of the level(s) checked on this application. The purpose of this overview is to provide the ITPC Reviewers with the background information necessary to understand your program.

This overview should provide the following information: a) Program history; b) Program objectives; c) Reporting lines; d) Sources of funding; e) Services and students served; f) Program location and facility; g) Training guidelines (administration; selection, hours, tracking, evaluation, etc.); and, h) How you generally conduct your training

(group size, meeting frequency/length, type of presentations).

Page heading for your brief program overview:




7. Summary Chart(s) of Tutor Training Topics, Materials, & Documents / Files used for Each Level on

This Application.

The chart(s) gives the reviewers a brief “snap-shot” of your program, before you present your more detailed explanations and documentation of your program. Use the table headings listed in the sample charts below to create a chart of topics, materials, and documents used in your tutor training program for each level requested on this application.




Tutor Manual




Amount of time

3 hours



Materials Used/ Documentation

Tutor Manual





15 mins

Discussion Tutor Manual







Pillars of












1 hour

1 hour

45 mins

5 hours min.







Tutor Manual

Academic Dean


Tutor Manual

NCAA Compliance Officer

Tutor Manual

Tutor Manual




3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010







Methods When


Amount of time

Materials Used/ Documentation



Methods When


Amount of time

Materials Used/ Documentation

3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

8. Document Bibliography: Your documents/files verify how your program meets certification requirements.

[ NOTE: Creating this “Document Bibliography” is usually done as the last step in the application process.]

The “ Documentation ” you provide show that your program has “Met” at least the minimum requirements for each level of certification requested, & should include all of the following components :

1) a brief statement of how your program accomplishes that criteria requirement;

2) a brief description of how your program tracks/documents how the minimum requirement is ”Met”;

3) enough examples/samples to enable CRLA Reviewers to verify the excellence of your program;

4) a clear, descriptive title for each of your attached documents/files, with page number(s) specified; &,

5) the complete listing of each document/file referenced in this application. (APA format not required.)

Naming Examples (APA format not required.): “Level 1: Learning Styles Presentation.ppt, #2-8 ”, or, “End of Semester Tutor Evaluation by Supervisor.doc, pp. 1-3”.

This enables the reviewers to identify the purpose & reason for each attached document.

Brevity is appreciated. Using condensed , but complete documentation expedites a program’s certification.

Some examples of usual documentation items include: a. course syllabi, b. workshop overview, or program description, c. time logs, d) tutor training guides, d. titles & ISBN numbers of copyrighted books, videos, DVDs, surveys, or, other training materials, e. working address links for Web pages or Websites, f. brochures/flyers/posters/memo samples, g. worksheet samples, or, h. handout samples.

Be aware of copyright concerns in your documentation.

COPYRIGHT REMINDER : “Compliance with federal copyright law is expected of all CRLA ITPC programs. It is our legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials we use in the classroom, and use for tutor and mentor training. Additionally, it is our legal and ethical responsibility to purchase, or have students purchase, any copyrighted materials used in training.

Programs found to be in violation of copyright law will lose their CRLA-ITPC certification.



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

Page heading for your document bibliography:





Attendance Sheet for Tutor Training (Attendancesheet.xlsx)

Tutor Training Agenda (Tutor Training Agenda Spring 2010.docx)

SDS Workshops (SDSworkshopsspr2010.pdf)

Tutor Meeting Agenda (Tutor Meeting Agenda 4-18-10.docx)


Tutor Training Agenda (Tutor Training Agenda Spring 2010.docx)

Tutor Manual (Tutor Manual TTU.docx)

SDS Workshops (SDSworkshopsspr2010.pdf)

Pillars of Tutoring (Tutor Pillars 201057.xlsx)


Pillars of Tutoring (Tutor Pillars 201057.xlsx)

Tutor Pledge (Tutor Pledge.docx)

(Definition of Tutoring and Tutor Responsibilities: Tutor Manual pg.4-5)

(Basic Tutoring Guidelines, and/or, Tutoring Do's, and/or, Tutoring Don'ts: Tutor Manual pg. 16-17)

(Techniques for Successfully Beginning and Ending a Tutor Session: Tutor Manual pg. 18-20)

(Adult Learners, and/or, Learning Theory, and/or, Learning Styles: SDS Workshops, pg. 4)

(Assertiveness, and/or, Handling Difficult Students: Tutor Manual pg. 18-20)

(Role Modeling: Tutor Manual pg 12-13)

(Setting Goals, and/or, Planning: SDS Workshops, pg. 4)

(Communication Skills: Tutor Manual 12-13, 16-20)

