Minutes of a Patient Reference Group held on the 16th July 2014


Minutes of a Patient Reference Group held on the 16 th July 2014

Present: Celia Waller (Chair)

Sharon Barraclough

Barbara Blissitt

Ann Gleeson

Jenny Hattersley

Amitabh Kumar

Carol Lynch

Frederica Stone

John Stone

1. Apologies and Introductions

Apologies were received from Dawn Myers, Alison Mattocks, Carol Thirkhill,

Olga Green, Julie Nolan

Introductions were made to the new members on the Group and vice versa.

This was Celia’s last meeting as Chair and this role would be handed over at the end of this meeting, to Ann Gleeson who will be the new Chair from the next meeting.

2. Acceptance of minutes from meeting held on 7 th May

These were accepted as a correct record.

3. Progress and feedback from the following items:- a. Evening meeting

– was felt to be a success with the waiting area full with extra seats being added. Dawn had text messaged the patients who were registered and it seemed that the majority of attendance at the meeting was from the text messaging. It was felt that another evening meeting Question and Answer Session would be useful maybe in 812 months time. Celia asked that “thank you” was passed onto the practice for their time and effort in putting the evening on. b. Cost of Did Not Attends

– Sharon stated that approximately the cost was £25 for a missed appointment with a doctor, and £5 for a missed appointment with a nurse. DNAs were still monitored and were on average 5 hours per week. c. Carers Lead – Dr Arlene Raw had agreed to be the lead clinician but

Sharon stated that any of the clinicians could be contacted if required. d. Reception area improvements

– still ongoing waiting for a builder to give a definite quote. e. Screen in reception – status quo at the moment, Dr Suleman had been involved in trying to ascertain what could be improved, along with

Fred meeting with Dawn to try and get the powerpoint working. It was agreed that Dawn would contact Fred to have a re-look at the situation. f. CQC Inspection Report - the inspector agreed to ensure a member of the group was involved in the next visit .


4. Nhs.net and use of email for clinical information – This had been queried at the Question and Answer Evening Session as to why results could not be given over an Nhs.net email address, if the practice could obtain one, which was not possible at this moment in time. The reasons why this would not be possible were shared with the Group by Sharon and included a. Breach of confidentiality as shared email addresses in families b. Test results complicated so the patient would still have to speak to the clinician c. Staff do not have a secure nhs.net email address d.

Incorrect email addresses and a small number of patients don’t have them

5. Staff Changes

Dr Mattocks would be leaving in August. Recruitment for two salaried GPs had been ongoing but there was limited availability.

Therefore, a long term locum had been secured for Monday and Tuesdays in the interim, and extra appointments were being added with the GP Partners, and other locum doctors.

6. Information Day – 8 th September

Celia confirmed which members of the PRG were available on that day, with

Chris, Carol L, Barbara available in the morning and Anne, Jenny and ?

Amitabh in the afternoon. Celia would contact Carol T to see if she was available as well.

7. Next Survey and Group Involvement

Sharon to bring a DRAFT survey to the next meeting in September to discuss any questions the PRG wanted including

8. Newsletter

A DRAFT newsletter would be brought to the next meeting in

September do discuss any additions prior to circulation. It was suggested that the evening meeting was put in with what the themes were and any changes made

9. Disabled access – discussion took place about the automatic doors into the waiting room how one was automatic and then the one after wasn’t, so this could cause problems. After discussion it was agreed that Celia would find out how much it would cost to have a button fit which would automatically open the door, like the village hall. Action – Celia

It was also agreed in the interim for Ann to contact reception if she was coming down so the receptionists could look out for her and open the door when she arrived.

10. Matters Arising from the meeting held on the 7 th May and 7 th June.

No extra matters were raised from the main meeting on the 7 th May. In respect of the 7 th June extra meeting (minutes circulated at the meeting) it was agreed that a cover all statement for email communication be added when asking for email addresses which states “if you are giving us your email please consent to the following: use of your email to ask your views on


services; give you information about practice changes; ask your views about changes or other practice mat ters” Action - Dawn

The other matter discussed was privacy at the desk and whether there was a way of sorting this out. Unfortunately due to the short amount of space available from the desk to the outside door a barrier or white line would not work. However, a sign could be placed on the reception window informing patients that if they wanted a confidential conversation to ask the receptionist and this would be facilitated.

Action – Sharon

11. Any other business – The issue of the noticeboards in the waiting area was raised, stating that there needed to be more catchy information on the one at the front of the waiting area so it didn’t look too small and too much information,may bullet points, along with old information being removed.

Action - Sharon

12. Date and time of next meeting

– September 10 th at 12.30pm-2.00pm.

The role of Chair was officially handed over to Ann Gleeson.

