SEMINAR ASSESSMENT PREPARATION NOTES Shareable, covers all questions, shows an effort to be well-prepared. Up to 30 points, based on detail. COMMENT TYPES GENERIC/FILLER simply repeats another’s ideas or makes a vague comment about the topic, but does not offer any specific knowledge or detail. NO CREDIT. KNOWLEDGE-BASED directly addresses the prompt and extends beyond repeating someone or agreeing with someone. Uses specific information and details that show the person has read the text and knows what it means. 3 pts each x 10 = 30 pts TEXT-BASED Refers to specific text as a way to explain, develop, or expand on a knowledge comment. Text is explained and clearly and relevantly addresses the question or prompt. 4 pts each x 5 = 20 pts OUTSIDE CONNECTION-BASED Refers to example from real world (historical/current events/people, pop culture, other literature, personal experience, etc.) to extend the discussion beyond the book. Must be elaborated upon and clearly connected to the text and the prompt being discussed. 5 pts each x 2 = 10 pts You may score credit for all 3 types of comments at once if you include all 3 aspects in one extended comment. For instance, you begin your response with a detail about the text that addresses the question; then, you support that with text evidence that you use to elaborate on your response. You continue by relating it to something outside the text as a way to connect the prompt outside the text (3+4+5 = 12 pts for 1 extended comment). OBSERVATION NOTES Notes taken while listening carefully to the other group’s discussion. Up to 10 points, based on detail = POINTS EARNED / 100