DO PHYSICS ONLINE IDEAS TO IMPLEMENTION QUESTIONS & PROBLEMS SOLUTION QUIDELINES How to answer a question: problem solving (t0_372.pdf) p1.23 Waves transfer energy without any material being transformed. At first cathode rays were though to be waves like X-rays which has been recently discovered. Cathode rays were deflected both by electric and magnetic fields indicating that cathode rays were a stream of negatively charged particles and J J Thompson measured the qe/me ratio providing compelling evidence that cathode rays were a beam of negatively charged electrons. p1.28 E m = 10-30 kg q = +6×10-12 C F ma a = 7.0×1021 m.s-2. F Eq 30 21 F m a 10 7 10 E N.C-1 1.2 103 N.C-1 12 q q 6 10 +q +I F out of page B right hand palm rule DO PHYSICS ONLINE 1 p1.30 force on a moving charge in a magnetic field F B q v sin F B q v force on charge particle [N] strength of uniform magnetic field [T tesla] magnetic flux density charge of particle [C coulomb] velocity of charged particle [m.s-1] angle between magnetic field lines and current direction = 0 F = 0 current direction & magnetic field direction parallel = 90o F = Fmax current direction perpendicular to magnetic field direction magnitude only magnitude only magnitude only magnitude only magnitude only p1.34 I v B right hand screw rule: magnetic field into page F eright hand palm rule: motion of electron is directly towards the wire p1.44 B = 1.2310-3 T d = 22.5 m = 2.2510-3 m accelerating voltage Va = 10.5 kV = 10.5103 V (a) v = ? m.s-1 accelerating voltage does work on the electron increasing its kinetic energy 2 eVa eVa 12 m v 2 v 6.08 107 m.s-1 m (b) right hand screw rule – magnetic force directed up the page FB B e v 1.20 1014 N (c) magnetic force & electric force must cancel – electric force directed down the page FB FE 1.20 1014 N (d) Electric field between the plates – same direction as force on a positive charge – up the page F FE e E E E 7.47 104 V.m-1 e (e) voltage across the plates DO PHYSICS ONLINE 2 – bottom plate is positive (electron attracted to bottom plate) E V d V E d 1.68 103 V (f) J.J Thompson’s e/m experiment e V2 m 2 d 2 Va B 2 From measurement of E (or V and d), B and Va the e/m ratio can be found. Alternatively: Thomson adjusted the electric field strength and magnetic field strength to make the electrons pass straight through. This allowed him to calculate the velocity v of the electrons (cathode rays). He then passed the electrons through the magnetic field B alone, and from the radius R of their path calculated the q/m ratio e v m BR p1.65 (a) striations (b) right hand side is the cathode – striations are nearer than anode (c) See notes Electrical discharges (d) Pattern will not significantly change but molecules of different gases emit radiation of different frequencies in such transitions. Therefore, the glow of the positive column has a characteristic colour for each gas. (e) The pressure of the gas is mainly responsible for the observed patterns. p1.68 right hand screw rule – force on positive charge is directed towards the right The magnetic force acting on the positive charge will always act towards the centre of a circle – the electron will move in a circular path. p1.71 (a) (b) See notes – spectral tubes (b) The tubes have different pressures inside them. (c) highest to lowest pressure B D A C p1.75 force on a moving charge in a magnetic field F B q v sin The force only depends on the component of the velocity which is at right angles to the magnetic field. it does not dependent on the parallel component. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 3 p1.76 (a) CRO – cathode ray tube (b) Cathode ray tubes using in televisions and cathode ray tubes (c) A – low voltage to provide current to heat cathode B – hot cathode – electron gun C – accelerating voltage – large used to accelerate electrons to give them large kinetic energies D – accelerating voltage plates E – electric deflecting plates – to change the path of the electron beam F – fluorescent screen – when an electron hits the screen a flash of light is emitted (d) v 0.60 c Ek 12 mev 2 qeV V mev 2 9.2 104 V 2qe (e) d 18 mm 18 103 m V 254 V V 1.41 104 V .m 1 d F qe E 2.3 1015 N F a 2.5 1015 m.s 2 me E (f) (g) p1.79 right hand palm rule electron travels in a circular orbit v = 2.0107 m.s-1 |q| = 1.60210-19 C m = 9.1110-31 kg R = ? m T = ? s f = ? Hz Magnetic force = centripetal force m v2 mv Bqv R 1.38 104 R Bq circumference f 2 R v T T B = 0.010 T m 2 R 4.34 1011 s v 1 2.31 1010 Hz T