(Active Listening and Paraphrasing: SDS Workshops, pg. 4)

(Study Skills: SDS Workshops, pg. 4)

(Critical Thinking Skills: SDS Workshops, pg 4)

(Compliance with the Ethics and Philosophy of the Tutor Program, and/or, Sexual Harassment, and/or,

Plagiarism: Tutor Manual pg. 7-11, Tutor Training Agenda)


Tutor Session Evaluations (TutorEvalSumI.xlsx)


Recommendation Letter (Recommendation Letter.docx)


Tutor Evaluation (Texas Tech Athletics Tutor Performance Evaluation Form.docx)



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010


In sections 9 A-F on this application, you will see an outlined listing of each set of requirements needed for a program ’s certification at that level. (Web Link:


Within parts A-F, you are generally asked to provide the following program information with documentation:

1) a brief statement regarding how your program accomplishes the criteria requirements for that level,

2) if your program has either “Met” or “Exceeded” the minimum requirements for that level,

3) a brief description of how you track/document how the requirements are being completed,

4) enough samples to enable CRLA Reviewers to verify the excellence of your program, and

5) the necessary “ Documentation " needed to briefly and clearly demonstrate patterns of evidence of the who, what, when, where, and how of your tutor training program.

Within your “Documentation:” for each level, and set of requirements, include the following: a) samples and examples, b) a brief statement of how that document verifies your compliance, c) complete, working Web file links that illustrate your program’s compliance, d) condensed, but complete documents/files, with descriptive titles & page numbers specified for each referenced requirement.

Naming Examples : “Level 1: Learning Styles Presentation.ppt, #2-8 ”, or,

“End of Semester Tutor Evaluation by Supervisor.doc, pp. 1-3”.] e) inclusion of each document/file listed within this application within # “ 8 . Document Bibliography” .

Remember to attach each document/file referenced to the application packet email. Following all these steps enables the reviewers to quickly identify the purpose & connection of each attached document/file.

Naming Examples : “Level 1: Learning Styles Presentation.ppt, #2-8 ”, or,

“End of Semester Tutor Evaluation by Supervisor.doc, pp. 1-3”.]

9. (Parts A-F) Questions on Certification Requirements for Each Level

Within parts A-F that follow, please provide complete answers for each of the questions listed, and be sure to list the documentation to confirm your compliance with the requirements that level, and to attach those files:

9-A. Amount and Duration of Tutor Training for Each Level Applied for on This Application:

1. List the number of hours involved in your tutor training. [a minimum of 10 hrs is required at each level]

2. Indicate if you have “Met” or “Exceeded” the minimum of the required 10 training hours per Level.

3. What time periods are used for your tutor training? (quarters, semesters, year-long, etc. ), and

4. What tracking methods are used for your tutor training to document training attendance?

5. What structure is used for your tutor training at each level? (taught as a course, or, as a non-course)

6. Documentation : your clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) should verify: a. how this minimum is “Met” by your program, usually via samples of training materials, logs; and, b. how you document that your program has met this requirement; and, c. that the attached documents/files are included in the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl.

Naming Examples : “Level 1: Learning Styles Presentation.ppt, #2-8 ”, or,

“End of Semester Tutor Evaluation by Supervisor.doc, pp. 1-3”.


“Tutor Training Syllabus”, pages 2-4 ]



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-A.1: Level 1 (L1)

1. Number of hours for Level 1: 13 [Minimum required: 10 hrs total.]

(a minimum of 10 cumulative hours of tutor training).

2. The requirements of Level 1 are: __ Met or x Exceeded

3. The 1 st set of Tutor Training Sessions is done in: __ Quarters x Semesters __ Other (specify):

4. The method(s) we use to track/document our training sessions is: Attendance Sheets__________

5. Our tutor training is done as a: __ Course x Non-Course __ Other (specify):

6. Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how our program has “Met” at least the minimum requirements,

(suggested examples can include: sample tracking reports, tutoring-logs, etc.), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl. a. Our program consists of three main ongoing training modules. Our first module is the initial tutor training in which we review everything that is tutoring. From our policies and expectations to how to tutor effectively to dealing with a wide range of situations. We use various activities to promote learning like group work, individual experience and teamwork strategies. Secondly, we use monthly trainings/staff meeting to review important concepts and continue the learning process. Last, we utilize many on-campus learning seminars and workshops done through the various departments.

