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CELF P-2 Language Test: Description & Subtests

The Preschool CELF P-2 is a Language Test used to identify language deficits in children ages 3-6. The
test has a set of subtests that are used to create index scores. For purposes of testing the Indexes of Core
Language, Receptive Language, and Expressive Language were obtained.
The Core Language Index is composed of Sentence Structure, Word Structure, and Expressive
Vocabulary subtests. The Receptive Language Index comprises Sentence Structure, Concepts &
Following Directions, and Word Classes-Receptive subtests. The Expressive Language Index contains
the Word Structure, Expressive Vocabulary, and Recalling Sentences subtests.
On each of the CELF P-2 subtests, a student receives a raw score, a scaled score, and a percentile rank. A
raw score is a measure of points earned on the test, and it has little meaning outside of the testing
measure. A scaled score or standard score converts a student's raw score into a consistent and
standardized score using same-age norms. On the CELF-5, scaled scores of 8 to 12 are considered in the
average range. A percentile rank is a comparison of a student's performances to their peers. For example,
if there are 100 peers, and they line up, a student who is in the 32nd percentile would be the 32nd person
in line. The highest performing peer would be the 100th person, and the lowest performing peer would be
the first person in line.
Sentence Structure - This section requires a student to listen to a sentence and pick the picture from a
group of 4 pictures that is best described by the sentence (i.e. I can eat this, It smells good, etc).
Word Structure - This section looks at grammar and how words are changed. It requires to a student
to finish the sentence based upon the examiners verbal prompt (i.e. Here is a boy, and here is a girl.
This boy is standing, and this girl is ____(sitting). This girl has two cats, and this boy has two___
(dogs), etc.)
Expressive Vocabulary - This section looks at basic vocabulary. It requires a student to look at a
picture and label the picture or the verb/action demonstrated in the picture.
Concepts and Following Directions - This section requires a student to listen to a variety of one step
to multiple step directions, and follow the directions in the order given. It increases in complexity of
length, word order, and basic concepts embedded.
Recalling Sentences - This section requires a student to repeat back to the examiner a sentence that
was presented verbally. The sentences increase in complexity and length.
Word Classes - This section requires a student to compare three to four words and determine which
ones go together.
CELF-V Index Scores
Index Scores
Core Language
Receptive Language
Expressive Language
Language Content
Standard Score
Sentence Structure,
Word Structure,
Sentence Structure,
Word Classes
Word Structure,
Recalling Sentences
Word Structure,
Vocabulary, Word
Language Structure
Sentence Structure,
Word Structure,
Recalling Sentences