DO PHYSICS ONLINE 4 p1.93 C plates must be conductors E V d plates must be conductors p1.94 (a) The shadow of the cross showed that the cathode rays travelled in straight lines. Without the cross there is no shadow. (b) The glass fluoresces because the energy carried by the electrons are absorbed by the glass molecules. The molecules of the glass become and excited and then loss energy by emitting photons of visible light. (c) The cathode rays are negatively charged electrons – negative charged particles moving in a magnetic field experience a force – electron beam deflected causing a distortion of the shadow of the cross. (d) Electrons are constituent of atoms, investigate properties of electrons, measure the qe/me ratio. (e) Need a high voltage source such as an induction coil ******************************************************************* p2.05 high voltage source spark gaps induction coil receiver transmitter Sparks across the gap of the transmitter produced the induction coil emitted electromagnetic radiation which included radio waves and UV radiation. When a sheet of glass was placed between the transmitter and receiver, the spark in the receiver was weaker due to the absorption of the UV by the glass. Hertz noted the observation but did not follow it up. The UV absorbed by the metal receiver enabled electrons to be mitted more easily giving a bigger spark – photoelectric effect. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 5 p2.06 Planck energy of atomic oscillators is quantized E = h f Einstein particle model for light – light consisted of photons – energy of each photon hf An electron emitted immediately from the surface by the interaction with a photon Applied the Law of Conservation of Energy Energy of incident photon = Energy to release electron from surface + KE of ejected electron 2 2 h f = ½ m v + = ½ m vmax + W W is the min energy needed to remove an electron from the surface – work function For electron to be released h f W threshold frequency h fc = W p2.08 Stopping voltage Threshold frequency Threshold wavelength Voltage required to reduce photocurrent to zero – eVs is the measurement of the maximum kinetic energy a photoelectron Minimum frequency for the release of electrons from the surface of the material Maximum wavelength for the release of electrons form the surface of the material h f 12 mvmax 2 W eVstopping W Vstopping h W f e e 2 Stopping Voltage Vs (V) 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 slope intercept Work function Planck’s constant Threshold frequency Threshold wavelength 2 4 6 frequency f (Hz) 8 10 x 10 14 m = 3.7510-15 (V.Hz-1) b = -1.67 V W = 1.7 eV = 2.710-19 J h = 6.010-34 J.s note – answer low than accepted value fc = 4.51014 Hz c = 6.710-7 m = 670 nm The two lines have the same slope = h / e. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 6 p2.13 Max Planck was the first person to give a qualitative explanation of the curves for the radiation emitted by a blackbody. He assumed that energy is quantized. The change in energy of an oscillator is a nhf where n is an integer. The total area under the curves represents to energy emitted by the blackbody. The higher the temperature, the more energy radiated. Wien’s Displacement Law peak T = constant The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of the em radiation emitted by the blackbody. p2.33 (a) Blackbody - object which gives the maximum amount of energy radiated from its surface at any temperature and wavelength and the absorbs all the radiation that falls on it. (b) JWS Rayleigh & James Jeans Math model described blackbody radiation curves at long wavelengths accurately but not at shorter wavelengths in the UV, radiation from cavity absorbed and re-emitted with ever smaller and smaller , energy emitted from cavity becoming infinite – UV catastrophe (c) Max Planck was the first person to give a qualitative explanation of the curves for the radiation emitted by a blackbody. He assumed that energy is quantized. The change in energy of an oscillator is a nhf where n is an integer. p2.50 Light – wave model – interference effect Light – particle model - Photoelectric Effect Einstein – special relativity speed of light is constant independent of motion of source or observe equivalence of mass and energy E = m c2 Einstein – light stream of particles called photons energy of photon E = hf photon energy absorbed by electron and given sufficient energy to escape the surface of a metal photons have