Middle Ages Introduction

Name: ____________________
Date: _________________
Middle Ages Introduction
The Middle Ages lasted approximately 900 years. It began around 500 AD and lasted
until 1400 AD. Historians disagree on the exact year the Middle Ages began. Some
say that it started when the barbarian Odoacer overthrew Emperor Romulus
Augustulus in the year 476 AD. Others feel the Middle Ages began in 410 AD when
Alaric sacked Rome. Still others say it was later. Likewise historians disagree with
when the Middle Ages ended. Some say it ended with the fall of Constantinople in
1453. Others say with the discovery of America in 1492. Still others say the Middle
Ages ended with the beginning of the Reformation in 1517.
Time Periods of the Middle Ages
Early Middle Ages
The years 500 to 1000 AD are known as the tough times or the Dark Ages. During
this time Vikings were invading much of Europe. Tribal disputes were causing
constant war. Pagan worshipping was common place. Only the monks in the
monasteries kept learning alive. During the Early Middle Ages Charlemagne also
conquered most of France.
High Middle Ages
The High Middle Ages lasted from 1000 to 1300 AD. During this time society,
nobility, and the church grew stronger. The feudal system became organized. William
the Conqueror became the King of England. The Magna Carta was signed by King
John in 1215 limiting the king's power for the first time.
Late Middle Ages
The Late Middle Ages lasted from 1300 to 1400 AD. This was time of tragedy and
hope. The 100 Years' War between England and France and the plague known as the
Black Death took many lives. The church was fighting. Hope began when the working
people began to rise. New ideas grew. Overseas exploration lead to a modern time.
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________
Middle Ages Vocabulary
An unpaid person training in a craft or trade
A covering of iron worn by knights for
protection in battle
Catholic Church
A place where the Lords and Knights lived. Usually
built on top of a hillside as a way to provide
protection. Built with stone that contained high
walls. Kings and Queens as well.
Religion was so important during medieval
times that the period was known as the "Age of
Faith" – Followed the teachings of Jesus
Honor Code Knights would follow (Politeness,
Respect for Women, Bravery) and still today
Expeditions sent by the pope to capture the
Holy Land from the Muslim Turks; the empire
of the Turks included Palestine, where Christ
was born; several Crusades between 1096 and
1272 failed to win the Holy Land, but
succeeded in stimulating trade between
Europe and the East
The Early Middle Ages (Time of Fear and Confusion)
Dark Ages
-Started with the fall of the Roman Empire (No
central government or standing military)
-Economic Struggle
Large area of land where people would live
Economic and Political System where Serfs,
Peasants, Knights and Vassals pledged loyalty to the
land given by a lord to a vassal in return for
military and other services
Holy Lands
Hundred Years’ War
The symbols and colors a knight chose to
distinguish himself from all others
Jerusalem and parts of the surrounding area
where Jesus lived
A series of conflicts between England and
France, 1337 - 1453
Clowns who appeared before a lord and tried to
make him laugh with antics, tricks and jokes
A contest between knights on horseback;
armed with lances, the knights charged at each
other in an attempt to knock their opponent
off his horse
Monarch (Someone who rules over a country) The
power of Kings decreased during the Middle Ages
A man of honor who held a high military rank;
only men who were trained in warfare and who
showed good personal qualities were chosen by
lords to be knights; the code of chiv alry had to
followed at all times
A well-to-do noble who owned an estate; a lord
usually lived in a castle, gave land to vassals in
return for military serve, and used serfs to
farm his land
A large piece of land owned by the Lord
Middle Ages/
Medieval Period
Marked the growth of feudalism and the Growth of
the Roman Catholic Church (Around 500-1400 AD)
A deep, wide, water-filled ditch that surrounds a
castle and helped protect it from attack; people
coming and going from the castle used a drawbridge
to cross the moat
People of the Upper Class (Lords and Nobles)
Poor people who worked on manors; also called
The head of the Roman Catholic Church
Poor people who worked for lords during the
Middle Ages; they worked long hours, were
poorly fed and clothed, and were not allowed to
leave the manor
a noble who was given land by the lord in
return for military assistance and other
service to the lord (Manager/Overseer)
*Pick 3 words from the entire vocabulary list and draw a picture to represent the word’s meaning