Cloud Adoption Assessment November 2011 Cloud Adoption Assessment Table of Contents Table of Contents i 1 Introduction 1 2 Objectives 2 3 Scope 2 4 Cloud Assessment Diagnostic Approach 3 5 Engagement Outline and Work Stream Activity 4 6 Deliverable 5 7 Resource Estimate and Pricing 5 7.1 Resource Estimate 5 8 Assumptions 5 9 Project Management Approach 6 9.1 Management Approach Overview 6 9.2 Agreed Scope 6 9.3 Process to Monitor Progress 7 9.4 Project Change Control Procedure 7 9.5 Acceptance of the Cloud Adoption Assessment Approach 7 Disclaimer 9 This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE i Cloud Adoption Assessment 1 Introduction Cloud Computing is a new and evolving model of how organisations buy and consume IT that can bring game changing opportunities. It involves enabling the assembly of a complete set of business/IT capabilities that can be accessed on demand, are available around the clock, and can be scaled up or down as needed - in real time. It is very different from the capital-intensive information technology industry that we have become accustomed to and offers many potential benefits: Alignment of costs with use – dynamically Preservation of capital and improving cash flow by moving CAPEX to OPEX Moving much of the risk of IT implementation to vendors Cutting the total cost of ownership (TCO) Encouraging innovation Getting to market more rapidly Inspiring people to collaborate in different ways The CSC Cloud Adoption Assessment provides businesses with the information to reach the right decisions to make the shift to Cloud Computing successfully. It is an initial consulting offering that identifies the near-term opportunities for leveraging Cloud Computing models, as well as assessing the maturity of their IT and business capabilities in the context of enabling Cloud adoption. At the end of the three-week adoption assessment, the client will receive a tailored Cloud adoption roadmap for the target processes and a high-level benefits assessment. The Assessment focuses on the business strategy, processes and enabling capabilities to inform the opportunities for driving benefit for the organisation using Cloud models – both immediately and in the longer term. It will help the organisation understand the maturity of its Cloud enablers. These are those capabilities that, if immature, will be a barrier to rapid and effective Cloud adoption. The client will be able to accelerate the adoption of Cloud models if it has a mature capability in a number of disciplines: Finance, IT Investment & Procurement Processes SOA Maturity IT Strategy & Enterprise Architecture Capability Service Management Maturity Application & Infrastructure Strategy Maturity Fraud, Security and Compliance Maturity As Cloud Computing is maturing, the assessment considers the reality of Cloud Computing, looking at current and likely future solutions and combining these in a practical roadmap for adoption. The three week assessment is designed to educate, inform and enable an organisation to understand how to get started and exploit Cloud Computing models and technologies. This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 1 Cloud Adoption Assessment 2 Objectives The objectives of the Cloud Adoption Assessment are to: Identify high value business opportunities and the organisational appetite for taking advantage of a Cloud Computing model – both near term and further ahead as the Cloud matures Identify business processes that would be most suitable for a Cloud model Assess the maturity of the business and identify IT enablers that are pre-requisites for accelerating Cloud adoption Help the organisation understand what the cloud-related jargon means Identify how to align cloud computing and business strategies with a high level roadmap for Cloud Adoption. 3 Scope The engagement in this proposal will be the primary location of headquarters of the business only. Follow up assessments regarding the applicability of Cloud solutions for additional countries or regions within the client could be completed once this assessment has established a baseline of knowledge. The assessment being proposed here involves interviews with the senior management team, its corporate IS/IT organisation, assessing the common high level processes and around 250 level 3 processes. This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 2 Cloud Adoption Assessment 4 Cloud Assessment Diagnostic Approach The Cloud Assessment has been designed as a high level assessment for organisations to understand, plan and prepare for Cloud Adoption. Critical to the successful outcome is the quality of the team involved. A brief description of the IS resources required is included below, and it is assumed that the assessment is carried out by a joint CSC and client team. One of the objectives of the assessment is to improve the understanding of Cloud Computing and its implications. Therefore most of the sessions deliberately include an educational/training element. The Cloud Adoption assessment will be undertaken in 3 phases: Scan, Review & Assess and Plan for Change. Figure 1; Overview of Cloud Adoption Assessment SCAN – The Scan phase focuses on confirming the scope; gathering and reviewing the business and IT strategy, understanding the organisation’s appetite for change and agreeing the high-level vision and benefits case for exploiting Cloud Computing. REVIEW & ASSESS – The Review Sub-Phase focuses on identifying opportunities where the use of Cloud Computing models would provide business benefit. This includes a