Student Government =====Association==== Tuesday, March 17, 2015 Senate Meeting D.P. Culp Center, Forum 4:00 PM I. II. III. IV. V. Call to Order by Vice President Sholes at 4:00 PM Roll Call a. 25 of 28 Senators Present i. Absent Senator Baird ii. Absent Senator King iii. Absent Senator Vance Reading of Minutes a. Passes: All in favor Senator Southers made a motion to move President Benn Presentation before old business. Seconded by Senator S Tuggle. Passes: All in favor Open Forum Old Business a. SSR-15-003 (SGA Glass) i. The committee voted unfavorable for this piece. The committee was worried that it would look sloppy and the risk involved. Senator Johnson made a motion to adopt this piece of legislation and it was seconded by Senator Holt. Senator Johnson called to previous question and seconded by Senator Parks. There were many objections. The objection failed 12-13-0 and conversations continued. A call to previous made by Senator Z Tuggle and seconded by Senator Shah. 1. Passes:14-11-0 b. SSR-15-004 (Tickets) i. The committee was in favor for this legislation and is up to hear more conversations about it. A motion to adopt was made by Senator Parks and seconded by Senator Southers. The Senate was forced to vote due to running out of time. 1. Failed: 12-13-0 Attendance changed to 24 c. SSR-15-005 (Library) i. The committee was in favor of this legislation. The only concern the committee had was that the part of the library that this will be placed in is not open 24/7 and lack of clarity of what floor this would be placed on. A motion to adopt made by Senator Arnold VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. and seconded by Senator Martin. Senator Z Tuggle calls to previous question and seconded by Senator Zaragoza 1. Passes: 22-0-2 Senator Johnson made a motion to vote SSR-15-006 AND SSR-15-008 together due to the committee being in favorable for both pieces. Passes: 23-1-0 Senator Johnson called to previous question and was seconded by Senator Shah. Both pieces of legislation passed 24-0-0. d. SSR-15-006 (Blue Light) i. Passes: 24-0-0 e. SSR-15-007 (Ticket Alt) i. The committee was in favor for this piece of legislation. A motion to adopt was made by Senator Z Tuggle and Seconded by Senator Zaragoza. A call to previous question was made by Senator Ellis and seconded by Senator Gilmer. 1. Passes: 24-0-0 f. SSR-15-008 (Nicks Drains) i. Passes: 23-0-1 New Business a. Swear in Election Commission i. A motion to adopt by Senator Z Tuggle and seconded by Senator Cassell. Senator Johnson called to previous question and seconded by Senator Zaragoza. 1. Passes: All in favor Senator Johnson made a motion to move the reading of SSR-15-009 before the swearing in election commission. b. SSR-15-009 (Culp Renovation 2015) i. Sent to Student Affairs c. President Benn Presentation i. Presentation will be shown at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM tomorrow in the East Tennessee Room. Executive Branch Remarks a. President b. Vice President c. Secretary/ Treasurer Advisor Remarks a. Dr. Howard Cabinet Remarks Senate Remarks Adjourn a. Passes: All in favor Student Senate of the East Tennessee State University Student Government Association SSR-15-009 President Doretha Benn, Vice President Zackary Sholes, and Secretary/Treasurer Taylor Dunn, present the following legislation to the East Tennessee State University Student Government Association on behalf of the STUDENTS OF EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY. A RESOLUTION TO ENHANCE STUDENT LIFE THROUGH RENOVATING, BUILDING AN ADDTION, AND RENAMING THE D.P. CULP UNIVERSITY CENTER WHEREAS, the purpose of the D.P. Culp University Center is meant to be the epicenter of campus for students, and; WHEREAS, presently the D.P. Culp University Center does not fulfill the purpose intended for the building, and; WHEREAS, most of the center is now occupied by administrative offices, and; WHEREAS, students deserve a center that is up-to-date, provides adequate space for eating, lounging, studying, meeting, and programming, and provides a sense of community, and; WHEREAS, renovating and adding an addition to the building would convert the D.P. Culp University Center into a student center that creates a transformative student experience here at East Tennessee State University. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE 2014-2015 STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION SENATE OF THE EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY THAT: Section 1. A one hundred and forty-five dollar ($145) student fee shall be implemented in the fall semester of the 2015-2016 school year to fund the renovation and addition to the center. One hundred and twenty dollars ($120) of the fee shall be for the construction and renovation. Twenty-five dollars ($25) of this fee shall go to the student activity fee to enhance student life and building operations. Section 2. The aforementioned fee will be staggered beginning with first and second year students in 2015-2016 and continuing with one class added each year. Section 3. The university shall form a Culp Renovation committee, with at least three student representatives. This committee shall implement and carry out a plan to renovate and add an addition to the D.P. Culp University Center. Section 4. The D.P. Culp University Center shall be renamed to the D.P. Culp Student Center.