9 Jan 2014_PPG_Minutes - Mickleover Medical Centre

Minutes of the meeting of the Mickleover PPG, held on
Thursday 9th January 2014 at 6.30pm
PRESENT: Chairman: Phil Coultas, John Spray, Sue Hartley, Keith Pratt, Wendy Potts, Judith
Williams, David and Patricia Rogers, Sarah Brundish (Practice Manager) and Mary Innes (Assistant
Practice Manager)
1. APOLOGIES: Ken Diggins, Julia Vincent, George and Lynda Wallbanks.
2. MINUTES of the meeting held on 12th November 2013 were agreed.
a High-backed chairs have now been purchased.
b Car park lighting has now been installed.
c Phil Coultas to raise the issue of the paved area and access to the entrance area with the
Neighbourhood Forum.
d Sarah confirmed that cutting back the hedge from the surgery garden overhanging into
Park Road was in hand.
e The receptionists had taken on board comments received from the suggestion box
concerning their attitude.
f Although the Practice complies with number of disabled parking spaces, Sarah confirmed
they will look into any possibility of providing additional spaces for the disabled.
g Understanding Practice Pressures - Sarah confirmed an open invite to PPG members to
observe events unfolding in the reception area.
4. PPG Webpages – It was agreed that the web pages of the PPG need updating. Phil Coultas
agreed to work with Sarah Brundish and Mary Innes to improve the appearance and keep
the information advertised on there up to date.
5. PPG Noticeboard – Members agreed that the PPG need to take responsibility for this and
David and Patricia Rogers volunteered to keep the information up to date.
6. Triage Questionnaire – It was noted that 110 replies to the questionnaire had been
received either from emails or patients completing forms while attending surgery. This was
still a poor response but better than last year's follow-on survey.
In analysing the results, members concurred that the triage system was working well and
this was substantiated by the general comments patients had also made when completing
the forms. In further discussion, members agreed that some of the questions may have
been misleading and that we need to be smarter next time when devising questions.
As for the next steps, Sarah will review the results with the staff, review them also with the
Management Team and carry out an awareness campaign to try and improve the Triage
System even further. Members of the PPG are invited to share our thoughts with the
Management Team on Tuesday 14th January at 11am.
7. Suggestion Box – there was nothing to report to the meeting.
8. Sharing Medical Records within the NHS Model – Sarah reported on future systems being
introduced to the Practice on a national basis that will share patient data. The default
option for two systems will be to automatically share patient data unless patients opt out.
Care.data – the entire patient record including personal details (except name) will be
transferred to the Health and Social Care Centre. It is hoped that from the data collected,
the Dept of Health will be able to improve or redesign health services across the country.
Patients will have to opt out of this scheme by signing a consent form designed by the
Business Team Minutes Tuesday 7 January 2014
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Summary Care Record – information on patient’s records will be shared with other Health
organisations such as the Ambulance Service and Accident and Emergency. Information
such as allergies, repeat medication etc will be extremely useful when patients are using
these services. Patients will have to opt out if they do not wish their records to be shared.
Enhanced data sharing model – patient records will be shared with organisations using the
same clinical systems such as the District Nursing Service. Patients will have to agree first
before information is shared with other organisations.
9. Future Meeting Topics –
Telephone Access – the practice are to employ 2 new apprentices to answer the telephone.
An extra extension is being fitted and the advert is out for two younger people to work at
the surgery.
Volume of work the practice is undertaking with two doctors currently off work.
The local Clinical Commissioning Group is holding a seminar to identify priority areas where
resources are required and also issuing posters to help educate patients to “help
Phlebotomy Services – Sarah reported that the Clinical Commissioning Group had
commissioned insufficient blood tests for the number of practices they were responsible
for. It was likely this would become a major pressure in the future and support from PPG’s
for the practices was essential if this service was to continue in practices.
10. Any other business –
Re-visiting the constitution and re-appointment of officers will need to be done at a future
11. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 25th February 2014 at 6.30pm
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