One department that we worked exclusively with was student disability services. The staff must attend at least 5 of these on-campus workshops to continue their employment and be eligible for wage increases and satisfactory evaluations. b. The attendance sheet is a simple way to see who attended training. The training agenda shows the goals of the training as well as a generic time breakdown (approx 4 hours). The SDS workshops show the additional trainings on campus for the tutors to attend (1 hour each). The meeting agenda shows the monthly staff meetings topics covered (1 hour each). c. Attachments: Attendance Sheet for Tutor Training (Attendancesheet.xlsx), Tutor Training Agenda

(Tutor Training Agenda Spring 2010.docx), SDS Workshops (SDSworkshopsspr2010.pdf), Tutor

Meeting Agenda (Tutor Meeting Agenda 4-18-10.docx)



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-B. Mode of Tutor Training for Each Level Applied for on This Application [within min. # of hrs listed]

1. Describe the training modes used in your tutor training for each Level applied for on this application.

Modes Required: Your training MUST use all 3 of these required training components: a. Tutor-trainer supervised, and b. Interactive, and c. Live / Real-time training.

2. Describe the training forms used in your tutor training for each Level applied for on this application.

One or more of these forms can be used (using a variety of formats is strongly recommended):

 workshop instruction / seminar session

 face-to-face discussions, or, online discussions

 Multi-User Virtual Environment (MUVE, like Second Life)

3. Additional / remaining training time can use these modes as the main delivery medium: a. Videotapes/DVD’s/websites b. Conferences with tutor trainer/supervisor c. Web-quests, Podcasts, Webcasts, Wikis, Blogs d. Texts, handouts, scavenger hunts e. Special tutor projects f. Other (please specify): __________________________________

4. Indicate if you have “Met” or “Exceeded” the minimum number of training hours indicated for each level, using all 3 required training components

5. Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is “Met” (usually through samples of training materials, logs, etc.), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl.

[Bibl. Example: “Tutor Training Syllabus”, pages 6-8 ]

9-B.1: Level 1 (L1):

Pre-requisite: No prior CRLA tutor training or certification is required to begin L1 Tutor Training.

1. Describe the training modes used for training Level 1 tutors.

L1 Requirements : a min. of 6 hours of training, and MUST use all 3 of these training components: a) Tutor-trainer supervised, b) Interactive, and c) Live / Real-time training.

All three modes are utilized in training. The tutor coordinator leads all the tutor trainings and will sit in on tutor appointments throughout the semester (fulfilling A). The trainings all involve components in which the tutors must work together to solve common tutor-related problems with student-athletes.

We also utilize various departments on campus to further educate tutors (fulfilling B). Tutors are required to attend Student Disability Services Workshops – through the SDS Department – to get real-time, hands-on approaches to different academic difficulties students face. Additionally, tutors have the option of sitting in on returning tutors and shadowing the tutor. We have found this to be an effective method of introducing new tutors without any experience tutoring in a professional setting

(fulfilling C).

2. Describe the training forms used for training Level 1 tutors. (Varied formats are recommended.)

Workshops and seminars – carried out by on-campus departments (such as student disability services and the Techniques Center). We also will periodically have departments come and give specific presentations to the tutors at our monthly meetings.

Face-to-face discussions – Will meet with tutor periodically throughout the semester – sometimes sit in on tutor sessions

– and give feedback regarding tutoring. Also, end of the semester evaluations complete with skills to work on.

3. Describe the main delivery medium(s) used for any remaining training time for Level 1 tutor training.

1. Conferences with tutor coordinator – both for evaluations and after random sessions to gauge the tutor’s understanding of both the material and the student are learning style.



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

2. Hand-outs – tutor manual makes an excellent reference guide for use throughout the tutor’s time as an employee.

3. Special projects within tutor trainings – engaging in various learning situations to learn about themselves and teach others.

4. Open door policy to assist with any tutor-related questions – though overlooked, having the tutor coordinator always available to assist tutors is a key to their success. If situations ever arise, it helps to have a member of the professional staff there to help the tutor learn how to deal as well as offer an additional strong consenting opinion.

4. The requirements of Level 1 are: __ Met or x Exceeded


Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples of training materials, logs, etc.), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl. a. The minimum is at least “Met” by the various required workshops tutors must attend (min. 5 at 1 hr a piece), the initial tutor training (in which at least 2 hours is devoted to problem-solving and led by tutor coordinator), and lastly through various interactions throughout the semester with the tutors in face-to-face situations. b. Pillars of Tutoring (Tutor Pillars 201057.xlsx) is a breakdown of the workshops tutors attend through either the SDS or TECHniques Center as referenced above. Tutors must bring back handouts at the workshops with the signature of the presenter. The TTU Tutor Manual (Tutor

Manual TTU.docx) contains all the information presented and covered during training. The back of the manual is full of scenarios tutors must be prepared to deal with and present to fellow tutors during the training session.