mass m = E/c2 Photoelectric Effect The photoelectric effect - release of an electron from the surface of a metal exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Classical physics was unable to explain - the threshold frequency, which is the frequency of light at which electrons are emitted from the surface of a metal. It predicted that energy from light would be absorbed over time until an electron had sufficient energy to leave the surface of the metal. Einstein used Planck’s theory and the concept that photons carried energy to explain the photoelectric effect. Einstein assumed that DO PHYSICS ONLINE 7 light existed as photons, each with an energy equal to E = h f and that the number of photons determined the light intensity. Photons with the highest energy correspond to the highest frequency, and an electron would not be emitted from a metal surface unless the photons possessed energy equal to or greater than the energy needed to overcome the energy holding the electron on the metal surface. The energy required to release the electron from the surface was called the work function, W. Einstein was able to combine the photon energy with the work function and the KE of the emitted electrons in the equation h f = EKmax + W p2.61 E = ? eV = ? J f = ? Hz = 550 nm = 55010-9 m c=f E=hf=hc/ f = c / = 5.51014 Hz E = 3.610-19 J = 2.3 eV visible p2.62 (a) Using a reverse voltage to reduce the photocurrent to zero stopping voltage. 2 1 2 mvmax eVstopping (b) h f W 12 m v 2 hf Wmin 12 m vmax 2 Wmin eVs Vs (c) h W f min e e see notes Plot Vs against f slope = h/e h p2.66 violet 1 = 400 nm = 40010-9 m f1 = ? Hz E1 = ? J = ? eV green 2 = 400 nm = 40010-9 m f2 = ? Hz E2 = ? J = ? eV red 3 = 715 nm = 71510-9 m f3 = ? Hz E3 = ? J = ? eV c c f f E h f 1 eV 1.602 1019 J 14 f1 = 7.510 Hz E1 = 5.010-19 J = 3.1 eV f2 = 5.51014 Hz E2 = 3.610-19 J = 2.2 eV f3 = 4.21014 Hz E3 = 2.810-19 J = 1.7 eV Violet light photons have 0.9 eV more energy released electrons will have 0.9 eV extra kinetic energy. The energy of the red photons is less than the work function of the surface. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 8 p2.70 (a) high voltage source spark gaps induction coil receiver transmitter (b) In order of increasing energy radio microwave IR visible UV X-rays -rays (c) Oscillating charges oscillating electric fields oscillating magnetic fields production of radio wave Radio wave – oscillating electric & magnetic fields oscillating electric force on free electrons in wires – detection of radio waves (d) The glass in transparent to radio waves. (e) UV does not pass through glass. (f) When glass plate blocks UV, spark shorter because less energy absorbed by electrons – less easily removed more difficult to create the spark. (g) Photoelectric effect – release of electrons from a surface by absorption of incident em radiation. p2.72 Photoelectric effect – release of electrons from a surface by absorption of incident em radiation. The predictions of classical physics could not explain the experimental observations made. Einstein used Planck’s idea of energy quantization to explain the photoelectric effect by applying the law of conservation of energy where light behaves as a stream of particles called photons and the energy of each photon is given by E = hf. This explanation also supported the radical idea introduced by Planck. The impact of his explanation was great and was the starting point for modern physics where the ideas of classical physics were not valid. p2.90 In classical physics, the energy of a system could has a continuous range of values, but Planck introduced for the first time the concept of discrete changes in energy of a system in his explanation of blackbody radiation. This was a radical idea at the time and one of the first steps in developing a new way to describe the world in terms of the ideas in modern physics. