
West Coast Dance-Movement Therapy
Professional Training (ADTA Alternate Route credit)
We are delighted to announce the creation of a new West Coast Dance-Movement
Therapy (Psychotherapy) training beginning Sept 2013, offering coursework over a
2.5 to 3 year duration. All courses will be approved to qualify for credits toward
Alternate Route Dance-Movement Therapist certification with the American Dance
Therapy Association (www.adta.org). (See **note below).
All courses may also be taken for non-credit or personal interest by professionals
interested in the field of movement, counseling, somatic psychology, human
development and neuroscience, pending an intake interview. Faculty include
Vancouver based Board Certified Dance-Movement Therapists and Registered
Clinical Counsellors Anna Kemble, Tannis Hugill, Mary Frost and Jennifer Scott.
International faculty include highly experienced dance therapy teachers Kalila
Homann, Janet Kaylo and Amber Elizabeth Gray.
(Counsellors train in Dance-Movement Therapy, Barbados, 2010, photo © AnnaKemble)
*Note: To qualify as a Registered Dance-Movement Therapist (R-DMT), in addition to the
WCDMT coursework, also required is a Masters degree in counseling, social work or a
related field, a supervised 700 hour internship. If you do not wish to pursue your Masters
degree, the WCDMT Faculty will be providing Certificates of completion of all WCDMT
coursework in Dance-Movement Therapy studies. However, you will not be able to use the
title Dance-Movement Therapist without ADTA application and approval.
West Coast Dance-Movement Therapy Courses
2013-2014 Course Content and Dates
Courses offered will span over an approximately 2.5-3yr timeframe, and include
courses in the Theory and Practice of Dance-Movement Therapy (DMT) with
individual and group populations, Group Processes in DMT with multiple types of
groups and client needs, Movement Observation skills and practice, Trauma healing
specifics, and Clinical Applications of movement in psychotherapy. There can be
ongoing intake of students into the program.
Those wishing to pursue full R-DMT credentials with the ADTA, pending successful
coursework completion, will need to complete an internship of 700 hours
supervised by a BC-DMT. This will be discussed but will be the responsibility of the
student to arrange and is not at this time being coordinated by the WCDMT
program, though support will be offered.
Methods and Approaches in Dance-Movement Therapy &
Introduction to Applications in Dance-Movement Therapy
(3 Credits, 45 hrs: combined courses)
Faculty: Anna Kemble (www.annakemble.com, www.themovingchild.com)
The Methods and Approaches experiential course introduces students to a number of
traditional and adapted approaches in dance/movement therapy, including
developmental, expressive and authentic movement. Concepts of neurobiology are
integrated through readings that parallel the course experiential sessions to enrich
the learning process. The Introduction to DMT Applications course is intended as a
theoretical clinical introduction to some of the concepts and applications of
dance/movement therapy. Students are introduced to applications of dance
movement therapy interventions with a range of clinical populations throughout the
developmental spectrum. Specific topics include developmental and attentional
challenges, trauma and abuse, supporting healthy sexuality, and death and dying.
Dates: Sept 27-29, 2013, Nov 29-Dec 1, 2013, Jan 24-26, 2014
(Three 15.5hr weekends)
Location: Stanley Park Ecology Centre, near Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park,
Hours: Fri 5:30-9:00pm (except Sept 27 we begin at 5pm), Sat 9:30-5:00pm, Sun
Fee: $400 (plus GST) for ADTA Alt Route credit. Or $375 (plus GST) per weekend
non-credit. $1150 total (plus GST) credit if paid in full by September 20, 2013.
Group Processes in Dance-Movement Therapy
(3 Credits, 45hrs)
Faculty: Anna Kemble and Tannis Hugill (awakeningbodywisdom.com)
Group Processes focuses on methods for group dance-movement therapy with
different ages, needs and populations. Students will learn about group dynamics and
facilitation of processes both verbal and nonverbal. Students will discover more
about their own style of leadership and will practice leading groups using different
dance therapy models.
Dates: (3 weekends of 15.5 hrs): March 7-9, April 25-27, June 6-8, 2014
Hours: Fridays 5:30-9, Saturdays 9:30-5, Sundays 9:30-5.
Location: TBA in Vancouver.
Fee: $375 (plus GST) per weekend non-credit, $400 (plus GST) for ADTA Alt Route
credit. $1150 total (plus GST) credit if paid in full by Feb 28, 2014.
Movement Observation I (I of III modules)
(2 Credits, 30hrs)
Faculty: Certified Laban Movement Analyst Anna Kemble and Certified Movement
Analyst Janet Kaylo (labancan.org/faculty.htm).
