From DNA to Silly Putty, the diverse world of polymers

Name _____________________________________ Period ____
From DNA to Silly Putty, the diverse world of polymers - Jan Mattingly
1. Polymers are formed by chemical reactions in which a large number of molecules
called _______________ are joined to form a chain.
a. Proteins
b. Monomers
c. Atoms
d. Polypons
2. When small organic molecules are joined together, giant molecules are produced.
Giant molecules are known as _____________________.
a. Megatron Molecules
b. Carbons
c. Polyols
d. Macromolecules
3. There are four basic kinds of biological macromolecules. They are carbohydrates,
lipids, ____________ and nucleic acids.
a. Glucose
b. Amino acids
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins
4. Leo Baekeland invented ___________________ which was one of the earliest
synthetic polymers.
a. Bakelite
b. Plastic
c. Nylon
d. Silly Putty
5. The super-absorbent polymer that can absorb over 200 times its weight in water
and is used as a filler for disposable diapers is called _______________________.
a. Calcium carbonate
b. Sodium polypeebgone
c. Sodium polyacrylate
d. Potassium Iodide
6. Clearly, synthetic polymers make our life easier, but their use has caused
environmental problems. What ways can we reduce pollution problems caused by
the overuse of synthetic polymers?
7. Why do different polymers have different properties?
8. Slime, gak and oobleck are a few slimey favorites. Do you remember the first time
you played with slime? Can you explain the difference between a Newtonian Fluid
versus a Non Newtonian Fluid?