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 9 p2.95 (a) Light was thought to be a wave phenomena (b) Light could produce as interference pattern a wave behaviour (c) Light a stream of particles – photons (d) Both the observations made on the photoelectric effect and blackbody radiation could not be explained in terms of classical physics – radial new ideas had to be introduced – e.g. energy quantization and light as both a particle and a wave ******************************************************************** p3.13 Boron – valence 3 p type semiconductor Conduction by the movement of holes to the right p3.18 Metal – free electrons moving through crystal lattice – collisions between electrons and lattice ions resistance p type semiconductor – holes (+) n type semiconductor – electrons p3.22 Small energy band gap between the valence band and the conduction band p3.23 p type semiconductor – small number impurities atoms of valency 3 (B Al Ga) added to very pure silicon p3.24 Early radio communications was based upon valve technology (diodes and triode valves) Valves – expensive, fragile, large, energy inefficient With the introduction of semiconductor devices such as the transistor – valves became obsolete in radio communications Solid state devices far superior – no warm time, require less energy input, smaller, less fragile, more robust, cheaper, can construct integrated circuits on a single chip of semiconducting material Next development – integrated circuits – completed circuits containing millions of components on the one silicon chip DO PHYSICS ONLINE 10 p3.27 (a) Doping of very pure silicon involves the additions of small amount of impurity atoms of Group 3 or 5 elements. n type semiconductor – Group 5 – phosphorus P, arsenic As, antimony Sb p type semiconductor - Group 3 – aluminium, gallium Ga (b) Electrons produced by photoelectric effect where an electron is freed by the absorption of a photon. (c) A potential difference is established between the different silicon layers when a photon is absorbed, the holes migrate through the p type semiconductor while free electrons cross the n type semiconductor and a current is maintained by the continual absorption of photons. n-Si _ undoped Si - + p-Si photon absorbed creates a free electron & hole + electron flow p3.30 (a) At first it was difficult to obtain large quantities of very pure silicon (b) Chips made with silicon are much less temperature sensitive than using germanium Pure silicon was not available when the first transistors were developed. It was then very difficult to produce silicon of sufficient purity, while it was possible to produce high purity germanium. p3.33 See notes p3.39 Solar cell – current – photoelectric effect – when a incident photon of sufficient energy (greater than work function of surface) is absorbed by an electron in the semiconductor layer it creates a free electron and a hole The electrons acts as charge carriers in the n type semiconductor material and holes act as charge carriers in the p type semiconductor material potential difference between the n and p semiconductor layers – external circuit connected current. As long as light falls on the photocell, the electrons and holes are mobilized to give a current through the light globe DO PHYSICS ONLINE 11 p3.44 Valves thermionic devices - evacuated glass containers (gas at low pressure) electrons released from hot filament – thermionic emission large (bulky) hot – used lots of energy diodes – rectification triodes – amplifiers, switches Solid state devices - miniaturisation diodes (pn junctions) transistors (npn, pnp) IC - integrated circuits consume little power Superconductor – zero resistance below critical temperature Applications – solid state devices switching amplification Applications – superconductors power transmission magnetic levitation electron energy p3.52 insulator n type semiconductor – a donor impurity atom has a 5th valence electron that does not participate in the covalent bonding and is very loosely bound. It is relatively easy for an electron to be excited from the donor level into the conduction band where it acts as a charge carrier – charge carriers are mainly negative electrons in the conduction band. DO PHYSICS ONLINE semiconductor conductor p type semiconductor – acceptor impurity atom has only 3 valence electrons, so it can borrow an electron from a neighbouring atom. An electron can move from the valance band to the acceptor level creating a hole in the valance band. The resulting hole is free to move about the crystal – positive charge carriers moving in valence band. 12 p3.55 conduction band ( empty) conduction band (nearly empty) Egap valance band (full) valance band (full) semiconductor diamond conduction band electrons move in conduction band - hf valance band + holes move in valance band Semiconductor = ? m Egap = 0.8 eV = (0.8) qe J qe = 1.60210-19 C h = 6.62610-34 J.s min energy of photon and max wavelength of photon c = 3.0 m.s-1 E = h f = h c / = Egap = 1.2810-19 C = h c / Egap = 1.5510-6 m = 1.55 m infrared Diamond = ? m Egap = 5.0 eV = (5.0) qe J qe = 1.60210-19 C min energy of photon and max wavelength of photon c = 3.0 m.s-1 E = h f = h c / = Egap = 8.0110-19 C = h c / Egap = 2.4810-6 m = 248 nm ultraviolet p3.57 As the temperature is increased, lattice vibrations increase and some electrons gain sufficient energy to be excited across the energy gap form the valance band to the conduction band. More electrons can take part in conduction lowering the resistance of the semiconductor. For metals, the increased lattice vibrations causes energy to be lost from electrons by collisions with the lattice, increasing the resistance. The conductivity of a material depends upon the number of charge carriers available. In a metal there are energy levels available for electrons to gain energy and take part in conduction since the band gap is zero - approximately one electron per atom is free to act as a conduction electron. In a insulator, the band gap is very large and at room temperatures there are almost zero free electrons in the conduction band and hence the high resistance. In a semiconductor there is a smaller band gap are there are a few electrons in the conduction band at room temperatures and the resistance is less than than of an insulator. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 13 p3.77 Changed society greatly electronics revolution – small scale circuits – energy efficient compared with values integrated circuits computer revolution – microprocessors, robots information revolution – world wide web - GPS p3.90 Diagram shows acceptor level p type semiconductor valence 3 elements B, Al, Ga p3.92 right hand screw rule – charges moving in a magnetic field Holes(+) move up Electrons (-) move down p3.95 (a) (b) (d) 10 9 increased intensity photo current I (uA) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.5 (c) 1 1.5 photon energy E (eV) 2 2.5 Work function W = 1.6 eV c = ? m W = 1.6 eV = (1.6) qe J qe = 1.60210-19 C c = 3.0 m.s-1 W = h fc = h c /c = 2.56310-19 C = h c / W = 7.810-7 m = 780 nm (e) IR For photon energy less than the threshold frequency, no electrons are released from the surface irrespective of the intensity. For energies above the threshold, as the energy is increased the number of electrons released increases as shown by the increase in the current – the greater the intensity more photons – more electrons released greater current. When the energy becomes sufficiently high, almost all the available electrons are released from the surface and there is only a very small increase in current for increased energy of the photons– saturation effect. ********************************************************************** DO PHYSICS ONLINE 14 p4.04 (a) interference of waves – constructive and destructive (b) By making measurements on the interference pattern produced by impacting X-ray beams onto crystalline structures, the spacing between atoms could be estimated. This lead to the important field of X-ray crystallography which is used to determine the structure of materials. p4.14 (a) (b) Magnetic Leviation - Meissner Effect When material cooled below the transition temperature in the presence of a magnetic field, a specimen becomes perfectly diamagnetic (a diamagnetic object is repelled by a permanent magnet) due to expulsion of the external magnetic field from the interior of the superconductor by the cancelling the magnetic flux inside. If a small magnet is brought near a superconductor, it will be repelled because induced super-currents around the surface will produce mirror images of each pole. If a small permanent magnet is placed above a superconductor, it can be levitated by this repulsive force. Trains – magnetic levitation (Meissner Effect) Use powerful superconducting electromagnets mounted on bottom of train and normal electromagnets on the tracks repel the superconducting magnets and give rise to the forces for propulsion. Benefits –reduced resistance to the motion Limitations- need very strong magnets – produced by superconducting electromagnets but need very low temperatures for superconducting state – expensive. p4.20 (a) A material becomes superconducting (resistance = 0 and expels external magnetic fields) when its temperature drops below a certain temperature known as the critical temperature. (b) -257 oC -181 oC -140 oC (c) High temperature superconductors – goal to find a material that would be superconducting at room temperature DO PHYSICS ONLINE 15 p4.44 BSC theory – named after Bardeen, Cooper, Schrieffer