
Tim’s most popular programs.
These programs can be the foundation for a; keynote presentation, half or full day seminar or the
basis for a longer term employee development program.
 The Mind and why it Does or Doesn’t – cause people to learn, change, adapt or grow.
I have been studying the human mind for over thirty years and how and why its functions contributes to behavior, attitudes. continued
mistakes, bad decisions, poor retention and learning and resistance to change and growth and how mindsets sabotage or contribute to a
person’s success or failure, happiness and life outcomes. During this session Tim shares proven research and techniques to ensure that
people take control of their thoughts, beliefs and emotions and use them in in a constructive, positive and productive way that leads to
improved performance, positive motivation and increased retention and application.
Turning obstacles into opportunities.
We all face obstacles in life – in business, careers, relationships, financial and health. I believe that it is the obstacles we face and how we
handle or overcome them that define our lives and success and happiness. An obstacle for one person can be an opportunity for growth
for someone else. So, what’s the difference – is it the obstacle that defines us or is it the plan, discipline, courage and actions that we take
that makes the difference? In all obstacles there are opportunities hidden beneath the surface. During this session Tim discusses how to
see obstacles differently and to use them as growth tools and not roadblocks.
 The twelve keys to sustained success and happiness.
Everyone defines success and happiness differently. Everyone wants to achieve a higher level of success and happiness.
Even more importantly we all want to live with joy, inner peace and contentment. Does the drive for success sabotage or support this
journey toward happiness? During this session Tim shares the twelve key ingredients to achieving sustained success while adding to
your happiness and contentment.
 Staying relevant in a dynamic and changing world.
Many organizations today are at a crossroads – will they survive and even prosper or will they become a distant memory in next few
years? There is a single issue causing this current situation in thousands of organizations nationwide and it is simply – relevance. Is
your organization giving your customers/members what they want and need to grow their businesses or can they find the services you
offer somewhere else for less time and commitment and even free? The world is changing faster than at any time in history and if any
organization is to survive it must stay ahead of the curve and remain relevant. Staying Relevant in a dynamic and changing world
focuses on four simple principles – imagination, creativity, courage and a throw away the box mindset.
 Nine things you must do in life for success, happiness and inner peace.
This program focuses on 9 vital skills and attitudes to achieve enduring success. Topics like; pull the tooth, act like a bird, hate
the right things, choose to be happy or not, your thoughts create your circumstances, the past is dead. This program is a must for
any group.
 Blah, Blah, Blah - Don’t Tell me – SHOW ME – creating employee accountability.
This program is about creating integrity and congruence between people’s words and actions. The single biggest challenge in every
organization is avoiding mis-communication, assumptions and mis-understanding that contribute to redundancy, poor morale and a
lack of individual accountability.
 Sales strategies and techniques for improving results and customer loyalty.
This program teaches the importance of learning to come from a customer perspective rather than an organization one. It focuses on
a variety of both proven and contemporary techniques, strategies and approaches that contribute to increased sales, increased market
share, repeat business and customer loyalty.
 Decisions have consequences – positive or negative.
Every day we all make many decisions; personal, business, career and relationships. Bad decisions are usually followed by worse
decisions and the outcomes tend to create even more challenges. There are many aspects to effective decision making - during this
session Tim covers several including; avoiding decision clutter, crisis and confusion and embracing decision courage, clarity and
consistency. He gives you a sound and creative decision process that helps you make better and more appropriate decisions
regardless of the circumstances.
 Ten strategies to grow your business.
Each year thousands of businesses fail. And many of these failures could have been avoided. There are several common causes or
contributors to an unfavorable outcome of a business enterprise. Your industry, size, history and previous success do not matter if you
fail to integrate these ten strategies into your business model. During this session Tim discusses in depth the ten strategies and how to
make them a permanent part of your culture.
 How stress kills employee productivity.
Uncontrolled stress is the single biggest factor that contributes to poor decisions, inappropriate behavior, inconsistent and confusing
communication and poor productivity. Whether you are a business owner, executive or employee - if the stressors in your life are not
positively managed you will sooner or later experience the negative consequences of this behavior. During this session Tim discusses the
major stressors that influence employee’s behavior and how to reduce them, manage them or eliminate them.
 Corporate Disconnect (CD) is a Potential Killer.
Every organization has Corporate Disconnect lurking somewhere in the shadows of their organization and
every day that it’s allowed to continue or grow, it’s costing you sales, profits and consistent effective
performance that leads to healthy and stable growth. Corporate Disconnect is; When the realities that
exist at the lower levels of an organization and in the market place do not accurately, and congruently
find their way to the highest levels of the organization – where direction is set, goalsare established, vision
is created and major decisions are made.
 Management 101.
You would be amazed at how many managers lack the fundamental management and people skills to create an
effective department that is focused on creativity, growth and effectiveness. I am talking here about the basis – motivating,
coaching, training, recruiting and training skills. Most managers and supervisors today wing it from situation to situation hoping
all will be well. This is not an effective way to profitably grow your business. During this session I discuss the fundamentals
including but not limited to; communication, motivation, feedback, leadership and effective time management and planning.
 Managing change in a dynamic world.
No one likes change as it represents uncertainty and often chaos. There are only two ways to handle change – either with receptivity
and confidence or fear and denial. During this session Tim discusses how to view change as a positive element in your life, career or
To hire Tim for any of these programs or other
topics please contact:
tim@timconnor.com - 704-895-1230