Application - College of Liberal Arts


CELIA Fellows Program




CELIA, the Ohio Center of Excellence for Collaborative Education, Leadership and

Innovation in the Arts, is pleased to announce the CELIA Fellows Program for 2016-17.

The CELIA Fellows Program is designed to encourage and promote the continuing development of a highly engaged, inspired, and enthusiastic community of scholars in the arts, humanities, and social sciences on the Wright State University campus through collaborative efforts among other Fellows, the greater campus, and beyond. CELIA

Fellowships provide release time of one course or a stipend equivalent to a one-course overload for each semester (up to two consecutive semesters) for faculty to work on research for exhibition, composition, performance, and/or publication. Additionally,

Fellowships enable faculty to develop new courses, programs, and initiatives. Fellows also receive an additional project support grant of up to $2,500.

The CELIA Fellows model includes a weekly seminar in which each class of three to six

Fellows meets to discuss their projects, research, and teaching with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues. Additionally, each Fellow is required to make presentation of the creative output of her/his Fellowship semester in some live public forum, such as an exhibition, performance, lecture, media production, etc.

Preference will be given to proposals relating to research and other creative scholarship promoting the mission of CELIA to encourage collaborative education, leadership, and innovation in the arts, as well as in the humanities and social sciences, and to create unique and innovative internal and external partnerships.


All fully affiliated faculty in the College of Liberal Arts (CoLA) are eligible to apply for

CELIA Fellowships that may commence as early as their second full year at Wright

State University.

CELIA seeks a blend of ranks and disciplines in each group of Fellows.

 CELIA may take into account applicants’ professional development leaves during the three years prior to the CELIA fellowship. CELIA Fellows from previous semesters may apply again, but only after the second year a fter a semester’s leave for a prior CELIA Fellowship.

Applicants must receive endorsement from their respective department Chairs.


Applicants are encouraged to consult on their draft proposals with CELIA Director Hank

Dahlman (



Applications will be reviewed by the CELIA Fellowship Selection Committee comprised of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Associate Dean for Faculty and External

Affairs, Director of CELIA, and three CoLA department Chairs (one each from the arts, humanities, and social sciences). The committee reviews, ranks, and discusses each application. Applicants may be asked to provide additional submissions in support of their applications and/or interview in person with the CELIA team at the discretion of the committee.

Selection Criteria

The importance of the project: How does the project advance the understanding of a specific problem or question?

The project design: How purposefully and thoroughly is the project planned?

The project feasibility: How will the project be achieved in the given time period and within budget?

 The applicant’s ability to use the CELIA Fellowship productively: How does the project benefit the intellectual community at Wright State University and beyond?


Applications are due Friday March 18, 2016, by 5:00 p.m


Only complete applications will be considered. A complete application will contain this application form, the project statement, a current CV, and a

Department Chair Recommendation Form.

All application materials (Parts I and II) must be submitted as a single .pdf file to:

CELIA Fellows Program



This application includes the following sections:

PART I. Applicant Information: Complete this form in its entirety.

PART II. Supplemental Materials : These additional materials support your application and provide vital information to the fellowship selection committee.

Application Checklist

Application for CELIA Fellowship (PART I: Applicant Information)

Project Description (PART II: Supplemental Materials)

Department Chair Recommendation Form (PART II: Supplemental Materials)

Curriculum Vitae (PART II: Supplemental Materials)

Budget (PART II: Supplemental Materials)

Application Deadline

Your application must arrive in the CELIA office (emailed to

) no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday March 18, 2016.

Only complete applications including all supplemental materials (refer to checklist above) will be eligible for consideration.

All application materials must be submitted as a single .pdf file to:

A. General Information


CELIA Fellows Program


PART I: Applicant Information



Email address

Campus address

Campus phone number

Home address

Home phone number

B. Tenure Status

Have you received tenure?

If yes, when?

If no, when do you plan to stand for tenure?

Yes No

When did you last take professional development leave at WSU? ________________

C. Brief Research Biography (i.e., your research and/or creative scholarship interests, current projects

—perhaps broader than the specific project for which you are applying, etc.).

D. Title of Proposed Project

E. Project Abstract (150 word limit)

F. External Funding Sources to which this Proposal will also be submitted :

G. List of Appointments Held at Wright State, including Ranks and Dates:

Appointment Held Dates

H. Previous Funding Support

List in chronological order research or creative scholarship support in the last five years

(both external and internal). This category includes leaves from your department, the

College of Liberal Arts, and the University.

CELIA Fellows Program


PART II: Supplemental Materials

A. Project Description

This statement should be no more than 1,000 words, or about four (4) double-spaced pages.

Formatting guidelines

The description should be no more than 4 pages, formatted with double-spaced paragraphs in Times New Roman font, size 12. Failure to submit your application according to these standards may result in disqualification of your application.

What to include in your description

Explain clearly how you would like to spend the fellowship period.

Avoid the temptation to write a literature review. The Selection Committee is less interested in previous work in your field than what your work is and how you will contribute to understanding a specific question or problem. For example, what larger artistic, historical, literary or social issue does your project address?

Situate this project in a larger narrative of your career: What are your scholarly/intellectual interests? How does this project fit (or not) within your previous work and your field?

Consider: What would reviewers want to know about your project to assure them it will be successful?

Keep in mind, when writing your statement, the major selection criteria: o Significance: Demonstrate the potential impact of your work. o Project design: Show how your project will address all relevant issues in a form that offers a coherent engagement with your topic. o Feasibility: Indicate how you will practically produce a finished product within the semester. The selection committee favors projects that demonstrate the ability for completion. o Qualifications: Specify what past work has led you to take up the specific project at this point in your career.

CELIA Fellows Program


PART II: Supplemental Materials (continued)

B. Department Chair Recommendation Form

Application Deadline: FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016, by 5:00 p.m.



Applicant, please type your name, and, if applicable, your colleague’s name above.

Term for which you are applying

(If either term is acceptable, number by preference):

Fall 2016

Spring 2017


Email Address

Campus phone number

Applicant: You must submit this form, completed by your department Chair, with your full application by the deadline date noted above.




Email Address

Campus phone number

Signed Date

CELIA Fellows Program


PART II: Supplemental Materials (continued)

C. Curriculum Vitae

Submit an abbreviated curriculum vitae of no more than five pages , updated to

December 2015.

D. Budget

Submit a one-page outline budget including expenses and offsets.

Applicants not submitting a budget will not be eligible for project support by the CELIA

Fellows Program (up to $2,500 per applicant).

Expenses might include supplies, postage, shipping, travel, lodging, meals, staffing, facilities and/or equipment rental, or other items appropriate to the project.

Offsets might include internal or external funding through grants and gifts, in-kind donations, unit matching, sales (tickets, etc.), or other means.

For further information or assistance with your budget, contact CELIA Director Hank

Dahlman (
