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Mark Alan Rhodes ll
Kent State University - Currently Enrolled - Masters of Arts in Geography
St. Cloud State University – Summa Cum Laude
Bachelor of Arts in Geography, May 2013
Bachelor of Elective Studies in Music, May 2013
Minors in British Studies, GIS, and Intercultural Communications
Teaching Assistant
Physical Geography Lab (in class & online), Kent State University
Office Assistant
St. Cloud State University Department of Geography and Planning
Teaching assistance by grading, transcribing, proctoring tests
Research assistance to Dr. Gareth John on Midwest Identity Project.
Administrative Assistant
St. Cloud State’s British Studies Centre, Anwick, England
& Awards
& Activities
Gamma Theta Upsilon (Geography Honor Society)
Phi Alpha Theta (History Honor Society)
Westin-Jones Geography Master’s Award
Ruban Parson’s Geography Scholarship
Dale Trippler Geography and Planning Scholarship
St. Cloud State University’s Minnesota GIS/LIS Award
Alnwick Town Council Scholarship
Clarence Fogelstrom Academic Scholarship
Anne Simonett Music Scholarship
Music Foundation Scholarship
Dean’s List (Undergraduate) six semesters
Graduate Student Senate - Geography Senator, Information Services Chair
Geography Graduate Student Association - Treasurer
Gamma Theta Upsilon: Kappa Lambda - Secretary, Vice President, President
National Geographic Bee State Competition – Minnesota - Volunteer
St. Cloud State University Wind Ensemble - Student Representative
Manager/Music Librarian, Principal Trumpet/Section Leader
St. Cloud State University Orchestra - Treasurer, Principal Trumpet
St. Cloud State University Jazz Ensemble - Lead Trumpet
SCSU Husky Sports Band - Recruitment Officer, Lead Trumpet/Section Leader
The St. Cloud State Dixieland Band - Charter member, Band Leader
Mark Rhodes 2
& Panel
‘Part of that Land’: Memorializing Paul Robeson in the Welsh landscape, Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, April 2015
Panel Participant: Perspective of Geography through Space, Time, and Popular
Culture: A Doctor Who case study, Annual Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Chicago, April 2015
Post, C. The River as Metaphor: Music and meaning on the fluvial landscape, Kent
State University Water Symposium, Kent, OH, October 2014
Nationalism, Memorialization, & Wales: Paul Robeson and his presence in the
memorial landscape, Race Ethnicity and Place, Fort Worth, TX, October
Uncovering Common Labor: Landscapes of memory and heritage along the Ohio
and Erie Canal, East Lakes-West Lakes Joint Meeting of the Association of
American Geographers, Kalamazoo, MI, October 2014, Paper
Competition 2nd Place
‘Paul Robeson: Cyfaill Cymru a’r Byd’ - ’Paul Robeson: Friend of Wales and the
World’: An analysis of the Welsh memorial landscape of Paul Robeson,
Richard Burton Centre Postgraduate Conference – New Research in
Welsh Studies, Swansea, UK, June 2014.
Utilizing Spatial Video in Landscape Analysis: The construction of ‘nature’ along
the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail in the Cuyahoga Valley National
Park, Visual In-Sights – Theory, Method, Practice – International
Conference, Newcastle, UK, June 2014
Utilizing Spatial Video in Landscape Analysis: A case study of the construction of
‘nature’ along the Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail in the Cuyahoga
Valley National Park, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Tampa, FL, April 2014
The Lac qui Parle Dakota Mission, 1835-1954: A critical analysis of its goals,
methods, accomplishments, and undesired effects, Annual Meeting of the
Pioneer America Society, Utica, NY, October 2013
(Tracing) Scottish Migration to Minnesota through the Presbyterian Church:
Minnesota, 1870-1930; Using Historic Archival Data, Kent State University
Department of Geography GIS Day Poster Competition, November, 2013,
Poster Competition 3rd Place
Tracing Scottish Migration to Minnesota through Religious, Cultural, and Social
Landscapes, 1840-1930, Annual Meeting of the Association of American
Geographers, Los Angeles, April 2013
Tracing Scottish Migration to Minnesota through Religious, Cultural, and Social
Landscapes, 1840-1930, Annual St. Cloud State University Student
Research Colloquium, April 2013. Paper Competition Semifinalist
Panel Participant: Globalizing Education: What is it? Center for Excellence in
Teaching and Learning, St. Cloud, MN, August 2012
Panel Participant: A Geography Abroad Discussion Panel: Alnwick, UK. Gamma
Theta Upsilon, St. Cloud, MN, September, 2012
Tracing Scottish Migration to Minnesota through Religious, Cultural, and Social
Landscapes, 1840-1930, West Lakes-East Lakes Joint Meeting of the
Association of American Geographers, DeKalb, IL, October, 2012
The Ease of Cycling around St. Cloud State University: A political and cultural
geographic examination of spatial movement, Annual St. Cloud State
University Student Research Colloquium, St. Cloud, MN, April 2011
Mark Rhodes 3
’Part of that Land’: Paul Robeson in the Welsh memorial landscape, Department
of Geography and Earth Sciences Lunchtime Talk, Aberystwyth, UK, June 2014.
Tracing Scottish Migration to Minnesota through Religious, Cultural, and Social
Landscapes, 1840-1930, Spring Gamma Theta Upsilon Geo-Odyssey Lecture
Series, St. Cloud, MN, April 2013
& Technology
University Teaching Council –Graduate Student Representative
Graduate Student Senate International Travel Grant Committee, Spring 2014
Graduate Student Senate International Travel Grant Committee, Fall 2014
Graduate Student Senate Research Grant Committee, Fall 2014
Masters Thesis Research Travel, SCSU Education Abroad Assistant, Wales and
England, May-July 2014
St. Cloud State University British Studies Centre: Alnwick Castle, Jan-Apr 2012
Castles, Crags, and Coastlines: Traveling Through Wales, May-June 2011.
Education First tour of Switzerland, Italy, and France, July 2008.
A limited working proficiency in Spanish.
$2,000, Kent State University Graduate Student Senate Spring 2014
Research Award.
$500, Kent State University Department of Geography Beck Research
Funds, Spring 2014
Editing/Creating shape files in ArcMap
Training in advanced thematic map design
Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing
Concepts and statistics involved in spatial analysis
Able to utilize HTML, CSS, and Javascript code to produce a basic map-based
Software Knowledge - ArcGIS, EARDAS IMAGINE, Adobe Illustrator
and Photoshop
Association of American Geographers
Gamma Theta Upsilon
Phi Alpha Theta