who proposed it. When the temperature drops below the critical temperature the behaviour of the conduction electrons suddenly changes – electrons pair up forming Cooper pairs which have opposite spin and linear momentum and all pairs move cooperatively – this state reduces the total energy of the system well below all other states – The conduction electrons acting as a collection of Cooper pairs are in the ground state. There is a large energy gap to the next higher energy states which would destroy the Cooper pairs– the conduction electrons can no longer interact with the lattice and exchange energy with the lattice which is the mechanism that produces resistance, therefore the material is superconducting – the conduction electrons flow through the material with zero loss in energy. p4.49 The superconductor excludes magnetic fields at very low temperatures. see p4.14 p4.50 Metals at room temperature – movement of free or conduction electrons – electrons in the conduction band. Superconductor – collective flow of Cooper pairs – state of lowest energy – zero resistance to the flow of electrons. p4.60 Tin - superconducting (10-11 .m) 20 tin silver 10 0 0 p4.75 Power transmission – see notes Magnetic levitation – trains – see notes 10 TC = 3.722 K 20 T (K) p4.78 Above the critical temperature the magnetic field can penetrate and pass through the material. Below the critical temperature the material becomes superconducting and expels the magnet field from its interior – the magnetic field lines can not pass through it. DO PHYSICS ONLINE above critical temperature below critical temperature 16 p4.80 The capacity of microprocessors and the efficiency of their operation is in apart limited by the heating effect in the devices they operate in. Having zero resistance circuits would allow their capacity and speed of operation to be increased substantially. The use of superconductors in transistors (Josephson junction) and superconducting connection films also allow processing of signals to be greatly speeded up. p4.88 (a) A material becomes superconducting (resistance = 0 and expels external magnetic fields) when its temperature drops below a certain temperature known as the critical temperature. (b) If a small magnet is brought near a superconductor, it will be repelled because induced super-currents around the surface will produce mirror images of each pole. If a small permanent magnet is placed above a superconductor, it can be levitated by this repulsive force. (c) Meissner Effect (d) Magnetic levitation – trains, motors – reduction in frictional forces ********************************************************************** 8 Max KE of photo-electrons KE (eV) m008 (a) (b) Reliability – repeating an experiment a number of times - use mean value – graphing the results. Ignore the data point that is obviously wrong (c) No change to graph. (d) Critical frequency – min frequency below which photo-current is zero. fc = 51014 Hz (e) Work function – min energy to remove an electron from the surface. W = 3.010-19 J x 10 -19 6 4 2 0 -2 0 5 10 frequency f (Hz) 15 x 10 14 m013 When the temperature of a metal is decreased its electrical resistance decreases because conduction electrons loss less energy in collisions with the lattice ions whose vibrations decrease by lowing the temperature. m020 Power transmission – see notes Magnetic levitation – trains – see notes DO PHYSICS ONLINE 17 m045 f = 102.8 MHz = 102.8106 Hz E = ? J = ? eV = ? m qe = 1.60210-19 C E = hf c = 3.0 m.s-1 E(eV) = E(J)/qe c=f h = 6.62610-34 J.s = c/f E = 6.810-26 J = 4.310-7 eV very small photon energy since in radio part of em spectrum = 2.9 m long wavelength because of small frequencies m047 (a) Cathode rays were deflected by electric and magnetic fields negatively charged particles. J.J. Thompson was able to measure qe/me ratio electrons (b) To produce an electrical discharge – need very high voltages > 10 000 V (c) make sure that your do not come into contact with the high voltage source m049 proton q = 1.610-19 C m = ? kg v = 6.00 m.s-1 B = 1.82 T R = 0.350 m m0 = ? kg Magnetic force = Centripetal force mv 2 qv B R p mv q B R qBR m 1.70 1027 kg v m0 m v2 1 2 c m0 m 1 v2 1.67 1027 kg 2 c m050 Paddle wheel spins when struck by cathode ray beam beam carries momentum DO PHYSICS ONLINE 18 m065 CRO Transistor circuit step-up transformer step-down transformer - - - - - E + + + + + m072 m = 9.610-6 kg electric field E V = 49 V d = 2.0 cm = 2.010-2 m E = ? V.m-1 q=?C V 2.5 103 V.m -1 d electric force (up) = gravitational force (down) charge must be positive qE mg mg q 3.8 108 C E m076 diagram of an induction coil with a spark gap ~ 5 mm diagram of a radio not tuned to a radio station The sparking across the terminals of the induction coil produced radio wave. These radio waves were detected by a radio not tuned to a radio station. A static or crackling noise was heard and this was heard when tuner was scanned over the frequency range for the AM radio stations. