CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS-4 (Ages 5-8 years) This test measures receptive and expressive language development in the areas of: word meaning (semantics), word and sentence structure (morphology and syntax), as well as recall and retrieval of spoken language (memory). Subtests Concepts & Directions: The student points to pictured objects given a set of oral directions. Word Structure: The student completes sentence with correct grammatical form. Recalling Sentences: The student imitates sentences. Formulated Sentences: The student formulates a sentence given a word and picture. Word Classes-Receptive: The student chooses the two words that are related and describes the relationship. Word Classes-Total Sentence Structure: The student points to a picture that illustrates the given sentence. Expressive Vocabulary: The student identifies an object, person, or activity. Number Repetition Total: The student repeats numbers forward and backward. Familiar Sequences (1 & 2) The student names days of the week, counts backward, and orders other information while being timed. Total Core Language Score Receptive Language Quotient Expressive Language Quotient Language Content Language Structure Working Memory Scaled / Standard Score Percentile Rank