Process Centric analysis to assess the suitability of current processes for Cloud adoption. In parallel, the Assess sub-phase reviews the organisational capability across a number of Cloud Enablers. Cloud enablers include both business and IT capabilities for which the maturity in the organisation may inhibit a rapid adoption of Cloud models. PLAN FOR CHANGE – The third and final phase focuses on developing an overall scorecard for opportunities and Cloud enablers. Using this information in combination with the business strategy and process capability, the team will develop recommendations and a roadmap for Cloud adoption. Typically a number of changes are required to increase the organisation’s ability to take advantage of Cloud Computing. These will be identified and form the dependencies for implementing the roadmap. This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 3 Cloud Adoption Assessment 5 Engagement Outline and Work Stream Activity The engagement will run over 3 weeks with some preparatory work arranging interviews and logistics to ensure the 3 weeks of the engagement are used effectively. Within the three phases, the activities of the team will be broken into 2 work streams: 1. Opportunity Identification: a review of business and IT strategy, including senior interviews, using our Process Centric Assessment process, will be used to identify candidate opportunities for Cloud. A number of scoring dimensions will then be used to refine the list of candidates to a final list of opportunities to be included on the Adoption Roadmap. The scoring criteria will encompass measures including the value to the business and the risk incurred by the business. 2. Cloud Enabler Assessment: This will review a number of key Cloud enablers, both business and IT, to understand maturity and thereby identify areas for improvement activity that will help the organisation. These will be included on the roadmap. The final week will see the finalisation of the scorecards and the deliverable report. Figure 2; Overview of Engagement Structure The engagement will include a number of workshops/meetings in addition to interviews with senior managers: Workshop/Meeting 1 – Kickoff and Review. Workshop/Meeting 2 – Process Centric Assessment Workshop/Meeting 3 – Review of Initial Outputs Workshop/Meeting 4 – Final Report Review presentation This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4 Cloud Adoption Assessment 6 Deliverable The Cloud Adoption Assessment will produce a single final report which will contain: An Executive Summary – scope, strategic imperatives and summary of findings and recommendations. Business and process opportunity assessment - analysis and results Enabler assessment – scorecards – analysis and results. A set of prioritised recommendations based on a combination of current capability, strategy, business benefit, adoption readiness and available ‘cloud’ opportunities. A Roadmap mapping immediate and potential future recommendations. 7 Resource Estimate and Pricing 7.1 RESOURCE ESTIMATE Resource Type No of Resources CSC Resources: CAA Lead Business & IT Strategist/Enterprise Architect Subject Matter Experts to cover enabler scoring & assessment e.g. finance, security, procurement CAA Support – research, administration, collation Client Resource Requirements: Full time Full time 1 FTE Full time CAA Lead – individual that is well known within organisation and can access experts effectively Full time Process expert – individual that can review and help prioritise processes Full time for first week, 2 days per week thereafter Subject Matter Experts to cover enabler scoring & assessment e.g. finance, security, procurement Executive team Available for briefing and to collate scorecards (approx 1.5 days during first 2 weeks) 1 hour pre-brief and 1.5 hours feedback and interviews Provide input and guidance Sponsor – 1 hour meeting each week 8 Assumptions The following assumptions have been made in this proposal: This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5 Cloud Adoption Assessment This engagement will be time-boxed to complete within 3 working weeks of the review start date and deliver a single executive level report as set out in this proposal; Identified client stakeholders will make themselves available for interviews and workshops such that the planned schedule of this engagement is not unduly impacted. CSC will provide requests for access to individuals with at least 48 hours notice; The client will provide logistic and administrative support to the CSC team, in particular in relation to organising meetings and meeting rooms and in co-ordinating deliverable reviews; Interviews with senior managers and other key individuals will be arranged prior to the start of the engagement to ensure the most effective use of their time and ensure time for the analysis to complete; The CSC team will work on-site at an agreed client location; Access to relevant information requested by the team will be provided in a timely fashion. A list of the information required will be submitted to the client’s CAA Lead prior to the start of the engagement; In order to meet planned timescales the engagement deliverable will be subject to a maximum of two review cycles of no longer than 48 hours each; In the event that these assumptions prove incorrect and/or the client cannot commit to meeting them CSC may need to extend the duration of this engagement, which may have budgetary implications. 