Introduction to Atoms

Polymers and Composites
Section 1 Study Guide
_Section 1 Study Guide___
1. ________________________ - two or more substances combined as a new material with different
2. ________________________ - a large, complex molecule built from smaller molecules joined together
in a repeating pattern
3. ________________________ - small molecules that join to form larger molecules
4. ________________________ - a synthetic polymer that can be molded or shaped
5. ________________________ - a synthetic composite made of glass fibers and liquid plastic
6. The structures of most polymers are built from compounds of the element _____________________.
7. List two polymers made by plants __________________________ and __________________________.
8. In your body, proteins are polymers assembled from monomers called ___________________________.
9. The starting materials for most synthetic polymers come from _______________ or _______________.
10. What are plastics? _____________________________________________________________________
11. Why are synthetic polymers often used in place of some natural materials? ________________________
12. What are two advantages of using plastics? _________________________________________________
13. What are two disadvantages of using plastics? _______________________________________________
14. What is one solution to solve the problems of plastics? ________________________________________
15. _______ straight carbon
16. _______ branched carbon chain
17. _______ carbon ring