What: HHS Sports Boosters will sponsor a banquet to honor all students in the spring sports program Carrabba’s of Reston will cater a Tuscan dinner: Chicken Marsala, Penne Pasta with a red sauce, Garden salad, roll, dessert and beverage Who: Spring sports athletes/managers & their families, Coaches, Trainers & Administration When: Tuesday, May 29, 6:30 PM Girls’ & Boys’ Lacrosse & Soccer Wednesday, May 30, 6:30 PM Baseball, Softball, Girls’ & Boys’ Tennis & Track Where: HHS Cafeteria - Individual team awards will be held immediately following the dinner Cost: Anyone who plans to eat a Carrabba’s dinner must purchase a ticket $6 - Advance Dinner Ticket purchased before May 11th $10 - Ticket purchased at the door on May 29th or May 30th A limited number of tickets are available. Advance tickets are sold through a Team Representative listed below. DO NOT LOSE YOUR TICKET. A ticket must be presented to receive your dinner. Athletes & families are not required to purchase a dinner ticket to attend the event in the cafeteria. Contact your Team Representative or Mary Mann at Artsiemomma@msn.com if you have questions. TEAM TEAM REPRESENTATIVE EMAIL ADDRESS Girls Varsity Lacrosse Vicky Huchette Huchette@erols.com Girls JV Lacrosse Maureen Griffin Maureen.griffin@fcps.edu Boys Varsity Lacrosse Jennifer Wilson jn.wilson06@gmail.com Boys JV Lacrosse Jenny Phipps Jphippscid@yahoo.com Girls Varsity Soccer Carol Powers-Coyer Ctpowers@aol.com Girls JV Soccer Sandy Stippey s.Stippey@yahoo.com Boys Varsity & JV Soccer Sharon Boelcskevy Sharonboe@aol.com Varsity & JV Baseball Mrs. Sablosky Tlsablosky7@gmail.com Varsity Softball Karen Dugan Dugan5@comcast.net JV Softball Nancy Spiewak Speez1029@aol.com Boys Tennis Janis Hampton J55rainbow@aol.com Girls Tennis Karen Seidel mike63buck@cox.net Track & Field Shelly Schow Michelle_Swick@msn.com