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 19 m080 V = 1234 V FB + +q v = 2.67104 m.s-1 magnetic field into B page d = 1210-3 m - FE E = ? V.m-1 electric field E down B=?T Electric field E = V / d = 1.03105 V.m-1 For beam of positive charges to move un-deflected, magnitudes of the electric and magnetic forces must be equal. FE = FB qE=qvB B = E / v = 3.85 T m082 Need to link the work done by Einstein and Planck to outside factors influencing their work. Einstein special relativity photoelectric effect – light as a stream of particles - photons energy quantized E = h f Planck explanation of blackbody radiation energy of oscillators quantized E = h f World War II Einstein left Germany pacifist Planck continued working and supported the German governement m082 work function W = 8.7210-19 J = (8.7210-19) / (1.60210-19) eV = 5.44 eV min energy of photon to produce photo-electrons h = 6.62610-34 J.s c = 3.00108 m.s-1 hf=hc/=W f = W / h = 1.321015 Hz = h c / W = 2.2810-7 m UV DO PHYSICS ONLINE 20 m095 electrons – free electrons that can move due to an applied electric field – electrons acquired sufficient energy to be in the conduction band. holes – removal of an electron from a bond, holes as if a positive charge due to an applied electric field – holes located in valance band. m111 incident radiation = 187 nm = 18710-9 m c=f c = 3.00108 m.s-1 f = c / = 1.601015 Hz max KE EKmax = 2.5 eV = (1.60210-9)(2.5) J = 4.0010-19 J Photoelectric Effect h f = EKmax + W W = h fc Need to find threshold frequency fc f c = f – EKmax / h = 1.01015 Hz Al m115 When mercury is cooled below its critical temperature of 4.2 K is becomes superconducting, that is the conductor has zero resistance. Mercury is a metal and is a good conductor and conduction is due to the movement of the free electrons in the conduction band at room temperatures (20 oC). See energy band diagram. Below the critical temperature, mercury is a superconductor, the conduction is due to the cooperative movement of Cooper pairs through the lattice. Conduction in a P type semiconductor is primarily due to the movement of holes in the valence band See energy band diagram. The resistance of a semiconductor is higher than that of a metal such as mercury. m120 The frequency of the incident light was less than the threshold frequency. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 21 m200 Max Planck (19 Oct 1900) - hypothesis – radiation emitted & absorbed by walls of a blackbody cavity – radiation quantized change in energy | E2 – E1 | = n h f n = 1, 2 3, … His assumption of energy levels quantized enable him to obtain an equation to successfully describe the blackbody radiation curve: Planck radiation law – agreed with experiment. Each atom behaved as a small antenna (electromagnet oscillator) – energy of an oscillator n h f (n = 0, 1, 2, ….) - energy of oscillator was quantized. Change in energy of oscillator (emission & absorption) quantized E = integer h f atomic oscillators do not radiate or absorb energy in continuously variable amounts Birth of Quantum Physics - Planck did not believe that atomic oscillators behaved this way used his model to simply account for the shape of the blackbody curve Curve shows the radiation emitted from a blackbody at a fixed temperature. The temperature determines the peak in the curve Wien’s Displacement Law peak T = constant The total area under the curve represents the rate of the total energy emitted by the blackbody. m400 Understanding of crystal structures – many advances in science – understanding of conduction led to the development of the semiconductor industry – developments in electronics, computers, information technology. X ray diffraction – X ray beam incident on the material – X rays diffracted from atoms that make up the crystalline structure to produce an interference pattern. By examining the distance between maxima in the interference pattern Bragg were able to determine the distance between parallel planes of atoms. