note taking, note making chart

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 Table of Contents
 61-62
“Song: To Celia”
“Song: To Celia” [IN 63]
 Complete TP-FASTT analysis of “Song: To Celia” using
teacher-provided TP-FASTT analysis of “On My First Son” as
a model.
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 Table of Contents
 63-64
“To the Memory of My Beloved Master…”
“To the Memory of My Beloved Master…” [IN 64]
Complete note-taking/note-making on Jonson’s claims
Note Taking
• Quote/Paraphrase
information here
Note Making
• Provide your own insight
into the note-taking here
“To the Memory of My Beloved Master…” [IN 63]
Develop introduction, CDW body paragraph, and conclusion
in response to the prompt using template: In this poem
Jonson expresses the idea that a writer can be immortalized
through his or her work. Explain whether or not you agree
with this suggestion.