Kristof Strijkers C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E DoB. 15 – 03 - 1983 Nationality: Belgium DNI: 591-0126570-87 Current affiliation: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Laboratoire de Psychology Cognitive (Pole 3C) – Université d’Aix-Marseille 3, place Victor Hugo 13331 Marseille, France tel . +33 685437505 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Currently: 01/05/2012 - Marie Curie (IEF) fellow at the CNRS (France), LPC (Marseille). 30/04/2014 27th of February 2012 2007 – 2011 (1st of Pre-doctoral student (FPU grant of Spanish Government) in cognitive science and language - CCiL (Supervisor: Dr. Albert May) Costa); Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Title: The electrophysiology of language production: On the time course of lexical access in overt naming. 2007 (4th of December) 2006 (20th September) 2003 (1st of September) PhD in Cognitive Science and Languages (CCiL – Supervisor: Dr. Albert Costa); Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Title: The electrophysiology of language production: On the time course of lexical access in overt naming. Title of Doctor in Cognitive Science and Language obtained with the degree Magna cum laude. Master degree in cognitive science and language - CCiL (Supervisor: Dr. Albert Costa); Universidad de Barcelona, Spain. Title: Lexical access in bilingual speech production: ERP correlates of language switching in highly proficient bilinguals and L2 learners. Degree obtained with Magna Cum Laude. of Master degree in the Psychology: theoretical and experimental psychology (Supervisor: Dr. Robert Hartsuiker); Universiteit Gent, Belgium. Title: Non-linguistic influences on lexical access during visual word recognition in bilinguals. Degree obtained with Distinctive Honors. Bachelor degree in the Psychology; Universiteit Gent, Belgium. Degree obtained with Honors. SCIENTIFIC INTERNSHIPS 03/10/2005 - 04/03/2006: Scientific internship at GRNC (Language production group; Dept. Psicologia Básica; Universitat de Barcelona, España) under the supervision of Dr. Albert Costa. 09/10/2008 - 23/12/2008: Scientific internship internship at the NeuroCognition Laboratory (Dept. of Psychology; Tufts University, Medford, Boston, USA) under the supervision of Dr. Phillip Holcomb 26/05/2009 - 26/06/2009: Scientific internship at the NeuroScience Group (School of Psychology; University of Bangor, Bangor, Wales, UK) under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Thierry 26/09/2009 - 23/12/2009: Scientific internship at the NeuroCognition Laboratory (Dept. of Psychology; Tufts University, Medford, Boston, USA) under the supervision of Dr. Phillip Holcomb 07/09/2010 - 23/12/2010: Scientific internship at the MRC-CBU (University of Cambridge; Cambridge, UK) under the supervision of Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller 15/01/2012 – 15/04/2012: Scientific work visit at the Freie Universitat Berlin (FU Berlin) – Cluster Languages of Emotion (LoE), Berlin, Germany; under the supervision of Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller. GRANTS AND AWARDS 3 month scientific internship grant for going abroad; awarded by the Spanish Government FPU 2008. 1.5 month Visiting Research Grant; awarded by the ESCR centre, School of Psychology, Bangor University. 3 month scientific internship grant for going abroad; awarded by the Spanish Government FPU 2009. Graduate Student Award of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2010; awarded at the Annual CNS meeting 17-19 April, 2010, Montreal, Canada. 4 month scientific internship grant for going abroad; awarded by the Spanish Government FPU 2010. 3 month work contract (“WerkVertrach”) awarded by the cluster of excellence Languages of Emotion (LoE) – FU Berlin. PUBLICATIONS 1. Runnqvist, E., Strijkers, K., Alario, X., & Costa, A. (in press). Cumulative semantic interference is blind to language: Implications for models of bilingual speech production. Journal of Memory and Language. 2. Strijkers K., & Costa, A. (2012). The NeuroCognition of Language Production: Introduction to the Special Topic. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 3. Strijkers K., & Costa, A. (2011). Riding the lexical speedway: A critical review on the timecourse of lexical access in speech production. Frontiers in Psychology. 4. Strijkers K., Yum Y. N., Holcomb P. J., & Grainger J. (2011). Early goal-directed top-down influences in the production of speech. Frontiers in Psychology. 5. Runnqvist E., Strijkers K., Sadat J., & Costa A. (2011). On the temporal and functional origin of an L2 speech disadvantage: A critical review. Frontiers in Psychology. 6. Strijkers K., Holcomb P., & Costa A. (2011). Conscious intention to speak proactively facilitates lexical access during overt object naming. Journal of Memory and Language, 345362. 7. Runnqvist E., Fitz-Patrick I., Strijkers K., & Costa A. (in press). An appraisal of the bilingual language production system: Quantitatively or qualitatively different from monolinguals?. In: Handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 8. Costa A., Runnqvist E., & Strijkers K. (in press). Spoken word production in second language acquisition. In: John Williams et al. (editors). The Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 9. Strijkers K., Costa A. & Thierry G. (2010). Tracking lexical access in speech production: Electrophysiological correlates of word frequency and cognate effects. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 912 – 928. 10. Strijkers K., Costa A., & Runnqvist E. (2010). The time-course of word access in speech production uncovered with event-related brain potentials. Ciencia Cognitiva, 14-07, 2010. 11. Costa A., Strijkers K., Martin C. & Thierry G. (2009). The time-course of word retrieval revealed by event-related brain potentials during overt speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 106, 21442 – 21446. Articles under review for publication in peer-reviewed journals: 1. Strijkers K., Runnqvist E., Costa A. & Holcomb P. (under review). The bad monitor: How do incomplete representations correct complete ones? Behavioural Brain Sciences. 2. Strijkers K., Costa A. & Holcomb P. (under review). When dogs and carrots leap behind animals and food: An ERP study on the temporal progression of object categorization. Psychological Science. 3. Runnqvist E., Strijkers K., & Costa A (under review). Bilingual word access. In: Miozzo, M., Ferreira, V. & Goldrick, M. (editors). The Oxford handbook of language production. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Blackwell). 4. Martin C., Strijkers K., Santesteban M., Escera C., & Costa A. (under review). The impact of bilingualism on a newly learnt language: An ERP study. Biological Psychology. REVIEWER ASSIGNMENTS Host editor: o Frontiers in Psychology (Special Topic: The NeuroCognition of Language Production) Editorial Review Board: o Language and Cognitive Processes o Frontiers in Language Sciences Occasional Reviewer: o Psychonomic Bulletin & Review o Psychophysiology o PloS ONE o NeuroReport o Bilingualism: Language and Cognitive Processes o Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience o NeuroImage o Cortex o Cognition o Journal of Memory and Language o Human Brain Mapping PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PIF; Antwerp, Belgium, 2005) (Listener) Architecture of Language (ArchLang; Pisa, Italy, 2006) Strijkers, Costa, Santesteban, Escera & Hartsuiker: "Lexical access in bilingual speech production: ERP correlates from language switching in highly proficient bilinguals" (Oral presentation) Psycholinguistics in Flanders (PIF; Gent, Belgium, 2006) Strijkers, Costa, Santesteban, Escera & Hartsuiker: "Lexical access in bilingual speech production: ERP correlates from language switching in highly proficient bilinguals" (Oral presentation) Workshop on Bilingualism (Rovereto, Italy, 2006) Mikel Santesteban & Kristof Strijkers: : Lexical access in bilingual speech production (Poster presentation) XVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Marseille, France; 2007) Strijkers, K.; Costa, A.; Santesteban, M.; Hartsuiker, R.; Escera, C. Lexical access in bilingual speech production: ERP correlates of language switching in highly proficient bilinguals and L2 learners (Poster presentation) XVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (Marseille, France; 2007) Strijkers, K.; Costa, A. The cognate facilitation effect and the word frequency effect occur during lemma selection: An ERP study of word frequency and cognates in speech production (Oral presentation) III Annual Rovereto workshop on Bilingualism: Neural and Functional perspectives (Rovereto, Italy; 2007) Strijkers, K.; Costa, A. Electrophysiological correlates of the word frequency and cognate effect in speech production (Oral presentation) V International workshop on Language Production (Münster, Germany; 2007) Strijkers, K.; Costa, A. Electrophysiological correlates of the word frequency and cognate effect in speech production (poster presentation) MPI workshop on 'Language Processing in First and Second Language Learners (MPI Nijmegen, The Netherlands; 2007) Strijkers, K. Indexing lexical access in speech production: An ERP study (Oral presentation) IV Annual workshop on Bilingualism (Gent, Belgium, 2008): Strijkers K., Costa A., Thierry G.: Electrophysiological correlates of frequency and cognate status in second language processing (poster presentation) IV Annual workshop on Bilingualism (Gent, Belgium, 2008): Strijkers, K. & Costa, A. Bilingual language control: Evidence from a blocked naming paradigm (poster presentation) IV Annual workshop on Bilingualism (Gent, Belgium, 2008): Strijkers, K., Garcia-Castro, Y., Costa, A. & Alario, X. When cat competes with dog but not with perro: Evidence from the semantic competitor paradigm. (poster presentation) VI International workshop on Language Production (Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 2008): Strijkers, K. & Costa A. Bilingual language control: Evidence from a blocked naming paradigm (poster presentation) SEPEX conference in San Sebastian, 2008: Strijkers, K., Costa, A. & Thierry G. Electrophysiological correlates of word frequency and cognate status of speech production in second language processing (oral presentation) SEPEX conference in San Sebastian, 2008: Strijkers, K. & Costa, A. Bilingual language control: Evidence from a blocked naming paradigm (poster presentation) Taller de la Red de Neurociencia celebrado en Santiago, 2008: Strijkers, K. Is the early P2 in a production paradigm indicative for