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-C. Areas/Topics to be Covered in Tutor Training for Each Level Applied for on This Application:

Answer questions 1-3 for each level you have requested. Each level lists the minimum topics that are required for completion of that level. The exact amount of time devoted to each topic may vary.

9-C.1: Level 1 (L1): a min. of eight (8) of the following 15 listed topics must be covered in Level 1 training.

1. Mark an “X” by the eight (8), or more, topics you cover in your Level 1 Tutor Training, and x Definition of Tutoring and Tutor Responsibilities x Basic Tutoring Guidelines, and/or, Tutoring Do's, and/or, Tutoring Don'ts x Techniques for Successfully Beginning and Ending a Tutor Session x Adult Learners, and/or, Learning Theory, and/or, Learning Styles x Assertiveness, and/or, Handling Difficult Students x Role Modeling x Setting Goals, and/or, Planning x Communication Skills x Active Listening and Paraphrasing x Referral Skills x Study Skills x Critical Thinking Skills x Compliance with the Ethics and Philosophy of the Tutor Program, and/or, Sexual Harassment, and/or, Plagiarism

_ Modeling Problem Solving

_ Other (please specify): _ ______________________

2. Indicate if you have met or exceeded the minimum of 8 of these specific topics listed above.

The Level 1 requirements are: __ Met or x Exceeded


Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the

“8. Document Bibliography”

of this appl.

[Example: Active Listening and Paraphrasing : see the “Tutor Training Syllabus, pp. 4-5”] a. Many of these topics are covered through the discussion part of the tutor training. Looking through the tutor manual, many of these specific items are addressed and explained to the tutors. In some fashions, the tutors will have to present “learning outcomes” at the completions of some tutor training exercises to show what they have learned instead of being told what they should gain from a presentation. We feel that this helps the learning become more permanent. Additionally, more in-depth coverage of certain subjects (learning styles, goal setting, active listening, study skills, etc.) are achieved through the tutor’s attendance to the SDS workshops – a.k.a. Pillars of Tutoring b. Attendance to the workshops is documented by the worksheet referenced above (Tutor

Pillars 201057.xlsx) and by attendance to tutor training. All tutors are required to sign a

Tutor Pledge (Tutor Pledge.docx) to signify they have attended tutor training, understood their responsibilities, and received a tutor manual. c. The tutor Manual and SDS workshops are the two major documents used to cover these specific requirements.



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-D. Required Tutoring Experience in Tutor Training for Each Level Applied for on This Application:

Each Level requires a minimum of 25 hours of actual tutoring time. [25(L1) + 25(L2) + 25(L3) = 75 total hrs.]

1. Explain how you track your tutors’ actual tutoring experience. [Method(s) used to track the exact hours a tutor spends actually tutoring, not counti ng “no shows” or other non-tutoring work performed].

(examples may be tracking via: Accutrack, Tutortrac, Tutor Time Logs, etc.)

2. Indicate if you have “Met” or “Exceeded” the minimum of 25 hours of actual tutoring time per level.

3. List each clearly titled attached document sample (with page numbers specified) to confirm compliance.

[Example: a tracking method such a

“Tutor Time Logs, pp.6-10”, if student information is included.]

4. Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl.

[Examples: “Tutor Time log for John Public tutoring student Mary Doe, p.10”, or “Tutor-Track printout.]

9-D.1: Level 1 (L1): Required: a minimum of 25 initial hours of actual tutoring experience for Level 1.

1. The tracking method(s) we use to track our tutors’ actual tutoring experience include the following:

We currently use an online academic database created in conjunction with TTU IT. The database tracks each individual session as a tutor session evaluation completed by the tutor. The online form very much resembles the previous paper form of the session evaluation, which will be attached.

2. The requirement of 25 hours of actual tutoring experience for Level 1 is: __ Met or x Exceeded

3. These are examples of our tutor tracking documentation:

Subject Tutor Session Evaluation –


Documentation : these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and,



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010


14 b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl. a. While there is no guarantee any tutors will receive a specific number of hours, it is safe for us to assume only those who achieve the 25 hour status will be allowed to receive the CRLA certificate. On the average, our tutors at least achieve 50 hours of tutoring a semester. It is only an average but there are many who exceed the 25 minimum. b. Tracking the evaluations was easy once all the paper ones were put into an Excel spreadsheet and the current online system evaluations can be exported to Excel. c. Tutor Session Evaluations are tracked in Excel. The document (TutorEvalsSumI.xlsx) shows how sessions were tracked in the previous session.

3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-E. Required Tutor Selection Criteria for Each Certification Level Applied For on This Application.