Movement Observation focuses on learning and using Laban Movement Analysis,
BodyMind Centering and the Kestenberg Movement Profile as systems to support
developing a lens of movement observation, assessment and intervention for work
with children through seniors in Dance-Movement Therapy. (Note this course will
be open to other allied professionals.)
Dates/Hours: TBA, tentative July 17, 18, 19, 20th 2014 (Four days, 7.5hrs per day)
Location: TBA in Vancouver.
Fee: Credit $725 (plus GST), NonCredit $650 (plus GST).
Moving through the Cycles of Life: Developmental DanceMovementTherapy
(4 Credits, 60hrs)
Faculty: Kalila Homann, Anna Kemble, Mary Frost, Tannis Hugill
Moving Through the Cycles of Life engages the body as a primary resource to
cultivate personal resiliency and creative intelligence in response to change. The
core of each session explores dance/movement therapy to support emotional,
social, and psychological development. Our inquiry takes us through the human
lifespan: prenatal and birth, early childhood, latency, adolescence, young adulthood,
middle age, and later life. Each student will identify a special project that they would
like to pursue. What is “next” for bringing your work into the world in a richer and
more satisfying way? What personal applications are you discovering? These
dreams and ideas will be supported.
Dates: Three workshops.
1) Aug 14-Aug 17, 2014
4 days with hours: 9am-6:00pm.
2) October 10-12, 2014
Hours: Friday 5:30-9, Saturday 9:30-5, Sunday 9:30-5.
3) November 21-23, 2014
Hours: Friday 5:30-9, Saturday 9:30-5, Sunday 9:30-5
Location: TBA in Vancouver.
Fee: Total $1450 Credit (plus GST) if prepaid, or broken down per weekend
payment plan its three payments of $500 each (credit) or $1400 noncredit.
Course topics and dates for 2015 will be set by summer of 2014 or sooner.
Movement Observation Module II: (2 Credits, 30 hrs) is tentatively set for early
January 2015 with Janet Kaylo. Dates TBA.
The total financial commitment to complete this program over the course of 2.5 to 3
years is approximately $22-25 dollars per teaching hour in each course: for an
approximate total of 400 course hours. Approximate total cost is therefore in the
range of $10,000.00. It will be the student’s choice to buy text books or not, with
some being highly recommended for purchase. Students may also choose to arrange
books on loan from libraries. Book purchases could add another $500-600 onto the
cost of the training. Most course readings will be provided free of charge as pdf
copies and/or are available with ADTA student membership from the ADTA website
and online ADTA Journal.
The estimated total investment does not include the required graduate level courses
in Psychology (that you will already have accrued if you have a Masters degree in
Counselling or Social work) that are an additional requirement before applying for
your R-DMT credentials if you have a Masters degree in another field. Please contact
the ADTA directly for questions about Alternate Route R-DMT credentialing:
Fees will normally be due two weeks before course start dates, with 50%
nonrefundable in case of cancellation, unless a medical or other emergency, to be
discussed. Payment plans can be arranged with individual Faculty. Budget for one
course every six weeks, sometimes more often as in summer intensives of four days
in July and August 2014, and 2015.
The WCDMT training (if taken for credit) will involve readings, researching and
writing papers, group meetings and projects, potential travel (for those not from
Vancouver) and weekend course hours. Ensuring space and time for the satisfactory
pursuit of this learning is strongly suggested. Courses will normally take place on a
Friday later afternoon into evening, Sat and Sun full days, and during summer
months may also involve more intensive four to five day workshops with the
international Faculty. Research papers and special assignments will be due with
each course, and are expected to be prepared up to graduate masters level
standards, with APA format for all papers. For considerations around extensions,
requests should be made to each individual Faculty member who is teaching that
particular course or who has given the assignment. Keeping up to date with
assignments is strongly encouraged, while life’s other responsibilities are also
In order to support student learning and integration of concepts and their
embodiment, and because the training is an educational format and not a group
therapy process, it is strongly encouraged that students in this training support
themselves with regular therapy sessions (suggested minimum monthly) and are
encouraged to consider working with a body or dance/movement-oriented
psychotherapist/counselor (referrals for which can be provided). The WCDMT
Faculty will not, because of the ethical concern of dual relationships, be able to see
students in the training for in-depth personal therapy. Students will be supported to
meet with Faculty to discuss their progress and experiences in the training courses
twice per year in consultation visits and these will be supportive and educational in
We welcome your inquiries! For more details such as how to set up an application
interview, please contact Anna Kemble, at aekemble@gmail.com or call 604 781