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 22 m550 Accelerating voltages increases KE of electrons qe V 12 me v 2 Electron in a uniform magnetic field experiences a magnetic force that is always directed towards the centre of a circle – centripetal force m v2 B qe v e R m v B e qe R me v 2 me qe V B 2 me qe V qe R qe = 1.60210-19 C me = 9.10910-31 kg R = 557 mm = 5.5710-3 m V = 5.00 kV = 5.00103 V B=?T B = 0.043 T m680 (a) UV radiation on metal – photoelectric effect – electrons more easily removed – larger spark. (b) Increasing the gap between the terminals of the receiver decreases the strength of the spark across the terminals. (c) A spark produced by the transmitter emits some UV – placing the glass plate reduced the UV from reaching the receiver – decrease in the strength of the spark. m690 The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons was proportional to the frequency of the incident radiation and independent of the intensity of the light. No electrons were emitted unless the incident light was above a certain threshold frequency. For frequencies above the threshold frequency, electrons were released immediately from the surface even for very low intensity incident light. m700 It was Heinrich Hertz who first observed the photoelectric effect while performing his experiments on the production and reception of radio waves. He noticed that when light produced by the spark produced by the spark of his transmitter loop fell directly onto the receiving loop, the spark at the receiver was stronger (more easily produced). He noticed that something to do with the light falling on the receiver was allowing the discharge to be more easily achieved, but he did not investigate further. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 23 m820 Wien’s Displacement Law (a) peak T = 2.910-3 m.K peak = 550 nm = 550 10-9 m 2.9 103 T 5.3 103 K peak (b) T=?K blue < red Tblue > Tred m950 Magnetic force on charged particle is directed towards centre of a circle circular motion electron charge e = q = 1.60210-19 C electron mass me = m = 9.1110-11 kg electron velocity v = 4.56106 m.s-1 magnetic field B = 3.2110-2 T electron moving at right angles to B field = 90o sin = 1 Force on charge moving in magnetic field F B q v sin Magnetic force = Centripetal force Fc = m v2 / R R = m v / B q = 8.0810-4 m m955 Cathode rays travel in straight lines m960 Magnetic field directed into page Right hand rule Cathode beam deflected down the page South pole brought near beam Magnetic field directed out of page Right hand rule Cathode beam deflected up the page m964 See notes DO PHYSICS ONLINE 24 m965 Einstein – Special Relativity Speed of light is constant independent of the motion of the source or an observer (independent of the frame of reference in which it is measured) Inertial frames of references – time and space not absolute – length contraction, time dilation, mass / energy E = mc2, mass dependent upon velocity Einstein – Quantum Theory Explanation of photoelectric Effect (Nobel Prize) Particle nature of light – photons E = hf Emission of photoelectron depends upon frequency of incident radiation The contributions made by Einstein were instrumental in the start and development of Modern Physics where ideas were completely at odds with classical physics of the times. m970 Observation – light on a metal surface photo-electrons Classical physics – light as wave – could not explain observations Radical new theory – light as a stream of particle – photons E = h f New theory could explain the observations m 990 Planck and Einstein good friends – supported each other scientific research but their views on the role of science and scientific research were very different. Einstein Activist for world peace and was only one of four scientists to sign a partition for peace at the start of WW1. Maintained that scientific research should be removed from social and political forces and devoted to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Did support the development of the atomic bomb. after WWII, totally opposed the research, development and use of nuclear weapons – warned of the devastating energy that could be released. Planck Staunch patriot – support the German government and the rise of the Nazi regime. Work for the the Nazi during WWII. Science to support a social and political agenda. Rapid progress in German science as a benefit to all Germans and a clear indication of their superior abilities. DO PHYSICS ONLINE 25