Required : Tutor Selection MUST use at least one choice from “Step 1” and, one choice from “Step 2”.

1. Explain which interview option(s) from Step 1 that you use for tutor selection.

Step 1 : Indicate the “Interview Type” (1, &/or 2) you use of these 2 required interview options:

Interview Type 1: Interview plus written approval of a content/skill instructor, and/or

Interview Type 2: Interview plus endorsement of tutor trainer/supervisor

2. Explain which knowledge verification means from Step 2 that you use for tutor selection.

Step 2 : Indicate the means of verifying content knowledge you use for tutor selection:

Course Grade: Grade of “A” or “B” in subject content being tutored

Life Experience: Documented work/life experience equivalent to grade of “A” or “B” in the subject content material tutored.

3. Indicate if your program has “Met“ or “Exceeded” the required minimums of tutor selection criteria.

4. Provide clearly titled document samples (with page numbers specified) to confirm compliance.

5. Documentation: these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl.

9-E.1: Level 1 (L1): Describe below how your program completes the tutor selection criteria requirements:

1. The Step 1 interview option(s) we use for L1 tutor selection, and how we use them, are:

We utilize the interview type 1 style. The tutor coordinator handles all the tutor hiring. For specific content areas, the tutor coordinator will email departments on campus and get specific tutor names from professors. The coordinator will then contact the potential tutor and set up a formal interview.

For general subject area tutors, the coordinator will interview candidates and have the candidates get recommendation letters from their professors.

2. The Step 2 knowledge verification means we use for L1 tutor selection, and how we use them, are:

We use course grades to determine whether a tutor can tutor a subject. We have a running list on our database which keeps track of the courses in which the tutors have at least achieved a “B” grade.

3. The requirements of Level 1 tutor selection are: x Met or __ Exceeded

4. Here are clearly titled document samples (with page numbers specified) to confirm compliance.

5. Documentation: these clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) will verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl. a. We use one each from L1 tutor selection interview options and knowledge verification. That meets the minimum requirements established. b. If the student wasn’t specifically recommended by a professor of the content area, then we have them fill out a recommendation form. We use the online database to see who received at least a “B” grade in a course before setting up the tutor session. c. Recommendation Letter (Recommendation Letter.docx) is the form candidates must have filled out by a professor to finalize the hiring process. Also below is a print-screen of the database to show the “B” grade minimum. The database pulls its information directly from the school academic system (BANNER).



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

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3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010

9-F. Tutor Evaluation in Tutor Training for Each Level Requested on This Application:

1. Indicate which of these required method(s) are used, and how, to evaluate your tutors at that level.

 a formal / informal evaluation process is in place

 a formal / informal evaluation occurs on a regular basis

 the results of the evaluation process are made known to the tutors


Indicate if you have “Met” or “Exceeded” the minimum criteria requirements for that level.

3. Provide clearly identified samples, with page numbers specified, of these tutor evaluations.

4. Documentation : your clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) should verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl.

Naming Examples : “Level 1: Learning Styles Presentation.ppt, #2-8 ”, or,

“End of Semester Tutor Evaluation by Supervisor.doc, pp. 1-3”.


“Tutor Training Syllabus”, pages 2-4 ]

9-F.1: Level 1 (L1):

1. Mark an

“X” for all options that you use to evaluate your tutors for this level: x a formal, &/or, __ an informal evaluation procedure is in place x a formal, &/or, __ an informal evaluation occurs on a regular basis x results of their evaluation process are made known to tutors

__ other (please specify): _____________________________________________________

2. The evaluation requirements for Level 1 tutors are: __ Met or x Exceeded

3. Here are clearly identified samples, with page numbers specified, of these tutor evaluations:

4. Documentation : your clearly titled documents/files (with page numbers specified) should verify: a. how this minimum is at least “Met” (including samples), and, b. how our program documents that we have met this requirement, and, c. that these documents/files are included within the “8. Document Bibliography” of this appl. a. Fulfilled three of the 3 options for evaluating tutors. The tutor coordinator has a formal evaluation sheet that is filled out at the completion of each semester for each tutor. The evaluation is then reviewed by both the coordinator and the tutor to address any strengths and areas of weakness for the tutor. b. The evaluation is pla ced in each tutor’s folder on record. c. We utilize the Tutor Evaluation (Texas Tech Athletics Tutor Performance Evaluation

Form.docx) to formally evaluate the tutor staff.

THE END ! Thank you for applying. Rick Sheets, ITPC Coordinator



3 rd Stage: Re-Certification Application Packet

Rev. 3/6/2010
