ACES Workshop Sunday, May 1st Time: 6:30pm - Registration and Reception Location: Tsunami Wall in back of hotel Monday, May 2nd Time Session/Talk Title Speaker 8:30am Welcome John Rundle Tohoku Earthquake 8:45am Summary of Data and Models for the Great Tohoku Earthquake Jim Mori 9:45am Predictive Dynamic Rupture Simulation of the 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake Eiichi Fukuyama 10:30am BREAK Forecasting & Early Warning 11:00am Collaboratory for the predictability study of the aftershock sequence following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake: A preliminary result Kazuyoshi Nanjo 11:45am Results of the RELM/CSEP Validation Experiment Donald Turcotte 12:15pm LUNCH Forecasting & Early Warning 1:30pm Computational Issues in Forecasting Earthquakes John Rundle 1:50pm Record-breaking Earthquake Forecasts Mark Yoder 2:10pm 3D Simulation of Dynamic Response of a Heterogeneous Earth for Earthquake Forecasting Huilin Xing 2:30pm QuakeSim Fault Interaction Simulations Jay Parker 2:50pm BREAK Multihazards & Tsunamis 3:30pm Numerical Simulation of Wildfires Rodman Linn 3:50pm Multi-Hazard Simulation Steven Ward 4:20pm What Mechanisms are Responsible for the Tsunami of The Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011: Elastic Deformation or Landslides? David Yuen 4:40pm GPS Detection of Tsunami Scales for Early Warnings Tony Song 5:00pm Discussion/End Tuesday, May 3rd Time Session/Talk Title Speaker Multihazards & Tsunamis 8:30am The Spatio-Temporal Scan of LURR in the Western United States and Its Application to Predict its Seismic Tendency Xiang-chu Yin 9:00am Ensemble Earthquake Forecast Test in North-East Tibet Plateau with Multiple Models Yongxian Zhang 9:20am Seismic Streaks and Holes: Geometric Control of the Parkfield Mw6.0 Earthquake Sequence Sylvain Barbot 9:40am Fault Step-over Rheology and its Effect on Earthquake Rupture Propagation Yaron Finzi 10:00am Nucleation and Growth Modes in a Monte Carlo model of Cohesive Tensile Cracks Joseph Gran 10:15am Break Simulation Methods 10:40am Numerical experiment of sequential data assimilation for crustal deformation between Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes Takane Hori 11:00am New Approach to GutenbergRichter Scaling William Klein 11:30am Dynamic Rupture on Faults with Heterogeneous Strength Due to Non-uniform Normal Stress: The Effect of stress redistribution by Prior Events Junle Jiang 11:50am 12:20pm Finite Element Modeling of the 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand, Mw6.3 Earthquake Charles Williams Lunch (Afternoon Free) Wednesday, May 4th Time Session/Talk Title Speaker Computational Technology & Quake Simulations 8:30am Complex Faulting Across the Los Angeles Portion of the PacificNorth American Plate Boundary Andrea Donnellan 8:50am The OpenQuake InfoMall Geoffrey Fox 9:10am E-DECIDER: Experiences Developing Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools Marlon Pierce 9:30am Analysis of 30 Minute Resolution GPS Time Series from the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake via Statistical Modeling Robert Granat 9:50am Web-Based Approach to Multihazard Analysis James Holliday 10:10am Virtual California: Inner Workings, Recent Results and Future Development Michael Sachs 10:30am Break 11:00am Scientific Visualization for Earthquake Science and Simulation Louise Kellogg 11:15am Simple Slip Models from Differential InSAR Images Jay Parker 11:30am Reconciling Precariously Balanced Rocks with Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault System in S. California Lisa Ludwig Grant 11:50am E-DECIDER: Experiences Developing Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools Maggi Glasscoe 12:10pm Lunch Simulators & UCERF 1:30pm Use of Earthquake Simulators by WGCEP Ned Field 2:30pm RSQSim – A Regional Scale Earthquake Simulator Keith RichardsDinger 2:50pm Virtual California: A Guided Tour John Rundle/Michael Sachs 3:10pm Break 3:20pm Summary of the SCEC Simulators Project Terry Tullis 4:00pm ALLCAL: An Earthquake Simulator for All of California Steven Ward 4:20pm Structural Maturity of Faults, Magnitude-Frequency Distribution and the Predictability of Earthquakes Olaf Zielke 4:40pm Discussion Edward Field and Terry Tullis Thursday, May 5th Time Session/Talk Title 8:30am SCEC Simulators Workshop and Discussions Discussion 12:00pm Lunch 1:30pm Discussion 5:00pm End Speaker