lexical processing? (oral presentation) International Conference on Models of Interaction in Bilinguals. (Bangor, UK; 2008) Strijkers, K.; Costa, A. An ERP study of word frequency and cognates in speech production. (oral presentation) The XVI ESCoP Conference. (Cracow, Poland; 2009) K. STRIJKERS, A. COSTA, C. MARTIN. Evidence from the semantic competitor paradigm for a lexical P component in speech production (Poster presentation) 15th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). (Barcelona, Spain; 2009) Kristof Strijkers, Albert Costa, Clara Martin & Guillaume Thierry. “When the hare goes slower than the tortoise”:from picture to word in 200 ms. (Oral Presentation) NeuroBilingualism Conference (Bangor, UK; 2009) Strijkers K., Costa A., Martin C. & Thierry G. “When the Hare goes slower than the Tortoise”: Evidence from the semantic competitor paradigm for a lexical P2 component in speech production (Oral Presentation) 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Boston, USA; 2009) Strijkers K., Holcomb P. & Costa A. Dissociating Frequency from Repetition Effects in Speech Production: An ERP Study of Overt Picture Naming (Poster Presentation) Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting (Montreal, Canada, 2010) Strijkers K., Holcomb P. & Costa A. Temporal ERP evidence for an early dissociation between semantic and lexical representations in function of task demands (Oral Presentation: Graduate Student Presents Award of the CNS) Workshop on NeuroBilingualism (Donostia, Spain, 2010) Strijkers K., Holcomb P. & Costa A. The intention to speak: Proactive top-down signals drive cortical brain activity related to words during object naming (Poster Presentation) 6th International workshop on language production (Edimburgh, UK, 2010) Martin C., Strijkers K., Thierry G., Costa A. The time course of lexical access in speech production (Poster Presentation) 6th International workshop on language production (Edimburgh, UK, 2010) Strijkers K., Holcomb P., & Costa A. The intention of speech: Proactive top-down signals drive word retrieval in object naming (Poster Presentation) Human Brain Mapping (Barcelona, Spain, 2010) Strijkers K., Holcomb P., & Costa A. ERP Evidence for an Early Dissociation Between Meaning and Words in Function of Speech Intention (Poster Presentation) SEPEX and EPS conference (Granada, Spain, 2010) Costa A., Strijkers K., & Holcomb P. The intention of speech: An early dissociation in electric brain activity between semantics and words (Poster Presentation) INVITED TALKS The electrophysiology of speech production: A window into the neurobiology of words. Invited talk at the Neuroscience and Bilingualism seminars; ERSC centre, school of Psychology, Bangor (Wales; UK, 2009). Invited by Dr. Guillaume Thierry The electrophysiology of language production: “It is time, time matters.” Invited talk at the Language and Cognition seminars; University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego (USA, 2009). Invited by Dr. Victor Ferreira The electrophysiology of language production: “It is time, time matters.” Invited talk at the NCL meetings; Tufts University, Department of Psychology, Medford (Boston, USA, 2009). Invited by Dr. Phillip Holcomb The time-course of lexical access in speech production electrified. Invited talk at the weekly seminars at the Cognitive Neuropsychology Laboratory; Harvard University, Department of Psychology, Cambridge (Boston, USA, 2009). Invited by Dr. Alfonso Caramazza The conscious intention to speak proactively facilitates lexical access in object naming. Invited talk at the Language and Action seminars at the MRC-CBU; MRC-CBU, Cambridge (UK, 2010). Invited by Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller The intention to speak: Access to the brain's lexical speedway. Invited talk at the EEG meetings; Humboldt University, Insitut of Psychology, Berlin (Germany, 2011). Invited by Dr. Rasha Abdel-Rahman Using time-sensitive neurophysiological measures to constrain theories of language production. Invited talk at the CCN meetings of the University Ghent, Department of Experimental Psychology (Belgium, 2012). Invited by Dr. Robert Hartsuiker TEACHING ACTIVITIES Introduction into electrophysiology (Undergraduate class, University of Barcelona, September – October, 2008) ERPs in linguistics (Master class, University Pompeu Fabra, February – March, 2011) OTHER MERITS Language knowledge o o o o o o Flemish/Dutch English Spanish French German Catalan native language Fluent speech, good writing Fluent speech, good writing Basic speech and writing Basic speech and writing Basic speech and writing o Swedish Leaner Specific software o o o o o E-prime, DMDX, EXPE, T-scope (stimulus presentation software) Brain Vision Analyzer, EEG lab (EEG software) Freesurfer, MNE (brain imaging software) Matlab, SPM, Linux (programming software) Matlab, SPM, R, SPSS (statistical sotware) REFERENCES Dr. Albert Costa (universitat de Barcelona) Dr. Nuria Sebastian-Galles (universitat de Barcelona) Dr. Carles Escera (universitat de Barcelona) Dr. Robert Hartsuiker (universiteit Gent) Dr. Guillaume Thierry (University of Bangor) Dr. Philip Holcomb (Tufts University) Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller (MRC-CBU, Cambridge) Dr. Jonathan Grainger (CNRS Marseille, France)