9 Project Management Approach 9.1 MANAGEMENT APPROACH OVERVIEW CSC and the client are jointly responsible for project management and providing the necessary resources to the project. Our joint management objectives are focused on tightly monitoring, controlling, and balancing the project’s three key constraints: Scope (or Product), Budget, and Schedule. To be effective in achieving this primary management objective, we must establish: An endorsed scope for the Assessment; A simple governance process to monitor progress; A clear means of communication; An open approach for dealing with issues; An objective project change control procedure; A process to recognise and manage risks; An approach for accepting project deliverables; An agreed definition of what constitutes project completion. 9.2 AGREED SCOPE The scope for this project is described in Section 3 Scope. This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 6 Cloud Adoption Assessment 9.3 PROCESS TO MONITOR PROGRESS Progress will be monitored through weekly meetings with the sponsor and will be focused on agreeing, verifying and approving the Cloud Adoption Assessment Report as it builds over the three weeks, and resolving any issues identified by the project team. Due to the short duration of the engagement, there will be regular daily checkpoints for the joint team to review progress and resolve issues. 9.4 PROJECT CHANGE CONTROL PROCEDURE It is imperative that potential changes are identified early, documented carefully, and resolved at the appropriate levels of responsibility. Changes are broadly defined as work activities or work products not originally planned for as defined by this Project Definition. More specifically, changes will include: Any items not listed in this proposal in Section 3 Scope. Participation in activities not previously included in this proposal’s list of work activities in Section 5 Engagement Outline and Work Stream Activity. Any scope items not listed in this proposal in Section 3 Scope. Participation in activities not previously included in this proposal’s list of work activities in Section 5 Engagement Outline and Work Stream Activity. Provision or development of deliverables not included in this proposal in Section 0 This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7 Cloud Adoption Assessment Deliverable A change in responsibilities, as defined in this proposal between CSC and the client, including reallocation of project staff. Any rework of completed activities or accepted deliverables. Investigative work to determine the impact of major changes. Impact caused by a change in the assumptions defined in this proposal. Impact of any risk items defined in this proposal. Delays or rework caused by items identified in this proposal as the client responsibilities or activities. Delays created by the client’s requests to change the schedule proposed or caused by customer’s inability to meet its commitments. Delays caused by a change in previously agreed acceptance criteria. Changes will be recorded and presented to the sponsor with their implications specified. CSC will need prior authorisation and approval of expenditure from the cleint before starting work on changes. 9.5 ACCEPTANCE OF THE CLOUD ADOPTION ASSESSMENT APPROACH There is one deliverable for this engagement – the Cloud Adoption Assessment Report, the content of which is described in Section 6 Deliverable. It will be submitted formally for final review and client approval with a presentation. The key components of the acceptance process are: One person will be identified as the designated person accepting the deliverable; The deliverable will include an acceptance form for signature; The acceptance criteria will be agreed at the beginning of the three weeks as part of the scope confirmation. The final report will be presented to the client during the third week and the cleint will have 2 business days to review and approve. After this period the report will be considered accepted. Feedback supplied after the review period will be treated as a change of scope. This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8 Cloud Adoption Assessment Disclaimer This document has been prepared by CSC Computer Sciences Corporation Limited (“CSC”). The contents of this document and any ancillary materials provided by CSC are commercially sensitive and confidential, and, unless agreed in writing by CSC, may not be or copied or communicated in whole or in part to any other party except for the sole purpose of evaluation by the client. CSC has prepared this document in good faith based on information made available to it by the client and CSC reserves the right to make amendments and correct any errors that are identified. This document is provided subject to agreement on a mutually acceptable written contract. Except as agreed in such a contract, nothing in this document or in any related discussions or correspondence should be construed as an offer or representation that should be relied upon. This notice and the following legend apply to this document and must be reproduced on any copies: Copyright © 2011 CSC Computer Sciences Corporation Limited All rights reserved. Any request for further information concerning this document should be addressed to: Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1PZ CSC Computer Sciences Limited is registered in England under number 963578, registered office Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1PZ This document is subject to the conditions in the Disclaimer © CSC Computer Sciences Limited. All Rights Reserved. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 9