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Ganesh Steel Impex Ltd., Kudhani, Distt. (Muzaffarpur).
Brief details of the project:
Category – B2 (As per Schedule 3(a))
Location of the unit: 26001.763’N, 850, 20.02’ E
Kudhani, Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Water requirement: 1 KLD for drinking purpose
Power requirement: 100 KVA
Production Capacity: 1000 MT/month lead, copper ingot-200MT/month
Cost of the project: Rs. 600 lakhs.
M/s Ganesh Steel Impex Ltd., Muzaffarpur proposes to manufacture lead ingot from used lead
acid batteries. First of all the scrap batteries would be broken after draining the acid which would be
collected in a pit and then transferred to ETP for treatment. The lead scrap including lead powder and
scrap plates would sent to mini blast furnace and then to the rotary furnace. Molten metal from the
furnace would be poured into moulds and then cooled. Ingot moulds would be transformed in three
sizes i.e., hogs, billets and pigs.
The plant shall use the most advanced pyro- metallurgical process for metal refining; producing
metal with a minimum purity level of 99% from the furnaces tapped crude metal. Emissions shall be
controlled by a flexible kettle hood with series of pollution control equipments with having a wet
scrubber attached to an Induced Draft Fan along with a chimney/stack arrangement.
After a detailed deliberation, the Members of SEAC suggested the following specific conditions
along with other environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental conditions.
1. The gaseous emissions from various processes of the unit shall conform to the load/mass
based standards prescribed by the Ministry of Environment & Forests and the State
Pollution Control Board. At no time, the emission level should go beyond the prescribed
2. The furnace should be provided with dedicated air pollution control systems, comprising
settling chamber, cyclone separator, heat exchanger, bag filter, alkaline scrubbers, I.D. Fan
and appropriate stack height. Stack emissions shall be monitored at regular intervals and
records shall be maintained.
3. Regular ambient air quality monitoring shall be carried out in and around the plant. The
ambient air quality standards as per GSR 826 (E) dated 16th Nov, 2009 should be achieved.
4. Lead bearing waste should be procured (as raw material) and processed after obtaining
registration from CPCB. During the purchase of lead bearing scrap as raw material a
passbook should be endorsed for every procurement. Use of imported material is not
permitted without prior clearance.
5. Covered storage yards should be provided for raw materials, products, and solid waste.
Closed loading and unloading of raw materials and products should be properly practiced.
6. Bag filter dust shall be recycled. Lead slag shall be stored in a concreted storage yard lined
by HDPE within premises.
7. Ground water shall not be abstracted without prior permission of the Competent Authority.
8. Process effluent discharge is not permitted. Domestic effluent shall be discharged through
septic tank to soak pit.
9. Adequate dust collection and suppression system should be provided to arrest fugitive
emission. Suction head/negative pressure should be provided.
10. The proponent should abide by the Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and
Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008.
11. Green belt should be developed in and around the plant premises in consultation with DFO,
Muzaffarpur. At least 30 % of the land should be covered by plantation.
12. Ambient noise levels should conform to the standards prescribed under EPA Rules, 1989.
1. SEIAA reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, if found
necessary and to take action including revoking of EC under the provisions of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 to ensure effective implementation of the suggested safeguard
measures in a time-bound and satisfactory manner.
2. The Project Proponent should inform the public that the project has been accorded
environmental clearance by SEIAA & the copies of clearance letters are available with the
State Pollution Control Board and may also be seen on SEIAA website (
This should be advertised within 7 days from this date of issue of the clearance letter, at
least 2 local papers for wide circulation.
3. The Proponent should inform the State Pollution Control Board and SEIAA, the date of
commencement of the project/project implementation.
4. Prior consent to establish (NOC) for the proposed project must be obtained by the project
proponent from Bihar State Pollution Control Board before the commencement of
construction. All other statutory clearances should be obtained by the project proponent
from the Competent Authorities.
5. The Environmental clearance accorded shall be valid for 5 years for the proposed project.
6. The above stipulations would be enforced along with those under Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, EP Act, 1986, the Hazardous waste (Management, Handling
& Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008, the Public Liability, Insurance Act, 1991, and
Environment Impact Notification and their amendments.